well i would like to draw attention to a previous post regarding fallibility and science.
There is fallibility in the positive sense in which the theories put forward by science are declared potentially fallible and that fallibilty should be fervently looked for to the limit of breaking any scientific theory,
by science, and therefore
for scientific progress to occur.
However, there is now a potential fallibility within that very paradigm of progress for finding truth. It resides in the assumption that any new theory is testable to breaking point.
This is now taken
very seriously by the top scientists within physics. It has arisen in the new 'many worlds' theory. In this theory which gives potential eplanation to the creation of our universe at the big band, our universe is conceived as one of infinite other universes. However, each universe has a very particular set of fundamental constant values. eg the gravitational constant, the electric charge, planck's constant and so on. What this means is that there are very different universes 'out there'.
BUT it also turns out from the mathematics of this theory that even the minutest change in some of these constants yields very different universes. In particular the cosmological constant.
This constant was assumed to be zero for many years. Recently however, it has been possible to measure it and it turns out to be a microscopically small number. Zero to the 119th decimal place. ie it varies from zero minutely. BUT in addition to that, latest calculations show that if the CC were not zero at the 119th decimal place, life would not be possible in such a universe. Moreover there seems to be no reason why it couldn't be, and therefore it si postulated that in fact there are far more universes without life than with life. A life holding universe looks incredibly rare under this theory. And the many worlds theory puts forward predictions that other theories do not
at present.
However, there is a major problem with the many worlds theory, it postulates that for all but a very rare set of universes, any universe is moving away from the other universes at greater than the speed of light. ie the chances of two universes colliding is vanishingly small. The problem arises in that it would be impossible to test this many world theory without measuring the effects of two colliding universes, and in particular a collision with
ours. We can only do science in our universe. So ......... the theory predicts that there is a vanishingly small probabilty that the many worlds theory itself can be fully and crucially tested!
This means that any rival scientific theory that also predicts all measurable behaviour within this universe. but does not propose the existence of other universes, cannot also be tested in its proposal that this universe is unique. This is an intellectual catastrophe for science that is waiting to happen.
The anthropomorthic principle is such a rival theory. This means that the special design or not of this universe
very probably is not testable by science. ie we can only
choose to believe one or the other ........ and science cannot challenge either belief.