On The Contrast Between Appearance And Reality

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Reply Wed 10 Mar, 2010 06:01 pm
I dont want to put words in anyone's mouth so let me be clear that I am just trying to understand what it is that Albuquerqe is saying.

It seems to me that he is suggesting that reality is only relative to each individual experience.

There is a man standing in a room and he is looking in from one door and I am looking in from another direction. I can see the man front on and he sees only his back. This man is slight and shaped like a woman and has long hair.

From his point of view this is a woman standing in the room. From my poiunt of view I can see the beard the man is wearing and know the guy personally. I know he is a man.

I am not sure how Albuquerque supposes that his perception of this person makes it a woman just because he has a different point of view.

There also seems to be an element in his thinking where actually knowing a different point of view does not matter to his point of view, because what he knows is what makes it reality.

I'm sorry, but I guess I am missing something here that may be buried deeper into this thread.
Reply Wed 10 Mar, 2010 06:30 pm
ummmm ..... maybe the perception as a mistake is as real as a perception as not a mistake. To ask therefore which is more real is to ask of the meta object of real perception (which we don't need to know) instead of just recognising that the perception of a person as a male compared to someone who perceives them as a female, are both equally real. This should be enough? Asking of the reality of whether the person is male or female is impertinent Smile objective impertinence! Both are equally real if they occur.

How can they be anything but equally real? Falsehood is as real as truth. Authenticity is thus meaningless in terms of the reality of an experience ..... from whatever perspective.
Reply Wed 10 Mar, 2010 08:01 pm
Pathfinder;137825 wrote:


Exactly what truth have these philosophers gotten close to? I am not familiar with any that have discovered or proven the origin of creation or life. There are many suppositions and opinions, but no absolutes.

The structure of human thinking.....Hegelian Dialectic is a nice piece of human self-consciousness.

There are a few absolutes. Can you imagine the same dot as blue and red simultaneously? Can you visualize four-dimensional space? Can you calculate exactly the ration between the circumference and diameter of a perfect circle? How many real numbers can you fit between 0 and 1?

I don't pretend to answer the ultimate questions. I concern myself with philosophy as human-self-consciousness.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 07:57 am
pagan;138456 wrote:
ummmm ..... maybe the perception as a mistake is as real as a perception as not a mistake. To ask therefore which is more real is to ask of the meta object of real perception (which we don't need to know) instead of just recognising that the perception of a person as a male compared to someone who perceives them as a female, are both equally real. This should be enough? Asking of the reality of whether the person is male or female is impertinent Smile objective impertinence! Both are equally real if they occur.

How can they be anything but equally real? Falsehood is as real as truth. Authenticity is thus meaningless in terms of the reality of an experience ..... from whatever perspective.

---------- Post added 03-11-2010 at 09:22 AM ----------

Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 10:23 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
so is justice an objective reality? Or is it an endless theoretical discourse?

silence then, in the face of injustice.

..... very zen. all is impermanence.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 01:21 pm
pagan;138621 wrote:
so is justice an objective reality? Or is it an endless theoretical discourse?

silence then, in the face of injustice.

..... very zen. all is impermanence.

---------- Post added 03-11-2010 at 02:22 PM ----------

Injustice its the measure of Time and Justice its very end...
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2010 07:17 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
whats wrong with the need for something in the first place? After all, is that not the basis of all spirituality?
Reply Fri 12 Mar, 2010 12:43 am
According to Ortega's philosophy, a person, the "subject," experiences various types of phenomena and these phenomena are the "objects" of the experience. In the case of visual phenomena, the person experiencing them is the "subject" and the visual phenomena they experiece are the "objects." At that moment, the visual phenomena are part of their reality.

Now while experiencing the visual phenomena, the person may have thoughts about the visual phenomena, and these thoughts are also, at that moment, a part of the person's reality. The thoughts are also "objects" that "appear" or occur to the person, or "subject."

Regarding "objectivity," again the sciences have brainwashed people into thinking that only science can determine what "reality" is. But science starts with "hypotheses," which are really only the thoughts of a scientist, and which are then tested against the phenomena that people experience to see if there is any correspondence between the thoughts and the phenomena.

To use pathfinder's example, as a person, I may experience a visual phenomenon that triggers a hypothesis that I am looking at the back of a woman, and I may even believe at that moment that my hypothesis is correct. But as a scientist I would want to collect more "data", that is have additional visual experiences to confirm or reject my hypothesis.

By the way, I've had several experiences of mistaking the gender of a person myself based on the visual phenomena of the type pathfinder describes, so I know that the hypotheses that occur to me are not always correct. However, both the visual phenomena and the hypotheses that occurred to me were part of my reality at the moment.

Fil Albuquerque
Reply Fri 12 Mar, 2010 02:45 am
pagan;138789 wrote:
whats wrong with the need for something in the first place? After all, is that not the basis of all spirituality?

---------- Post added 03-12-2010 at 04:11 AM ----------

longknowledge;138877 wrote:
According to Ortega's philosophy, a person, the "subject," experiences various types of phenomena and these phenomena are the "objects" of the experience. In the case of visual phenomena, the person experiencing them is the "subject" and the visual phenomena they experiece are the "objects." At that moment, the visual phenomena are part of their reality.

Now while experiencing the visual phenomena, the person may have thoughts about the visual phenomena, and these thoughts are also, at that moment, a part of the person's reality. The thoughts are also "objects" that "appear" or occur to the person, or "subject."

Regarding "objectivity," again the sciences have brainwashed people into thinking that only science can determine what "reality" is. But science starts with "hypotheses," which are really only the thoughts of a scientist, and which are then tested against the phenomena that people experience to see if there is any correspondence between the thoughts and the phenomena.

To use pathfinder's example, as a person, I may experience a visual phenomenon that triggers a hypothesis that I am looking at the back of a woman, and I may even believe at that moment that my hypothesis is correct. But as a scientist I would want to collect more "data", that is have additional visual experiences to confirm or reject my hypothesis.

By the way, I've had several experiences of mistaking the gender of a person myself based on the visual phenomena of the type pathfinder describes, so I know that the hypotheses that occur to me are not always correct. However, both the visual phenomena and the hypotheses that occurred to me were part of my reality at the moment.


...That hypothesis that you thought through was correct given the data and perspective you had at the time...this perspective was allowed by the pan-object in the first place, given is Time\Space position in relation to the Whole, and specifically to yourself...it was but a function in the set of possible functions for the geometrical frame of any and all possible observations by other variables (things) or\and Subjects (Complex sub-System) in the Meta-System...

...an object reality (a function in the possible set of functions) multiplies as information of its condition travels in all directions through time and space, thus developing more perspective possibilities...its a pan-object...

...if a pan-object enters the mind of someone thus meeting a certain frame of need, its multi purpose information will be conditioned and restrained to the construction of a conceptual object who fits its owner frame of being and personnel circumstance of needing it in a given way...yet another possible appearance of the Meta-Object... Smile
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Fri 12 Mar, 2010 03:32 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
...True and False are objects of one pan-object in the Meta-object...:smartass::deep-thought::Cara_2:
Reply Fri 12 Mar, 2010 04:50 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil. Albuquerque;138899 wrote:
...True and False are objects of one pan-object in the Meta-object...:smartass::deep-thought::Cara_2:

I disagree,

True is what actually exists. False is what does not exist.

True is what actually happened. False is the distortion of that event.

The man is a male human no matter how many people mistaken see him as a woman. The truth is that he is a male whether or not you are mistaken about his gender. What you call 'your truth' and your perception may be what youi believe to be true, but you are still believing ga falsehood which in no way alters the gender of that man.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Fri 12 Mar, 2010 06:10 am
Pathfinder;138908 wrote:
I disagree,

True is what actually exists. False is what does not exist.

True is what actually happened. False is the distortion of that event.

The man is a male human no matter how many people mistaken see him as a woman. The truth is that he is a male whether or not you are mistaken about his gender. What you call 'your truth' and your perception may be what youi believe to be true, but you are still believing ga falsehood which in no way alters the gender of that man.
Reply Fri 12 Mar, 2010 06:06 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil. Albuquerque;138923 wrote:

guess this is outa my sphere of reality..
Reply Fri 12 Mar, 2010 06:34 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil. Albuquerque;138892 wrote:
...That hypothesis that you thought through was correct given the data and perspective you had at the time...this perspective was allowed by the pan-object in the first place, given is Time\Space position in relation to the Whole, and specifically to yourself...it was but a function in the set of possible functions for the geometrical frame of any and all possible observations by other variables (things) or\and Subjects (Complex sub-System) in the Meta-System...

...an object reality (a function in the possible set of functions) multiplies as information of its condition travels in all directions through time and space, thus developing more perspective possibilities...its a pan-object...

...if a pan-object enters the mind of someone thus meeting a certain frame of need, its multi purpose information will be conditioned and restrained to the construction of a conceptual object who fits its owner frame of being and personnel circumstance of needing it in a given way...yet another possible appearance of the Meta-Object... Smile

I have no idea what you are talking about or how it relates to my post or to the thread, so I'm out of here.

Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sat 13 Mar, 2010 03:59 am
longknowledge;139181 wrote:
I have no idea what you are talking about or how it relates to my post or to the thread, so I'm out of here.

Reply Sat 13 Mar, 2010 04:38 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil. Albuquerque;139255 wrote:

this kinda sounds like the old elephant and the three blind men.
it's really all about point of perception and the available knowledge we percieve with. or am i all wet?
Doubt doubt
Reply Sat 13 Mar, 2010 06:11 am
It is a scientific fact that everything you see through your eyes is at least in part an illusion. People think that humans evolved into the best form they could have but this is not the case.
Both of every humans eyes of a humans that can see have a blind spot where the optic nerve goes from the front of the eye back. Your brain takes what you can see and fills in the blind spot for you with its best guess of what is there. Humans can not tell where the blind spot is without doing a test that makes it appear so in no way can anyone say they have ever seen with their eyes anything that is not at least in part a fabrication of the mind. If you want to believe that the rest can not be manipulated by your brain as well go right ahead.

If you are rich or a biology wizard and would like to not have to rely on your brain creating some of what you see you could try to figure out how to have the eyes of a squid replace your eyes because they have eyes very similar to ours but with the optic nerve connecting in the back and no troublesome light scattering nerve cells or blood vessels in front of their photoreceptor.

I bet squid and octopus could answer some "serious" questions of Meta as they see more and more clearly than any human does.

Also id like to see an example of something to do with meta that can be done in compliance with the scientific method. also could your perception of the experiments to come to a scientific conclusion ever be more than a brains interpretation of a perception. if so lets hope the important part doesnt fall in a blind spot and get fabricated by a brain.

If someone hasn't said this already i would be disappointed.

---------- Post added 03-13-2010 at 07:14 AM ----------

Pathfinder;138908 wrote:
I disagree,

True is what actually exists. False is what does not exist.

True is what actually happened. False is the distortion of that event.

The man is a male human no matter how many people mistaken see him as a woman. The truth is that he is a male whether or not you are mistaken about his gender. What you call 'your truth' and your perception may be what youi believe to be true, but you are still believing ga falsehood which in no way alters the gender of that man.

whats truth look like and where is it? shape? location??

---------- Post added 03-13-2010 at 07:45 AM ----------

Pythagorean;130773 wrote:
I would add that we have an ability to reason which is not trapped within the contingent conceptions of everyday empirical circumstances, but precisely transcends them, and attempts to view the world as it is in itself, freed from our self-created, circumstantial contradictions.

Philosophy is a search for the true reality. We need a method that will enable us to advance to a point of view outside that of common sense and scientific inference. The picture that it provides must be self-consistent, and it must enable us to see the world in its completeness.

It will therefore lead us to a conception of the whole of things, the ultimate totalilty.

If you cannot view the world as a whole, then you cannot really know your own place in it and thus cannot prove that you really do see and conceive things as they truly are.

The search for an ultimate conception of reality would give us a view on the world as a whole, which would be a view from outside the first-person perspective, showing the structure of reality as it is in itself, from no particular point of view. If we cannot obtain this, then we remain locked within our own point of view, unable either to transcend or truly to understand its limits. In which case, how can we assert that the way we conceive the world is the way it really is?

I think people waste way to much time on this subject. It cant happen and will never happen. a persons perceptions will never see reality without changing one of their definitions. the subjective will never know what the objective is like in itself without changing the definitions. the subjective mind cannot view anything from no particular view point because only things with a view point can view anything. a view point helps alot when viewing lol. our view point is our eyes. our eyes see our brain interprets.

If you want to experience reality cut out your eyes, tongue and eardrums and then figure out a way to paralyze yourself so you feel absolutely nothing. this may be close but alot of good it will do the rest of us. to not have to do this you could take a dip in a sensory deprivation chamber. then guess what, reality is like an insane acid trip that seams like its real. like your walking through wanka world eating wanka shrooms but you are not no mater how real it feels. maybe if you stay long enough you can create fake people in your mind that say things you cant remember thinking them to say to cure the unfathomable boredom that drives you mad. this and my other post seams to me to be all that needs to be known about Meta. now if we could all get back to improving whatever you want to call this thing that seams real enough for me i would greatly appreciate it because you people have been trying to make a circular-square for thousands of years. this can be grasped if you just pick up a dictionary and understand the words you use every day. Start with the word communicate and see how pointless me saying anything at all becomes.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sat 13 Mar, 2010 07:18 am
@Doubt doubt,
Doubt doubt;139267 wrote:

the subjective mind cannot view anything from no particular view point because only things with a view point can view anything. a view point helps alot when viewing lol. our view point is our eyes. our eyes see our brain interprets.
Doubt doubt
Reply Sat 13 Mar, 2010 07:28 am
Pythagorean;131858 wrote:

Philosophers have never proved the non-existence of the thing-in-itself, they have only said that such a subject is not worth discussion. And that is a prejudice not a philosophical argument.


I dont think its so much not worth discussion as it is already answered. It comes down to definitions yet people still debate it. the day that the first human is born with a organ that can see the thing in itself we should ask him or her what its like. otherwise we can talk till we are blue in the face but we will only get as far as guessing what something that cant be seen would look like if it was seen.

I mean what type of answer would be satisfactory. how about an equation based abstract concepts. would that be able to describe the thing in itself. How about this. i saw the thing in itself. its nothing but darkness but everything you smell hear and touch is the same. our eyes just act like super duper night vision and make seeing possible at all. I dont think people grasp what kind of an answer could be satisfactory.

doesnt it seam that sense most people see similar things that its close to reality? I thought we new what color is since Newton. is color not reality? or do you need to see a chart that shows how many shades lighter things really are from what is perceived and why would you think that everyone would see the thing in itself the same? I cant wait for the discussion on what the thing in the thing in itself looks like once we have all see the thing in itself from our various perspectives. I mean i dont think we can say we know what anything looks like. green to you may not look like green to me. all we know is that we can both point to the green ball but that doesnt mean they look the same to us both. it just means we both had someone point to green and say thats green and that we remember what that looked like to us and can point to it now. What is green to you and what is forrest green or lite green? Its a circular subject with no hope for anything to come out of it but the satisfaction of curiosity.

I could go on for a few more hours but ill go to bed. I think i have mad a big enough fool of myself for one night. lol but im done with this topic in general. Im going to focus on something useful like transplanting squid eyes into a human so i can see whatever this not reality thing is without my brain fabricating a piece of everything i see. good luck.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sat 13 Mar, 2010 07:28 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
...a set of view points is proof enough for me of the pan-object...discourse and conciliation are about that fact...

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