longknowledge;139379 wrote:Science's so-called "objectivity" is based on the metaphysical assumption that there are "objects" that are part of a "physical reality" that is "external," to what is not always clear. This confusion is evident when you say first "outside the body" and then "outside the brain." However, both the body and the brain are considered by physicists to be part of so-called "physical reality" and therefore "external," again to what is not always clear.
In contrast, according to the phenomenological analysis performed by Ortega, "objects" are any phenomena that are "external" to the "subject," or the "I" that experiences them. But both the phenomena, the "objects," and the "I," the "subject," are "internal" to the "reality" that is "My Life." The term that Ortega uses for the aggregate of all the phenomena that the "I" experiences is "My Circumstance," indicating that these include all the phenomena experienced by "me." "My circumstance" includes all so-called "physical" phenomena, such as sensations, as well as so-called "mental" phenomena, such as ideas, dreams, etc.
Now so-called "cognitive" scientists posit that the sensations that we experience are caused by the posited "physical events" that exist in that "external" reality, that is also posited. However much evidence there is to justify this positing, it is still a positing. And since they distinguish between "physical" phenomena and "mental" phenomena, presumably "physical" phenomena exist "external" to the "mind."
As to "space," this concept is also a positing of the "location" of the "causes" of the "physical" phenomena that we experience, and we have seen that the meaning of this term has changed from the theories of Descartes and Newton to Einstein to those of the latest string theorists.
Ortega would say that the concept of "space," like all concepts, is a tool that human beings have used to explain the phenomena that occur to us, but that in the light of new data its usefulness may have become restricted.
Seems to me what Ortega is doing is defining EXIST. It is yet to be proven as to whether existence is a concept(invented in a mind via association or abstraction) or a discovered truth. this question can never be answered as all observations being subjective makes it by definition impossible to view/observe the objective concept/discovery. no observation no scientific conclusion, no scientific conclusion no scientific certainty. The impossibility of any chance of scientific certainty to ever know FOR CERTAIN leads to people debating it for thousands of years. The greatest minds spending huge fractions of there pondering time and an unanswerable question.
That said allow common sense to tell you that perception is close as hell to the objective and that the objective and existence where discovered by the first thing with a consciousness.
Here are some things that should be commonsense, that should be an indication of the probability(best you can hope for) of the existence of reality/the objective/ the thing in itself.
If there's no objective what need would the subjective have for making it appear to us that when a women gets pregnant the food that she eats intricately assembled into a baby human and at birth the baby can be reduced to consisting of nothing more than food her mother ate(Ha just realized the basic definition for a baby is the same as for poop. lol).seems a bit elaborate if it is only a fabrication to fool us.
Devils advocate: A sense of belonging is extremely important and maybe detrimental to the human psychology. If a subjective Void wanted to trick itself into believing it belonged or believing it was walking around in a objective world, the concepts needed to acknowledge that it wanted to do that tells me it may take an intricate fabrication to fool. The Void may have been objective once to know the concepts it employs to fool itself.
If a tree falls in the woods is it not probable that any person at that location in the woods would either see it or walk into an invisible tree/wall?
Why would the subjective invent a physical world for itself and then make it seem like it couldn't all the things it likes constantly full? as in why do i have to keep filling my cup when i could just want it full?
Is the subjective void singular or plural? As in is there one mass-less location-less subjective void making everyone simultaneously feel like they exist in a objective reality? or are their individual mass-less location-less subjective voids all making everyone believe they share the same objective reality needed to touch each other?
To me it seems self-evident that at least the objective exists and that by definition can never be confirmed. Doesn't it seem like the subjective is one step below objective? Isn't the scientific fact of evolution probably the reason humans evolved into creature that could perceive reality with the first consciousness discovering the objective and not inventing a concept? I have eyes that have a blind spot and have never seen anything that wast partially a fabrication on my mind. I can use them to perceive my surroundings in which i use to thrive. My ancestors got sick of being single celled and here i am but they where just as much on this physical planet as i am now and at that time the subjective did not exist.
This is all i need to know. I'm here it appears and when i appear to do stuff i appear to like doing i appear to enjoy what appears to be myself.
It appears that with the level of perception that my body allows me i can never be certain that the objective is not just a mass-less location-less subjective void fooling me into believing I'm commanding my physical body.
Now i can say with certainty that i am going to enjoy what may or may not be my objective surrounding because that's what whatever you want to call the thing doing the interpreting of my perceptions.