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Reply Sat 2 May, 2009 02:13 pm
EmperorNero wrote:
The earth was warming faster in 1715.

The earth has been cooling for the last 7 years.

Enough scientists are saying that, but that's "right wing propaganda".
It's not reported on.
The number of scientist saying one or the other doesn't really matter if only the one side is reported on.
You made a claim now back it up or ...Figures and scientists come on now it aint hard if your right..
Reply Sat 2 May, 2009 02:25 pm
xris;61030 wrote:
You made a claim now back it up or ...Figures and scientists come on now it aint hard if your right..

What claim?

I could google a bunch of stuff.
But you're just going to say that it's propaganda from the oil and coal industry.

---------- Post added at 10:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 PM ----------

The facts one side brings are ridiculed as being oil lobby propaganda.
Not accepting facts the other side brings is ridiculed because it goes against consensus.

What's the way out of that?
Reply Sun 3 May, 2009 03:23 am
EmperorNero wrote:
What claim?

I could google a bunch of stuff.
But you're just going to say that it's propaganda from the oil and coal industry.

---------- Post added at 10:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 PM ----------

The facts one side brings are ridiculed as being oil lobby propaganda.
Not accepting facts the other side brings is ridiculed because it goes against consensus.

What's the way out of that?
You know the question name these scientists who are saying there is no global warming caused by man??If you dont ill assume there is none.For Every one you name ill better it.Google it if you must.
Reply Sun 3 May, 2009 06:19 am
xris;61078 wrote:
You know the question name these scientists who are saying there is no global warming caused by man??If you dont ill assume there is none.For Every one you name ill better it.Google it if you must.

You better it? You mean that there's more scientists who agree with you than me? That's not how science works. Galilei, Pasteur and Einstein didn't need 51% of scientists on their side to be right. Nobody cares exactly how many agree. Science needs one person to be right, not a majority to agree.
I gave you my reasoning:
there isn't really a consensus.
-Most of this hype is created by green-groups, who just want more donations. And of course by companies that profit from the hype, like carbon credit companies.
-The western governments want to throttle consumption of oil in the western world.
-Most scientists are directly or indirectly dependent on government funding.
-Funding is directed to scientists that agree with the narrative.
-This does not happen directly, but though sub-groups that sign "climate-reaction agreements".
-Most importantly any result opposing the narrative will be buried and not reported on.
-Few scientists are directly told what to come up with. (Some are employed by Al Gore's companies.)
-A few scientists are lying, they deliver the results that fit the narrative.
-Most scientists are aware what will get them ahead, so they bend facts a little to not go too far against the narrative.

And that adds up to enough scientists to declare "consensus".

There you go, that's less of a conspiracy theory than the whole carbon goes there and does this, and this is warmer because of that.
Except that there is less carbon and it doesn't go there and there is no warmth.

That's my belief. If you or Didymos have anything to convince me except statistics, that I cant verify, a claim of consensus, that I can't verify, or rejecting all counter-arguments coal lobby propaganda, then go ahead!
Reply Sun 3 May, 2009 07:12 am
EmperorNero wrote:
You better it? You mean that there's more scientists who agree with you than me? That's not how science works. Galilei, Pasteur and Einstein didn't need 51% of scientists on their side to be right. Nobody cares exactly how many agree. Science needs one person to be right, not a majority to agree.
I gave you my reasoning:
there isn't really a consensus.
-Most of this hype is created by green-groups, who just want more donations. And of course by companies that profit from the hype, like carbon credit companies.
-The western governments want to throttle consumption of oil in the western world.
-Most scientists are directly or indirectly dependent on government funding.
-Funding is directed to scientists that agree with the narrative.
-This does not happen directly, but though sub-groups that sign "climate-reaction agreements".
-Most importantly any result opposing the narrative will be buried and not reported on.
-Few scientists are directly told what to come up with. (Some are employed by Al Gore's companies.)
-A few scientists are lying, they deliver the results that fit the narrative.
-Most scientists are aware what will get them ahead, so they bend facts a little to not go too far against the narrative.

And that adds up to enough scientists to declare "consensus".

There you go, that's less of a conspiracy theory than the whole carbon goes there and does this, and this is warmer because of that.
Except that there is less carbon and it doesn't go there and there is no warmth.

That's my belief. If you or Didymos have anything to convince me except statistics, that I cant verify, a claim of consensus, that I can't verify, or rejecting all counter-arguments coal lobby propaganda, then go ahead!
Waffle ,waffle, waffle and you know it...When it comes to it all your aspiring to is rhetoric waffle..Just give me the names of those scientists who support your views, it cant be that hard..
Reply Sun 3 May, 2009 08:06 am
xris;61090 wrote:
Waffle ,waffle, waffle and you know it...When it comes to it all your aspiring to is rhetoric waffle..Just give me the names of those scientists who support your views, it cant be that hard..


-> Global Warming Petition Project <-
Reply Sun 3 May, 2009 08:37 am
Skeptic: eSkeptic: Wednesday, November 12th, 2008 Dont be silly, this is old news and has been debunked on many occassions.Even this guy admits we have global warming, something you deny.
Reply Sun 3 May, 2009 08:48 am
I'm not convinced that "global warming" is even happening. Warming and cooling periods are to be expected, and the most recent three-decade warming trend has stopped a decade ago.

Even if it there is warming, I'm not convinced it is caused by human activity. Our own contribution, if any, is pretty small, and that the climate is a chaotic natural system over which we have little, if any, control.

Even if it is caused by human activity, I'm not convinced that it is a crisis. I'm convinced the environment has survived equally warm or warmer periods in the past, and that warming has brought blessings.

Even if it is a crisis, I'm not convinced the environment is so fragile that it cannot easily recover. The environment is a robust, stable system that can and does recover even from significant damage.

Even if it can't recover, I'm not convinced CO2 causes climate change. Gobal warming in fact causes higher CO2 concentrations.

Even if co2 causes it, I'm not convinced we're able to make significant changes to our carbon output. Europe's dismal failure on Kyoto has shown that even with the best intentions and government enforcement we can make only small, woefully insufficient adjustments at the margins.

Even if we can, I'm not convinced that it will have a significant effect on climate change. I'm convinced even a drastic reduction in our CO2 emissions won't halt whatever global warming is occurring.

Even if it has a significant effect, I'm not convinced we can afford it. Significant cuts in carbon output will come at too high a price, especially for the developing world, and be too much of a drag on prosperity growth, especially for the world's poor.

Even if we can, I'm not convinced that's the best way to invest scarce resources. There are dozens of more immediate problems we could prioritize, with lower costs, higher benefits, faster returns, and more certainty of success.

Even if it is, I'm not convinced that telling people what they "ought to do" has any place in a free world, or that government's place is to enforce these moral virtues by legislative force. That's fascism.

---------- Post added at 04:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:48 PM ----------

xris;61102 wrote:
Skeptic: eSkeptic: Wednesday, November 12th, 2008 Dont be silly, this is old news and has been debunked on many occassions.Even this guy admits we have global warming, something you deny.

How come I'm the "denier", I'm not the one believing wacky theories, backed by appeals to majority belief.
Reply Sun 3 May, 2009 09:39 am
You believe, you believe that does not mean a damned thing.The majority of scientists believe we have possible catastrophic global warming caused by human activity.Now we can do nothing or attempt to do something but that is no the debate.The debate for you is, there is no global warming.I think your kidding yourself if you believe against all the information thats out there that there is no global warming.
Reply Sun 3 May, 2009 09:42 am
xris;61111 wrote:
You believe, you believe that does not mean a damned thing.

Well what could possibly change your mind? Facts that don't support the narrative are "right-wing propaganda". Your consensus needs no explaining, but the opposing consensus is "long debunked". It's a bit like a religion, where every argument is countered with "God did it". Tell me what circumstances could possibly change your mind.

xris;61111 wrote:
The majority of scientists believe we have possible catastrophic global warming caused by human activity.

No they don't. Even if they did, what does it matter? There was a much stronger consensus that eugenics is the only way to save the human race.

The theory of eugenics postulated a crisis of the gene pool leading to the deterioration of the human race. The best human beings were not breeding as rapidly as the inferior ones - the foreigners, immigrants, Jews, degenerates, the unfit, and the "feeble minded." (...)

All in all, the research, legislation and molding of public opinion surrounding the theory went on for almost half a century. Those who opposed the theory were shouted down and called reactionary, blind to reality, or just plain ignorant. But in hindsight, what is surprising is that so few people objected.

Today, we know that this famous theory that gained so much support was actually pseudoscience. The crisis it claimed was nonexistent. And the actions taken in the name of theory were morally and criminally wrong. Ultimately, they led to the deaths of millions of people.

The theory was eugenics, and its history is so dreadful - and, to those who were caught up in it, so embarrassing - that it is now rarely discussed. But it is a story that should be well know to every citizen, so that its horrors are not repeated. | This Essay Breaks the Law

---------- Post added at 07:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:42 PM ---------- | The Smithsonian Associates - Fear and Complexity and Environmental Management in the 21st Century
Reply Sun 3 May, 2009 12:14 pm
Let me ask you this. If all those politicians are really so concerned with carbon dioxide. Why is the only solution they seem to pursue reducing burning of fossil fuel? They seem not at all interested in developing an alternative. Why don't those European governments, that are so concerned with the ice caps, start a giant program to get hydrogen fuel up and running? All I hear is: shut down the economy. Why? Because they don't care about the environment. That is all a excuse for laws and regulations. And I think it is highly unlikely that we just happen to be at a point in time where the crisis is really bad, but we can change it by giving away all our money. It makes us feel special, doesn't it. Well, wanting to feel special got us one generation of end-of-the-world predictions after the other.
Reply Sun 3 May, 2009 01:55 pm
EmperorNero wrote:
Let me ask you this. If all those politicians are really so concerned with carbon dioxide. Why is the only solution they seem to pursue reducing burning of fossil fuel? They seem not at all interested in developing an alternative. Why don't those European governments, that are so concerned with the ice caps, start a giant program to get hydrogen fuel up and running? All I hear is: shut down the economy. Why? Because they don't care about the environment. That is all a excuse for laws and regulations. And I think it is highly unlikely that we just happen to be at a point in time where the crisis is really bad, but we can change it by giving away all our money. It makes us feel special, doesn't it. Well, wanting to feel special got us one generation of end-of-the-world predictions after the other.
Your attempts at derailing the debate away from its original course is admiral in its endevour but i have instant recall...Remember, remember the claim you made.Settle that debate and we might continue on your paper chase.
Reply Sun 3 May, 2009 02:08 pm
xris;61157 wrote:
Your attempts at derailing the debate away from its original course is admiral in its endevour but i have instant recall...Remember, remember the claim you made.Settle that debate and we might continue on your paper chase.

No, sir. This debate is about global warming. It was from the first post. I am not derailing anything. And I have no idea what claim is, you are referring to. If it is that 'scientists are lying' thing, every time I explain it, you respond that I derail the debate.
Reply Sun 3 May, 2009 02:25 pm
EmperorNero wrote:
No, sir. This debate is about global warming. It was from the first post. I am not derailing anything. And I have no idea what claim is, you are referring to. If it is that 'scientists are lying' thing, every time I explain it, you respond that I derail the debate.
Your refusal to even accept global warming exists can not be changed by any debate we may have.If , i hope you have read all the evidence,by the evidence you cant believe the truth of it then my simple attempts will be fruitless.Even the most ardent deniers have concluded that the earth and sea temperatures have and are rising beyond any historic records.
Reply Sun 3 May, 2009 02:41 pm
xris;61164 wrote:
Your refusal to even accept global warming exists can not be changed by any debate we may have.If , i hope you have read all the evidence,by the evidence you cant believe the truth of it then my simple attempts will be fruitless.Even the most ardent deniers have concluded that the earth and sea temperatures have and are rising beyond any historic records.

Not even Al Gores scientists are denying that the earth has been cooling for the last years and that it has been warming faster before humans could have anything to do with it. That is just conveniently left out. You find me a source that denies that.
Reply Sun 3 May, 2009 03:08 pm
EmperorNero wrote:
Not even Al Gores scientists are denying that the earth has been cooling for the last years and that it has been warming faster before humans could have anything to do with it. That is just conveniently left out. You find me a source that denies that.
I cant be bothered any more, just believe what you will, its a pointless discussion you are oblivious to the truth.I cant even find another denier who believes what you believe let alone Al Gores followers.Good night from me..xris
Reply Sun 3 May, 2009 03:17 pm
xris;61170 wrote:
I cant be bothered any more, just believe what you will, its a pointless discussion you are oblivious to the truth.I cant even find another denier who believes what you believe let alone Al Gores followers.Good night from me..xris

Ha! You lost. Accept it!

Studies show the brain is wired to get a quick high from reading things that agree with our point of view. The same studies proved that, strangely, we also get a rush from intentionally dismissing information that disagrees, no matter how well supported it is. Yes, our brain rewards us for being closed-minded dicks.

So with a little prodding, the followers will happily close themselves in the same echo chamber of talk radio, blogs and cable news outlets that give them that little "They agree with ME!" high.

6 Brainwashing Techniques They're Using On You Right Now |

You won't accept when you are wrong. You are a drug addict.

Our planet's climate is anything but simple. All kinds of factors influence it, from massive events on the Sun to the growth of microscopic creatures in the oceans, and there are subtle interactions between many of these factors.

Fine so far, speaks for both sides equally.
Yet despite all the complexities, a firm and ever-growing body of evidence points to a clear picture: the world is warming, this warming is due to human activity increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and if emissions continue unabated the warming will too, with increasingly serious consequences.

"firm and ever-growing" is both relative and non-falsifiable statement. They might as well have called it "big" or "nice".
Yes, there are still big uncertainties in some predictions, but these swing both ways. For example, the response of clouds could slow the warming or speed it up.

Well, they have a theory. So if it is "uncertain", that sucks. The flying spagetty monster is uncertain as well.
With so much at stake, it is right that climate science is subjected to the most intense scrutiny. What does not help is for the real issues to be muddied by discredited arguments or wild theories.

So now they are defusing any counter argument up front.
So for those who are not sure what to believe, here is our round-up of the most common climate myths and misconceptions.

No, it's a propaganda piece.
Reply Mon 4 May, 2009 11:03 am
xris;61019 wrote:
Don't play the press , you are making an enormous claim here one that you cant retract.The whole of the scientific world lies about its findings so it can receive grants .I must admit its a bit of shock to realise that our scientists are fraudulent , what should i think when i read the next new scientist..The whole world is being misled by our scientific community...oh oh oh ..

YouTube - Free Global Energy P-8
Reply Mon 4 May, 2009 12:56 pm
I see a pattern emerging.Scientists are the boggy men and the facts that they gather by honest investigation.The facts that destroy a faith driven belief system.Its the world of, go out and multiply, dont let them stop you.When they deny your scriptures, attack their persons, attack their findings.
I wondered why you where so single minded in your debate, your a fundamentalist with intentions not attentions.I think Nero is good handle, you would fiddle , you would ignore the facts for your faith.
Reply Mon 4 May, 2009 01:16 pm
xris;61281 wrote:
I see a pattern emerging.Scientists are the boggy men and the facts that they gather by honest investigation.The facts that destroy a faith driven belief system.Its the world of, go out and multiply, dont let them stop you.When they deny your scriptures, attack their persons, attack their findings.
I wondered why you where so single minded in your debate, your a fundamentalist with intentions not attentions.I think Nero is good handle, you would fiddle , you would ignore the facts for your faith.

That video is about scientists suppressing any notion of intelligent design. I am not advocating that. I just wanted to show you how "open" the scientific community really is. You believe that because the word scientist applies to someone, he is automatically a honest searcher of the truth.

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