MMP2506;133869 wrote:Which is why theologians such as Scottus Eriugena spoke of God existing in terms that words can't justify, as he constantly referred to the divine as super-goodness and super-knowledge; also why it is called the super-natural world.
Just because its super-natural, however, doesn't mean it can't coexist with the natural. Super-natural isn't other, it's just more than natural. What is super-natural can't logically be negated.
Yes. Consider the word "in-finite." We
can't think infinitely. All thought is finite. All concepts are unities,
finite. So "infinite" is just the negation of finite, and noumena is
only the negation of appearance. We can say nothing about noumena or God except that we can say nothing bout noumena or God. This negation is the logical, but not empirical, ground of objectivity.
The empirical ground of objectivity is language use, which is both discrete and continuous, analogical. Negative theology depends upon the
negation of logos to the state of number for its results. God is a minus sign. Noumena is a minus sign. Logically/digitally speaking. The rest is a spectrum or continium of metaphor and bounded qualia.
is -1 / "truth"
as metaphor