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Yes, there are all kinds of unexpected things in life. It is a matter of adjusting.
In essence Socrates asks you to give up what you know, so you can look at what knowledge there may be from an unbiased stand point. There is heavy debate if people are able to do this, and I don't think there has been a well accepted conclusion on it. And it may be that one cannot exercise enough doubt to know thyself completely. But its a start and a noble effort, even if its endless, I believe.
Hi there,
I mentioned this earlier in the thread, but I'll give you my quick way of knowing myself: I just listen to how I criticize others. It works all the time. And if I want to know about another person, I just listen to their criticism of others. I got the idea from Oscar Wilde:
The highest, as the lowest, form of criticism is a mode of autobiography. [Picture of Dorian Gray]
And, yes, I agree it is endless. I am always exploring and learning, and changing myself in the process.
I think you said that before, and I didn't understand what that had to do with what I said then, and that is still true. I would adjust to the bus driver intentionally taking me to where he was not supposed to take me, my doing my utmost to get him fired as an incompetent idiot.
Right. And that happens in Chicago all the time. So some people just get off the bus and decide on an alternate route. Some swear never to ride a bus again. In life, everything is a guess. The mind and body are adjusting all the time. Even simple walking or viewing requires constant adjustment.
Knowing oneself is important, but not as important as being true to oneself.
A Question 4 William,
Why do you think that the Delphic Oracle said, "Know Thyself?
This question was plastered over the entrance to the temple, IMO, because it was the ostensible answer to everyman's question about what to do, what to investigate, and how to live.
When I was younger I suffered from the disease of being Idealist. I took one look at the world and decided that it needed changing. As time went by and I learned a little bit about history, I also learned that the human world/animal has pretty much gone along as it is going along right now. Oh sure the car designs change, and we carry more sophisticated weapons, but.
I also found out that I was making myself miserable by contemplating what was wrong with the world and her peoples. So what to do?
Wait a dog-gone minute. Why is "Know Thyself" the answer to my problem, all of my problems? Can I really change 'the world/no my world' by "Knowing Myself."
Being a Mystic, and after many, many years of contemplating this question, {this answer (Know Thyself)}, and myself, I would certainly say, "YES, indubitably."
I have found that we are living on multiple levels simultaneously. We have our finite self; some call this ego. We also have a more intimate Self that is Spiritual and Eternal. When we go about living as though the ego was the only guy in town, everything bugs us. Lets face it; life isn't fair.
However, when we draw back and get an overview, when we realize that ego is just an instrument for adaptation to our earthly environment, and we begin to get a little taste of the peace that is also here. "The 'Peace' beyond all understanding."
So yes, there are people buying art that cost more than we will make in a lifetime. Yes, this seems crazy. Yes there are people starving, while other people buying art that we think of a crap, with the very same money that could feed millions. And yes, the why of this may be interesting.
Is it a art buying a financial thing? Follow the money.
But, shouldn't we figure out who we are, and "get ourselves right," before we take on fixing the whole &#@%$# world?
You know these others are only going to ask you, "Who died and left you boss?"
That being said:
There is no reason why we can't do some things on this finite level to make things a little bit better for ourselves, and others. Perhaps we can be a little more compassionate, esp. when we discover in living Technicolor all about our own weaknesses and imperfections.
Knowing yourself has a funny outcome. Very often in getting to know yourself you begin to understand others and their pain. You begin to see that we are all more alike than different, deep down. Most differences are surface differences.
Often what we project outwardly (unknowingly) returns to us sooner or later. If we are unkind to people, people will be unkind back at us. It is almost like society is a mirror. If I don't keep a good eye on myself, the originator of my own karma, I will probably think simply that the world is being unkind.
By the way, cats are very affectionate animals. They just demonstrate it differently that dogs. Some of my best friends in this life have been cats. But I digress. : ^ )
Yes William, you do help me. You get me thinking, (A LOT). Something my teachers in the early grades thought impossible. ; - }
So is Enlightenment also a remembering?
Thank you for joining us Absolution,
I heard that there is a theory out there, that language is innate to us and even genetically different in certain ways in different peoples. It was also said that, it would be literally impossible for a child to ingest so much information at such a young age, if this were not the case.
So is Enlightenment also a remembering?
Thank you Sub, I will respond to your post in it's entirety, but first let me just say this. To know thyself is to trust thyself and all you do or what you are attending to at any particular moment. Now if you are focusing/attending to is unfamiliar to you, you should not be focusing on it, it is to be, you will become familiar with it as you focus on it without outside interference. If it is more than you can, say, handle, leave it alone; don't mess with it. That goes with anything; people, places or things.
When you don't know yourself and trust yourself, you take chances. That is because you are venturing where you should not be and in most cases it is because you trust anothers judgment, not your own, and that is what the conscience it all about. It is doesn't "suit" you, don't try to wear it!
I hope this explains a little more. Perhaps i will add more as i parse you entire post. :bigsmile:
Well in science, what is innate from birth, they like to call instinct.
And it has been there since early ages of philosophy as well with the theories of the "prime mover" and such.
It could be that language is that way for us, if you assume human evolution theories, human ancestors practiced vocal communication since the dawn of mammals and maybe earlier.
So given that amount of time, one would think/assume, it would be evolutionary ingrained.
But that raises another question, do instincts represent true knowledge or just convenient ways of ancestral survival?
But knowing thyself may not even need true knowledge,
....but instincts, what you may hold true even though it may not be correct.
The skeptics way would to be to even remove this information, but it may be sufficient for one to stop here to meet the knowing thyself condition.
If knowing thyself takes away from the chance of contemplating knowledge outside of what you already know then knowing thyself may not be as necessary as it has been promoted to be.
I keep mentioning Socrates, but in general he viewed that knowledge can only be understood through an initial stance of complete doubt or an admission of unknowing.
It can be said this is the only way a person would take a chance and truely find complete knowledge. Maybe there must be perpetual self doubt on one's own knowledge to grow intellectually?
There are differences depending upon the rules of the game. There are rules.
There are no rules. And there are no correct ways. There are no right or wrong ways.
But earlier you said:
How does this work? And by that I mean, how does this work in a way that can be logically explained to someone such as TickTockMan?
If I want to get along, then I have to know the rules. But then it is up to me to decide to what extent I will play by the rules of others. I can always choose not to participate. So, it is up to me to decide.
If I decide to play along is that correct or incorrect? From my vantage point it is neither. It is a decision I make. However, others may make their own determinations and they may decide that what I am doing is correct or incorrect and that is their choice. Everyone thinks in their own way.
This does not really answer my question of why in one post you state that "there are no rules," then, a short time later, state that "there are rules."