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TT Man,
The traveling through the tunnel and entering into a vivid landscape, that you did, may very well have been a recollection of your birth changed ever so slightly because of your trancing.
I believe that existentialism is quite a good philosophy, as far as it goes. But, it is a rather hopeless and depressing one. Perhaps this is because it defines only too well the feeling of being trapped in the small human life (prison) with a mind that is capable of (no even humgers for) freedom.
TT Man,
Did you ever question why and get and answer to the why of them visualizing traveling through a tunnel?
There are actually 2 tunnels that happen to all of us, (1) the is the birth tunnel, and (2) there is the tunnel that people, who experience Near Death Experiences, tell us about with the light at the end of the tunnel. Do you think that has anything to do with this practice?
I don't see that my personal experience with Existentialism comes under the heading of a misconception, as it was a personal reaction to my extensive reading in that area. This was some years back.
Buddhism ends in complete freedom, whereas existentialism ends in slavery and disappointment IMO. Tell me why I am wrong, if you will.
I'm going to read a bit on Robert C. Solomon, so we can have an intelligent conversation. I was not familiar with him.
Why don't you tell me a few things that he said, that proved pivotal in your life, for starters?
TT Man,
I learned recently that the common denominator between Existentialism and Buddhism is Phenomenology. (Phenomenology pursued to its climax will bring you right into knowing "Thyself."
Do you have anything to say to that?
Also we have to consider that all Existentialisms aren't created equal. Kierkegaard was able to go beyond the more earth bound forms of Existentialism.
I have often wondered if the 'Spirit Guide' wasn't simply a personification of a natural development in our minds, that of being able to listen closely to our own intuitional self. This would be very similar to how the ancient Greeks had gods and goddesses the personified portions of the human psyche. (This might also call in our right brain to aid us in not only understanding our selves, but also to our becoming more personally whole/complete.
I have to tell you that I have a little trouble with thinking about what my responsibility is, when I haven't settled some other more important/foundational issues first. Who am I? Where am I? What the (blue blazes) am I doing here? Only after a have a few of these answered, would I feel comfortable moving on to what is responsibility, and what part of that is mine?
TT Man,
The statement that "Existence precedes essence," adds no knowledge to our coffers, in my way of seeing it. It is just a changing of words to describe the very same dynamic.
For instance, what is existence, and how does it come about? In this statement, does existence actually mean essence in that it is the originator?
Then there is essence. What does that mean in any practical or usable sense?
Lastly, what is responsibility in your way of seeing it? Are you simply using the word "responsible" to mean it caused something? You must see that responsible, the word carries a lot of baggage with it. It speaks of being in charge of what comes about. Are we?
I as a buddhist have honestly found that their is no self to be found. All I have are atributes of experience, likes and dislikes, and personal tendencys. I am a collection of aggregates. But underneath all of that I am nothing more than a name and a body, and as a name and a body I am one in mind and body with all that is. All form is but form, and all mind is but mind. I am my experience and my experince is impermanant and transient. For example today I am a buddhist later on I may be a hindu or a christian. I like walking tomorrow I may not have legs. etc. I am not my mind, my body, my name or my propensities. I am much more and so much less than all of that. And it is this knowledge that allows me to be myself and look at myself objectivly and honestly and truely come to know that which I am.
I am = YHWH = Jehovah... GOD... hmmm makes you think dont it.
"Physical corroboration," doesn't work for me, because this physical manifestation could be a dream physical. If I pinched this dream body to see if I was dreaming, I just bet that I would dream that it would (dream) hurt. Don't you?
TT Man
Actually, what I am saying here is that, similar to the fact that you don't always know when you are dreaming at night, while that particular dream is going on, there are many persons who equally don't know that they are now in what is often called 'the waking dream', which we call life.
When you say, "Why would I want to call what I am experiencing now a "waking dream?", what you are actually saying is, "If this is not the truth that I believe in, I don't care enough about the truth to question any further."
This is in its self is an admission to a sleep state of sorts, because a mind that has stopped questioning everything, and only wants to prove his favorite story to himself, is somnambulant. It is saying that you are content, even if it is an illusion.