TT Man,
Don’t ask me why, but I feel that if you are telling me that the frog posts were coincidental, then I can believe you.
Whenever I think of telling you stuff like this, I always feel like you will put a mark under the crazy column next to my names. But, I saw someone’s power animal appear right on their face one time.It was a lone wolf, larger than usual.
I wasn’t really into shamanism at the time, and no, I wasn’t on drugs then either. I sometimes wonder if our right brain doesn’t give us information in a more pictorial way, things perhaps picked up from our preconscious.
The traveling through the tunnel and entering into a vivid landscape, that you did, may very well have been a recollection of your birth changed ever so slightly because of your trancing.
Trancing can sometimes be spontaneous. The fact that you were able to do this trancing shows a certain amount of receptivity and even creativity, at least in my way of seeing it.
Most people are wound so tightly that they cannot think (will not allow themselves to think) outside of the box.
Many people, who have at one time of another spontaneously tranced, will often associate this experience religiously in order to explain it.
When Jesus said, “Judge not, that you be not judged,” he was speaking about how our mind works. If we judge others harshly, this is exactly how we will in turn end up judging our selves. This is because the habits of mind that cause this judging, will judge everything the same way.
People often don’t realize what a standard of perfection they hold themselves too. This impossible standard of perfection only causes us great suffering. This is perhaps too, why people are so prone to blaming others, hoping to deflect some of this harsh judgment off of themselves. But it doesn’t work.
So yes, to make a short story long, I do think that we can launch an ad hominem attack upon our selves.
I believe that existentialism is quite a good philosophy, as far as it goes. But, it is a rather hopeless and depressing one. Perhaps this is because it defines only too well the feeling of being trapped in the small human life (prison) with a mind that is capable of (no even humgers for) freedom.
Now there is a philosophy that could drive you to drink.
Many college age students suffer mental problems, when dealing with this particular philosophy upon first being away from home. You have to be made of tuff/stuff to torture yourself intellectually. But as you have often said, “Why do it?”
Is it because we believe that it must be true, if it is that bad, because who would chose it otherwise? We tell ourself that we are being intellectually honest and even brave to suffer this world veiw.
Been there, done that! ; ^ )