TT Man,
In the very beginning, I read a lot of what I am telling you now. It is scattered across/on top of the many great religions of this world. People have been both reasoning and contemplating these issues of metaphysics for many centuries.
I learned a good deal about the mind through both meditation and personal investigation of my own mind. But, I was doubly blessed to have traveled for many decades with a Spiritual friend, who was both keen of mind, and later very advanced in his understanding and finally 100% Enlightened.
Now, I am looking right at the Eternal Self, and it tells me everything I need to know.
I assert that S9 exists as a dream figure only. I, the Self, however am Eternally Present, as is your very Eternal Self. This is because there are seemingly many dream personalities, but there is only One Self.
Some people try to explain how duality is really a unity, in order to get around this seeming problem. But that is not true. The dream is one matrix made up on many conceptual parts, but the dream is not equal to the One, and does not define the One. The dream is just a dream. The One is not a jigsaw puzzle of parts, is not multiple personalities all stuck together, or even pieces of this dream. Parts do not have any true substance outside of the mind’s thinking them up.
We are not really trying to figure out if there is a dream that comes up, or where it comes from. It makes little difference one way or the other, because the dream is only imagination. What we really want to know is, “Who am I?” “Am I Real?” And, “Am I Eternal?” Or, “Am I, in fact, a part of some imaginary dream, and totally insubstantial.” Is it not?
Obviously the One can and does manifest many vessels that this One Awareness can fill with life, but only temporarily. It is a little like the One Sun’s many rays. The rays shoot out from the Sun and slowly dissipate. The rays are not equal to the Sun.
Words make it difficult not to say half-truths. The One/Self is actually not outside of anything. The One/Self is Everywhere Present, or Omnipresent. It is mind that comes up within the One as a dream. This dream is both the dreamer and his dream united. Neither of these is the actual fully Awake Self.
It is a little like if you were hypnotized and completely sure that you were a chicken.
I would come up to you and say, “Hi Mr. Chicken. I have some good news for you, you are not a chicken and you don’t have to lay any more eggs.”
You would then look at me, and say, “Of course, I am a chicken, why else would you call me Mr. Chicken?”
I would then say, “I called you Mr. Chicken in order to get your attention.” You would then say, “If I wasn’t a chicken, then how could I stop laying eggs?” See what I mean?
How do you get a hypnotized chicken to see he isn’t a chicken? Everything you said would not seem quite right to Mr. Chicken. It would probably be impossible.
So next you would ask him to investigate. Can you find any feathers on yourself, you might ask? And so on…
Remember this. Dreams are always pretty complete. If they require something, you will dream it into place. So if time is a requirement, you will dream there is time. This does not however prove that there is something called time outside of the dream, any more than you can continue to fly after a dream of flying, when you wake up.
There must be some part of us that reacts to this message of non-chickeness. Because so often even though confused, we come back and back for more. Finally, sleep grow thin, and things begin to make sense.