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Others may have rules that I have to recognize.
Do you want me to explain the Immediate and why mind is slow?
Hey TT Man,
I wonder if you are familiar with something called "Situational Ethics?"
Because I do believe that is what 'my friend Rich' is trying to explain to you right here.
What this means is that, you don't have any pat rules written in stone. What you actually do is go with the flow.
Oh sure, you might have some intentions when going into any situation, but these are more attitudinal, like to deal with others as gently and openly as you can, (And heaven knows Rich is a gentle, and well meaning soul), but you also try to first see what is shaking in any situation and then do the best you can within each situation.
Am I tight in this Rich? Perhaps you can elucidate further on this in some way. This is just my thinking on this particular subject.
No, because I have no idea what is correct and incorrect.
There are no rules. And there are no correct ways. There are no right or wrong ways.
Others may have rules that I have to recognize. That does not mean that I think of things being right or wrong or correct and incorrect. However, I do recognize that others see things differently. So it is a matter of vantage point. If you think of things in a way that are right or wrong or correct and incorrect, then there are rules - from your point of view. I do recognize this.
If there weren't such things as rules then there would not be such things as no rules.
Hmm. If there weren't such things as Extra-Terrestrial Aliens, then there would not be such a thing as no Extra-Terrestrial Aliens?
So right and wrong isn't something you can just write down, once and for all. It is a living thing. Subjectivity9
In this case we are talking about imagination - that which conjures up both.
B---- Post added 09-28-2009 at 09:24 PM ----------
Do you have any rules of your own?
---------- Post added 09-28-2009 at 04:13 PM ----------
Yes. That would be great.
---------- Post added 09-28-2009 at 04:52 PM ----------
Our posts apparently crossed in the ether . . .
Yes, I'm somewhat familiar with the idea of Situational Ethics.
"Going with the flow," however, seems a bit of an over-simplification. I think there is a substantial difference between flexibility and amorality which is what I felt that statements such as . . .
. . . or . . .
. . . seem to be implying.
Or am I inferring incorrectly?
It would be my pleasure to speak on the "Immediate."
When I say the word "Immediate," (with a capital I.) it is really just one more name for Spirit
Time is not immediate because it is a process and therefore slower, or not instantaneous.
The Immediate is experiential rather than conceptual.
So I want you to look right now, directly at you own consciousness or Awareness. Can you see how immediate it is, even before thought?
If you look really closely you might notice that thought comes only after awareness. I know this is very subtle and some people cannot see this at first.
Someone once said, "Where ever you go, Immediate Awareness is already there waiting for you."
I hope this helps to explain this a little bit. All questions will be welcome even enjoyed.
You say going with the flow is rather simplistic.
Going with the flow calls for a great deal of sensitivity and alertness. We have to plug into our environment and adapt to what is going on around us.
You might also use foresight, being alert to the signs, as when Don Juan was asked what he would do if someone planned an ambush on him. They expected him so say stuff about being all magical and powerful in his fighting. He simply said, "I wouldn't be there." That was the better part of wisdom.
This is like when Thoreau wouldn't pay his taxes and went to jail, because he didn't approve of what the tax money would be spent on. Was it right to pay his taxes? Perhaps, but it wasn't quite that simple was it?
Hey Ken,
Life is a river. : ^ )
If you think nailing Jell-O is daunting, try nailing the mighty Mississippi.
Nailing another human, in his material manifestation is much easier. Look what they did to Jesus. They easily made holes in His hands and in His feet, but they couldn't kill the 'Whole' of what He was about so easily.
So yes, you would have to admit that although they killed the man, they couldn't kill his ideas or His message. That is because He was speaking of something larger than our personal motives.
Jesus was speaking of our Eternal Self, which calls to many (no all) men at a very intimate and deep level.
What He was saying was like a letter from Home.
In fact if you were to kill every single person who had ever heard His message (ideas), and burn all of the books referring to it, and (in these modern times) even wiped clean any signs of it out there on the web (somewhat more daunting), it would just spring up once again. This is because this Ultimate Truth isn't something that is manufactured in our minds. It is something discovered over and over again within our very selves.
If you want to see the Tao dance, watch the Stock market. My friend also told me this.
I did my time in the metaphysical ring starting some 30 years ago or so when someone loaned me Casteneda's "Teachings of Don Juan." Since then I've read many volumes of quaint and curious lore and found most of them to be somewhat lacking in physical usefulness, as far as my actual day-to-day activities are concerned.
Why do your think so many 'masters of wisdom' agreed that it (Spirit) couldn't be said, and yet continued to write about it (Spirit)? I don't imagine it was just because they were fools.
And why do you think these books of theirs have such longevity?
I believe it is because these books/tools serve a purpose that is much needed. I believe these books/words are the "finger pointing." But what are they pointing at? That is exactly what cannot adequately be said. Words cannot contain it. We must simply look where "the finger is pointing." (Zen) It isn't contained within the mind.
When you say that time is being "immediate," in a way you have changed how most people think of time. Time is, usually thought to be, made up of the past, the present, and the future. This is a rather lineal thing, wouldn't you say?
Well TT Man,
'Situational Ethic" Wiki, (It basically states that sometimes other moral principles can be cast aside in certain situations if love is best served.
The book, 'Gift of Fear' sounds very interesting. Got anything from this book that you particularly liked and could share?
Very often you can see an event coming before it happens. This is because there is a confluence of things/events in the present moment actually pointing towards it happening. If you are attentive and alert enough you can see these multiple reasons for the event coming about.
It is said that people who are Spiritual advanced often have different kinds of ESP. But I wonder sometimes how much of that can be attributed directly to their observant attitude of living?
So this more practical ability may not magic at/all. If you are particularly sensitive, you may even pick up signs in the environment that other people simply overlook, a little like "the calm b/4 the storm."
How do you see your life? Speak of what comforts you, and how and why,if you will. Thanx : ^ )
I find the fact that I'm going to die one day very comforting. Liberating, really. This knowledge of mortality is what makes each moment something to be appreciated.