Well Absolution,
What you have said here gives my mind a lot to chew on. : ^ /
Skepticism makes me think of another approach, what the Hindu’s call Neti/Neti (Not this/Not this.) A skeptics approach IMO isn’t so much a statement of truth, but rather a method to showing that other ‘statements of truth’ simply can’t stand up to close scrutiny.
Bodhidharma (5th century Buddhist monk crediting for bring Zen to China) spent a good number of years in a cave facing a wall and searching out truth. (I believe that this is a metaphor for going deeply into the mind in search of the truth and after years finally hitting a wall...no matter, anyway.) He claims finally to have found the Self or gotten Enlightened. On being questioned as to what he had finally found out, (or the actual question, "Who are you?") his now famous answer was, “I have no idea.”
Of course you have to understand how Zen talks to get a glimmer as to what he meant IMO. He said that, “Self isn’t an idea. But, I certainly have found it.”
As you may be beginning to see, much of my personal background is in Eastern Philosophy and Religions. So forgive me if I sound like a newcomer to these things, sometimes.
But let me ask you. It seems like although Plato was a disciple of Socrates, he too went Academic to some extent with his own system of hierarchy placing “THE GOOD” at the top. Or is it rather, Plato was breaking new ground beyond what can be known by mind and trying to describe the Essence.
Of course I have an opinion about that too. (I bet that surprises you, NOT!) ; ^ )
I see Plato stopping at describing the soul. Soul is not transcendent. Spirit is however transcedence Itself, or Pure Being, is even transcendent of the soul. I believe that Socrates saw this, and…the student Plato, fell short of the master in this case.
Yes the Skeptics if they perform their duty well, indeed must come full circle. They finally realize that any justification for doubting, as though doubting were a truth unto itself, must also be doubted. And even all justification for doing what they do remains suspect, as well. (When carried to the extreme.) So this in fact is a little like the symbolic snake, Ouroboros, eating his own tail.
This is not so far away from what some Mystics see as being the case. That this dream mind is a dualism that doesn’t really exist, isn't substantial enough to stand alone, that it is completely structured within imagination out of comparisons. They further say that nothing can stand by it self, but rather has as its very foundation what is referred to as being "Co-dependent arising" (Buddhist), or that every thing/mind object is in fact leaning against every other ideas, much like a house of cards.
Perhaps both the Skeptics and the Mystics are hoping that by pulling out or removing one card at a time as it is proven to be in error, that eventually this erroneous structure will “All fall down.” What is left standing will, more than likely, be the ‘Essential Truth,’ that cannot be touched.
And the skeptic might even add the addendum, “If anything remains standing.” Ah you Skeptics. ; ^ )
So in fact, maybe disrobing from everything you don’t know…
IS a form of Knowing... in the highest sense of knowing.