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Many, many, many times. Trains, cars, buses, planes. In Chicago breakdowns, detours, delays, buses and trains never arriving, construction delays and detours are a regular occurrences. Streets are blocked for parades and baseball games or events. There are influences all around us that change our intended directions.
Most of the things in my life (maybe all) do not turn out as expected. Things happen. For example, you probably didn't expect this answer, did you?
There is what we intend and then there are all the influences around us that intend otherwise, and life is about navigating between where we want to go and what the influences will allow. Some people may try to overwhelm all influences with Will Power and end up dying early from exhaustion. Others may try less exhausting routes.
Sure. Things happen. But unless most trains and buses arrived at their destinations, and approximately on time, they would not be used.
The abnormal is not the normal.
It couldn't be. The glass is always more than half-full. When it is broken, people don't use it. And they get a new glass. You seem to think that unless something works infallibly, it doesn't work at all. The fallacy of black or white thinking.
Hey William,
I can see that you have given this a good deal of thought. Thanks for sharing.
There is more than one kind of creating IMO. One takes place when you already have two things, for instance neurology and psychology as two separate disciplines and by bringing them together as neuropsychology we create something bigger than its two parts.
The other creativity seems to come out of our subconscious, if you will, more like an artist painting something the way only s/he sees it. This type of creativity often follows a process, beginning with a passionate effort, followed by a period of relaxation, and then pop, it shows up whole. Read a book on this, years back.
I wonder if too you are familiar with the term xenophobia, or the fear of strangers? This seems to be naturally built into the human psyche. I agree with you 'social psychology' is fascinating.
I personally wonder if with personal change we are only the last one to know. So much seems to be going on unbeknownst to me in that area. I have actually woken up in the morning changed in some way. Or again, thought something that showed me that Spiritually I had finally understood something that I had been grappling with for years, like a gift.
The mind like the body is carrying on in a complex fashion that isn't always right there on center stage. Often when it works something out, it sends me a memo.
One big reason for conflict between persons holding different ideas is that, they identify themselves as those ideas, and so when the ideas are questioned they feel personally under attack.
I used to think that the reason that people didn't see things the way that I saw then was because they simply didn't understand them.
So I would try to explain. But I don't think that any more.
People are so very unique and often drastically different. One man might actually kill another man because it was fun. Blame the DNA if you want.
But too, subjectively speaking, we are not really living in the same world. Who was it that said, "We don't live in the world. We live in that little space between our ears?"
I know my cat isn't coming from where I'm coming from on this world. He sees more, he hears more, he smells more, is he smarter? He certainly has more information than I do in certain area? If I had to catch a mouse for supper, I would die of hunger. I don't have the stealth.
As far as getting along with others persons/races goes I tend toward the Vedanta ideas on compassion. We have to allow in good part that people must be who they are. There is room for all of us. (Granted society has a right to protect itself against violence.) But we do not have to walk in lock step.
People generally speaking believe that their happiness is to be attained out there in the world. So they start moving other people around like they were furniture. When they finally realize that happiness is found within, they stop all that. This IS "peace on earth."
If I have missed something that you wish I had addressed, please bring this t my attention and I will try my best.
Seeing "Spirit" as "bored" seems rather anthropomorphic, don't you think? What I have witnessed of Spirit, through my very Being of Spirit, it seems more like Spirit is completely 100% satisfied, and in need of nothing at/all, not even entertainment.
Perhaps hierarchy was a poor choice of words when speaking of aspects. When I spoke of light being broken up through a prism into a rainbow of colors, I didn't mean to say that purple was higher than yellow. I meant to convey only that the White light was like the Tao, the prism was like the mind, and that the different colors were the seemingly separate manifestations of this 'One Light,' or Spirit.
Joseph Carpenter, (an American poet, who some say was enlightened much like Walt Whitman), speaks of the Democracy of Spirit or all being equal. (Of course we must question equal where, or in what way. Certainly not in intelligence, in beauty, in athletic capacity etc.) But yes indeed, equal, I agree.
Both the game AND the player are dream stuff.
By Essential Truth I am being a bit Platonic. We have limited truth like right now I better stop because the right is red. Limited truth is more of a practicality. Limited truth can even change with your mood. Ultimate Truth like Spirit is unchanging.
The only way I accept an idea that I am uncomfortable with is, if I really respect the person telling me it. I even then try to see it for myself. Nothing in my arsenal is faith based.
It is through due diligence, or vigilant watching, that everything sooner or layer becomes clarified.
As we clean house of our mistaken notions and the dust begins to settle, some of the more subtle areas of our life and being become more apparent.
I remember how after moving to the country I had to adjust to a slower pace of living. Even though I had looked forward to this change I also found it difficult as my mind was used to larger doses of stimulation.
Thank you too.
I think enlightenment can be better understood and defined when compared to a mind that is not enlightened.
Hey Leonard,
Welcome to our little gathering.
I am also a "Big Lover" of integrity.
I am not sure however how you could possibly "Know Your Self " without also "Being True to Your Self?
Or is it, I don't know how you could "Be True to Your Self" without "Knowing Your Self?"
Or is it "Knowing Your Self" is "Being True to Your Self?" They are circular like night follows day, and day follows night, etc.
But that is only my NOT so humble opinion.
Perhaps you could elucidate further for all of our edification?
Hey Leonard,
Welcome to our little gathering.
I am also a "Big Lover" of integrity.
I am not sure however how you could possibly "Know Your Self " without also "Being True to Your Self?
Or is it, I don't know how you could "Be True to Your Self" without "Knowing Your Self?"
Or is it "Knowing Your Self" is "Being True to Your Self?" They are circular like night follows day, and day follows night, etc.
But that is only my NOT so humble opinion.
Perhaps you could elucidate further for all of our edification?
Hi Leonard and Subjectivity9,
Yes, it would be an interesting question. How can one not be true to one's own self. One is what one is no matter what one does, isn't it?
But maybe it can be understood to mean, that one should accept oneself no matter what one does. That is, do not deny all aspects of oneself. So be true to oneself about oneself.
I understand what you are saying Rich, but can we designate a difference between being 'aware of' what may be in us and yet also striving to 'overcome' that which may not beneficial to us. In other words we do not have to experiment with the darker sides of our humanity just because we are aware they are there. I am sure that is not what you are suggesting, I just wanted to clarify that.
It is a matter of probabilities. Some are so bad (and I am not just talking about Chicago), that they aren't used.
Normal and abnormal change daily in my neck of the woods. One they I might go this way and the next day that way. It all depends upon what is happening around me. I live in a very dynamic society.
People adjust.
Apparently so dynamic that none of your replies have anything to do with any of my comments. Philosophy is not free-association.
It is my thinking that you have spirit sitting inside your body at the drivers seat having the time of His life playing. I on the other hand have the body/mind and Spirit completely separate from each other. This is a little like a man and his shadow. They are not really the same thing.