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sometime sun
Reply Mon 24 May, 2010 06:25 pm
@mark noble,
mark noble;168235 wrote:
Hi Sun,
No thoughts of men are kept private from God.

Have a lovely evening.


Thank you, I could not agree more.
God is the bearer of all thoughts, the 'devil' may be the binder of them.
Who or what must hold them alone or personally?

Devil is in the individual?
Devil is private where as God is public?

Are we still our own thought bringers?

Does this then mean there no such basis for anything of a private nature?
No such thing as privacy?
Is not the 'devil', the enemy, that which deludes you to thinking your thoughts are just your own or theirs?

But is not God a private function?
A private relationship? Personal?

And if our thoughts are held by God, if we are public with God, why then is God not public with his thoughts about us?
Is He and we just do not know how to hear and commune with each others thoughts?

Why if God can hear me, cannot I hear God?
Maybe God has said all God needs to and if we wish to hear we just need to find what God has already said.

I do not hear God I interpret God and am always listening for Him.

Why when I am screaming in Gods face to hear me does God not just whisper in my ear that God is hearing me?

Don't worry I do know that I am heard by God else I would not still be trying to hear and speak to the world.
I just wish that when I was deaf and dumb to the world and God, God had indeed spoken clearly for me to hear.

Why must you find yourself before you find God or even God finds you?

Why must I find myself before I can find God?

Must not God always find everybody?
Why then has God not always been so easily found?

If God never left, why then was I so alone for so very long?
Must mean that we can only first know God by first knowing ourselves.
Even if it is all just knowing ourselves by knowing God knows us.

Have good dreams mark noble.
I know I can now, only because it is God who gives them to me.
(Do we give ourselves our own nightmares?
Reply Mon 24 May, 2010 06:43 pm
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;152996 wrote:
How can you be free if you ignore it?
Just because some one is petty doe snot mean they cannot have moments of clarity.
I would not like to think i would miss that moment or them.

I still dont think one person in this thread had defended the possition of ignoring adequately.
I still do not understand.

I'm actually moving away from the ignore function now. I've taken most off, and am just about to un-ignore the rest.
sometime sun
Reply Mon 24 May, 2010 07:44 pm
Reconstructo;168323 wrote:
I'm actually moving away from the ignore function now. I've taken most off, and am just about to un-ignore the rest.

You wont regret it I don't think if not for these reasons;
If we think someone is worth ignoring and do so we can never be proven right or wrong about them or ourselves.
So what would be the point in trying to prove ourselves if we were never able to allow someone else to prove their selves to us?
What can a man who blinds himself ever have seen?
What is the point of sight if we close our eyes?
The only way anything can be seen is to see it.
What is the point of knowing if we will not know?
What is there to understand if we ignore understanding?
What can be understood without the ability to understand?
You cannot cheat a cheater unless you are cheating yourself.
You only cheat yourself by becoming one.
By ignoring others you are only ignoring yourself.
Don't miss yourself by missing someone else.
Enlightenment is all in making yourself available for it.
How can you be availed without the able ility?

I will always need and be ready for any negative conclusions of mine to be proven false.
Negation of a negative is always worth effort and hells hardships as it will ultimately bring me more positives and closer to heavens blessings.
And if worse comes to worse and the negative is forever a negative at least you weren't corrupted by it.

Going through hell brings you closer to heaven,
even if you never get heaven at least you aren't got by hell.
Fighting hell is about fighting hell don't think you will ever get anything other than knowing you are fighting hell.
Reply Mon 24 May, 2010 07:55 pm
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;168362 wrote:
You wont regret it I don't think if not for these reasons;
If we think someone is worth ignoring and do so we can never be proven right or wrong about them or ourselves.
So what would be the point in trying to prove ourselves if we were never able to allow someone else to prove their selves to us?
What can a man who blinds himself ever have seen?
What is the point of sight if we close our eyes?
The only way anything can be seen is to see it.
What is the point of knowing if we will not know?
What is there to understand if we ignore understanding?
What can be understood without the ability to understand?
You cannot cheat a cheater unless you are cheating yourself.
You only cheat yourself by becoming one.
By ignoring others you are only ignoring yourself.
Don't miss yourself by missing someone else.
Enlightenment is all in making yourself available for it.
How can you be availed without the able ility?

I will always need and be ready for any negative conclusions of mine to be proven false.
Negation of a negative is always worth effort and hells hardships as it will ultimately bring me more positives and closer to heavens blessings.
And if worse comes to worse and the negative is forever a negative at least you weren't corrupted by it.

Going through hell brings you closer to heaven,
even if you never get heaven at least you aren't got by hell.
Fighting hell is about fighting hell don't think you will ever get anything other than knowing you are fighting hell.

I like all of this. Maybe when I had less of a grip on my manners, it was justified 9ignoring). Hard to say. But at the moment I feel at ease. Indeed, I have no one on ignore now. Furthermore, I've decided to phrase myself with more concern with my audience from now on. Instead of using my favorite words, I'm leaning in to other people. Choosing the more neutral and open word. I want a true recognition of the value of the other. We have all lived finite lives. The other has ALWAYS seen something we haven't. Now the other might not be articulate, or good at getting this out. But kindness will only help this. And of course I should endure a certain amount of condescension and rudeness with a smile, because I have been guilty of the same. Smile
sometime sun
Reply Mon 24 May, 2010 08:48 pm
Reconstructo;168365 wrote:
I like all of this. Maybe when I had less of a grip on my manners, it was justified 9ignoring). Hard to say. But at the moment I feel at ease. Indeed, I have no one on ignore now. Furthermore, I've decided to phrase myself with more concern with my audience from now on. Instead of using my favorite words, I'm leaning in to other people. Choosing the more neutral and open word. I want a true recognition of the value of the other. We have all lived finite lives. The other has ALWAYS seen something we haven't. Now the other might not be articulate, or good at getting this out. But kindness will only help this. And of course I should endure a certain amount of condescension and rudeness with a smile, because I have been guilty of the same. Smile

I don't think it has anything to do with manners or congeniality, more so to do with what then?
Is it a denial perhaps? self or otherwise?
Is it rude to deny?
I am not entirely sure what it is or what it might be termed as but I don't think it is rude.
Can you be rude to yourself?
You may be losing by ignoring but they are losing also they just don't know it, it is rude to show distaste but not to keep it to yourself.
I do however think it is rude not to thank in words response or with the button for something you have gained form from or have appreciated witnessing effort and work that has gone into something.
If you do not show someone they have aided you, you might not be able to blame them if they don't think you want or need it in the future.
I need you so thank you very much for your responses.
The only reason to not thank when you have got something from it is if you wished to get more from them then or later. Or if you found yourself doing more of the work than the other, but then it is also good to encourage people.
Give and ye shall receive.
Deny and ye shall lose.
Thanks is sacred to me.
Ignore is blasphemous to me.
Is the opposite of the ignore button the thank you button or is that the friendship option? (but people often ignore their friends as well)
Personally I wrestle with not being able to have the time to follow all my friends threads and blogs. I really think I am being a bad friend, that I am not living up to them or my oath of friendship.
but I do make up for this when and if I can by giving them more consideration and care when ever I can.
Like now with you.
Your presence and friendship is worth me going to bed a little later.
Are any of the buttons or options linked in any way?
Or is not ignore just the singular loneliest thing there ever was?
Justifiable or not.
I am glad you are making yourself more available, if not just for your own sake;
trust yourself and there will be less cause to doubt others.
maybe but not necessarily
trust others and there will be more cause to doubt yourself.
Reply Mon 24 May, 2010 10:49 pm
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;168381 wrote:

Is the opposite of the ignore button the thank you button or is that the friendship option? (but people often ignore their friends as well)

I think the "thank you" button is the opposite of ignore. Because not only does it show one has read someone's words (unless some creep would thank without reading) but it also says "hey, I'm glad you created that little piece."

It shows that crucial virtue gratitude...and it's a virtue I'm no expert at...but I'm trying. Smile

---------- Post added 05-24-2010 at 11:51 PM ----------

sometime sun;168381 wrote:

Ignore is blasphemous to me.

Excellent word choice. To be metaphorical, we are all little pieces o' "God" and indeed, and to ignore is (implicitly) blasphemous. Smile

---------- Post added 05-24-2010 at 11:52 PM ----------

sometime sun;168381 wrote:

Your presence and friendship is worth me going to bed a little later.

Thank you. I have much respect for you, you know. You have a deep soul and you speak from it. Thanks for being here!:flowers:
sometime sun
Reply Mon 24 May, 2010 11:20 pm
Thanks and I really troubled over the word, meaning and usage of 'blasphemous'.
I may have used it to lightly?

And I think the last line of my previous post was supposed to read;
trust others and there will be 'less' cause to doubt yourself.
Freudian slip perhaps?

My soul is what gives me words worth sharing,
my words are what and so my soul is worth proving
words are the best and maybe hardest way to prove the soul, but once done your soul becomes immortalised in words,
or even
your words become immortalised in souls.
Actions and emotions come and go, the soul is transient,
Meanings and words are what stands the soul still.

I mean every word of my soul and mean every soul of my word.
(How's that for some modern day Scripture?)
I mean every word of my soul and mean every soul of my word.

I soul every meaning of my word and soul every word of my meaning.

I word every meaning of my soul and word every soul of my meaning.
Reply Mon 24 May, 2010 11:24 pm
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;168414 wrote:
And I think the last line of my previous post was supposed to read;
trust others and there will be 'less' cause to doubt yourself.
Freudian slip perhaps?

Why not trust everyone until they give you a reason not to? It's really not that hard to do. Then there is no need for that whole doubt yourself bit.
Reply Mon 24 May, 2010 11:33 pm
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;168414 wrote:

I soul every meaning of my word and soul every word of my meaning.

I word every meaning of my soul and word every soul of my meaning.

Nice verbs. :flowers:
sometime sun
Reply Tue 25 May, 2010 12:31 am
Krumple;168416 wrote:
Why not trust everyone until they give you a reason not to? It's really not that hard to do. Then there is no need for that whole doubt yourself bit.

Hey Krumple great to see you again.
I do, and was mainly meaning even when given cause to doubt another one must still try to trust so, because although some might call it foolish or stupid to trust someone once given cause not to, you will ultimately suffer more from your doubt than anyone else ever could.
Doubt causes pain so it all depends on by whom or what kind of pain you would rather feel this pain for or from.
Would you rather feel it from or for others?
Or would you rather feel it from or for yourself?
I may find it hard to trust I did not say it was easy but I must always trust two things, that of my and other's Gods design or excuse or reason and that of others and my doubt or damnation or delusion.
I will not tolerate when I can handle to doubt another's doubt.
My own on the other hand is;
When you come to trust it is your own doubt you find it pointless to doubt more that of the other.
When you doubt yourself, why not trust another?
When the only doubt is that of your own doubt not of another's doubt or another's trust you can find that you can truly hold no one to account but yourself and your own doubt.
I would rather be felled by my trust than live by my doubt.
Or is that?
I would rather be killed by or for my trust than killed by or for my doubt,
Or is that?
I would rather be killed for or by my trust than kill for or by my doubt.
I would rather Trust keep me alive and or kill me than doubt kill me and or keep me alive.
Which would you rather die for or by? by or for your trust or by or for your doubt?
Un've em ll git ew.
Which one would you rather live for or by? by or for your trust or by or for your doubt?
And as I am not likely to kill myself, my own doubt of my own doubt is never going to git me.
Unless that is I come to trust my doubt and that is a sure fire way to destruction death and hell.
No, as long as I am alive I know I will have a trust to trust and a doubt to doubt.
So although I may doubt myself, or more so doubt my own doubting of my own doubting self, or doubting of my own self doubting doubtful self,
I deal and compensate with and for this by trusting a whole God, whole World and whole People to not only trust for me, or me of them, or them of me but to doubt for me, or me of myself, or myself of me.
I wonder if one day we could do so 'with' each other?
But trust could also mean with each other where as doubt is the occupation of one.
I trust of you my own trust and doubt of me my own doubt.
No half measures;
you can never lose because I can never fail.
I can never fail because you can never lose.
I can never lose because you can never fail.
You can never fail because I can never lose.

(I hope any of that made sense)

---------- Post added 05-25-2010 at 09:21 AM ----------

I don't think I like being called or thought of as 'deep',
I think I would rather be shallow, that way more can swim.
Simple so as more could understand.
Yes 'deep' upsets my equilibrium.

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