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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 12:39 pm
I'm surprised how often the ignore application is used. I have realised that a few people have chosen to ignore my posts. I have just applied my first ignore, only because it dawned on me he never replied to my post, so I must be on his ignore list. Is it me or is this a very juvenile application and why should we not know who has placed us on their ignore list. It would save so many wasted posts.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 12:56 pm
Well, it is there, and it can stop some petty problems between members. I don't like the ignore list, but it's there, and members can use it if they wish. Sometimes it seems that the people that use the ignore function are the people you would be most inclined to put on an ignore list.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 12:57 pm
I don't know about juvenile. Some people just don't feel like reading stuff they don't care about or makes them upset. In some cases I can see why people do it, because there are some people in every forum that just seem not to have anything constructive to say. If that is the case, why waste the space. Normally if I know someone isn't going to say something worth reading I just skip their post.

However, if someone is ignoring someone just because they disagree with them, I think ruins the point of a forum with the aim that this one should have. This is where I think it could be considered juvenile.

One thing I think we ought to remember is, this is a forum, and no matter what we may glean from it or how serious some may take it, it is still primarily an entertainment medium and ignores are an ingrained part of the generalized forum/chat culture. No use being upset about them, normally the people that ignore me are the people I don't care to talk to anyway.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 01:02 pm
I don't use it.

There are folks who have such a long history of trolling or inciteful writing, that I just 'mentally' skip over them. This kind of leaves the door open in case their mood changes. To my mind, I'd rather see it all; pick and choose based on what's written.

I could see it having a usefulness... just not something I choose to avail myself of.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 01:06 pm
I agree... but should we pander to this juvenile reaction? I dont mind being ignored, my dear wife finds it absolutely essential when Ive had too many red wines. I would just like to know what fools are missing my pearls of wisdom.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 01:17 pm
For me, it's simple. As soon as bad feeling makes its appearance, all sincere discussion is dead. There's a nice way to disagree, and an insulting way to disagree. The ignore function is crucial as an antidote against trolls. Of course, troll-status is relative.

I like to think of this forum as a party. How would we treat someone in the real world who disagreed with us in an insulting way?

This forum is a party that welcomes everyone, from those with years of exposure to those who just decided today to see what this philosophy thing is all about. Why should an old hand be forced to hear/answer the misunderstandings of a newbie, who thinks he/she is entitled to such an engagement, just because? Just like in the real world, we have a community of individuals whose respect and friendship must be earned. And we are humans, not computers, so we are going to develop affection for those we can relate to. And this is a good foundation for real conversation. The ignore function is a last resort for when this possibility breaks down.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 01:40 pm
Interesting subject, I will openly admit that I have put xris on ignore, he has made untolerate requests, either from a psycotic or trolling motivation in this thread http://www.philosophyforum.com/lounge/general-discussion/2564-if-you-have-ever-seen-ufo-click-here-4.html

Also in a former thread he would exact a similar behaviour, in demanding me to answer subjects, and gradually change his point of subject.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 01:42 pm
Reconstructo;151433 wrote:
For me, it's simple. As soon as bad feeling makes its appearance, all sincere discussion is dead. There's a nice way to disagree, and an insulting way to disagree. The ignore function is crucial as an antidote against trolls. Of course, troll-status is relative.

I like to think of this forum as a party. How would we treat someone in the real world who disagreed with us in an insulting way?

This forum is a party that welcomes everyone, from those with years of exposure to those who just decided today to see what this philosophy thing is all about. Why should an old hand be forced to hear/answer the misunderstandings of a newbie, who thinks he/she is entitled to such an engagement, just because? Just like in the real world, we have a community of individuals whose respect and friendship must be earned. And we are humans, not computers, so we are going to develop affection for those we can relate to. And this is a good foundation for real conversation. The ignore function is a last resort for when this possibility breaks down.
Im sure you or we can ignore those who we find impossible.. but I never do. The more they annoy me the more intense the feeling to debate. Im sure for those who ignore me, its because im too intelligent for them. :sarcastic:

---------- Post added 04-13-2010 at 02:47 PM ----------

HexHammer;151444 wrote:
Interesting subject, I will openly admit that I have put xris on ignore, he has made untolerate requests, either from a psycotic or trolling motivation in this thread http://www.philosophyforum.com/lounge/general-discussion/2564-if-you-have-ever-seen-ufo-click-here-4.html

Also in a former thread he would exact a similar behaviour, in demanding me to answer subjects, and gradually change his point of subject.
This is where it shows the stupidity of this ability, im on his ignore list but has found it essential to take me off to elaborate his pathetic views.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 02:06 pm
xris;151447 wrote:
Im sure you or we can ignore those who we find impossible.. but I never do. The more they annoy me the more intense the feeling to debate. Im sure for those who ignore me, its because im too intelligent for them. :sarcastic:

I can understand what you mean. And indeed, for me as well, self-esteem has never been a problem. I suppose a certain amount of contempt measures in, but this contempt is also directed against my former selves, who I see mirrored in my antagonists. It's like Doc Holiday in Tombstone. I feel like we all play many roles, wear many masks, as we move up the dialectical staircase, if I may be allowed a metaphor. I bump into some angry young men who are all too familiar, and I realize at some point that they can only offer me yesterday and not tomorrow.

I prefer the enthusiastic sort, as I agree with the B that "wisdom makes a man's face to shine." Of course, I fail my own ideals at time, like anyone. But I stand by the notion that the true philosopher or artist is a joyful person, who wants to share the source of this joy. (Blake and Nietzsche, despite their faults, are excellent critics of indulgently masochistic "truth.")

---------- Post added 04-13-2010 at 03:09 PM ----------

HexHammer;151444 wrote:
Interesting subject, I will openly admit that I have put xris on ignore, he has made untolerate requests, either from a psycotic or trolling motivation in this thread http://www.philosophyforum.com/lounge/general-discussion/2564-if-you-have-ever-seen-ufo-click-here-4.html

Also in a former thread he would exact a similar behaviour, in demanding me to answer subjects, and gradually change his point of subject.

To be fair, Hex, you are generous with the insults at times.

---------- Post added 04-13-2010 at 03:11 PM ----------

Khethil;151426 wrote:
I don't use it.

There are folks who have such a long history of trolling or inciteful writing, that I just 'mentally' skip over them. This kind of leaves the door open in case their mood changes. To my mind, I'd rather see it all; pick and choose based on what's written.

I could see it having a usefulness... just not something I choose to avail myself of.

I wish I could mentally skip over, as I can certainly see the virtue in avoiding what is the equivalent of virtual repression. I just can't resist a return volley. It's the same with junk food. If I don't bring it home, I can eat healthy. But once it's in the house, I'm probably going to eat it. So I have to draw the line at the grocery store. Smile

---------- Post added 04-13-2010 at 03:13 PM ----------

xris;151431 wrote:
I agree... but should we pander to this juvenile reaction? I dont mind being ignored, my dear wife finds it absolutely essential when Ive had too many red wines. I would just like to know what fools are missing my pearls of wisdom.

I've only ignored a few people, and I always tell them, hoping that they will also ignore me. This way, in theory, we can both move on to find the conversation games appropriate to our intentions. But I can't deny an awareness of the aggression involved. It's a tiny virtual murder. But it's really only the murder of a relationship. Let's call it an abortion. Except that it is reversible. And I once ignored someone I ended up really liking, and apologized, etc., and stop ignoring him. To err is human.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 02:34 pm
xris;151414 wrote:
I'm surprised how often the ignore application is used. I have realised that a few people have chosen to ignore my posts. I have just applied my first ignore, only because it dawned on me he never replied to my post, so I must be on his ignore list. Is it me or is this a very juvenile application and why should we not know who has placed us on their ignore list. It would save so many wasted posts.

I agree with you. If you don't want to read a post, well then, you can ignore the person by not reading the post. To place someone on the ignore list seems to be to be saying to him that I find that some of his posts make points against me that are unanswerable, and I find that painful.

I seldom read the posts of some, but every once in a while I occurs to me that the poster might say something sensible. Lightening may strike. So I do. And sometimes, I am surprised.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 02:40 pm
Indeed, even a stopped watch is right twice a day
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 02:52 pm
I can imagine stuck on deserted island with a few others and the conversation being heated and at times monotonous or even damned annoying. Would you retreat to your cave and refuse to accept their company? The joy of encountering others is to come to terms with your own sometimes twisted views as well as confronting others. Do any of us want to become that insular that we make a conscious effort to ignore and push that button.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 03:18 pm
Reconstructo;151458 wrote:
To be fair, Hex, you are generous with the insults at times.
Please explain the relevace of your statemen to this thread, yes I know very well I'm not the most appealing person around this forum, but I lose sight of the relation.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 06:12 pm
HexHammer;151494 wrote:
Please explain the relevace of your statemen to this thread, yes I know very well I'm not the most appealing person around this forum, but I lose sight of the relation.

Actually , you mostly just give us hell for our words/ideas. I don't remember you personally attacking folks. So, I withdraw our edit my statement. Smile
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 06:20 pm
Reconstructo;151567 wrote:
Actually , you mostly just give us hell for our words/ideas. I don't remember you personally attacking folks. So, I withdraw our edit my statement. Smile
Thanks most kindly. :phone:
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 06:23 pm

These are on my ignore list. Feel free to add me to your ignore list too if you are on mine.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 06:39 pm
i think it is easy to misunderstand people who dont agree with us, or who have voiced a strong opinion against something we believe in. but i think it is better to try and get past those things and reach an understanding. it is easy to not argue with someone who is always polite or someone who agrees with our views.

i admit that at one point there were four people on my ignore list. three of them were almost immediately barred from posting, which doesnt really say anything about my judgment because a lot of people i liked also got barred. as for the fourth, i realized i was wrong about my judgment and now that member is on my friends list.

after that, i decided not to use that button again. it makes me very happy to find something admirable or something to appreciate in someone who i am having trouble relating to initially. it gives me hope for there being world peace some day.
reasoning logic
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 06:42 pm
Emil;151571 wrote:

These are on my ignore list. Feel free to add me to your ignore list too if you are on mine.

I do not ignore anyone, I listen to all point of views as this is what I study. Sounds crazy does it not?:detective:
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 06:45 pm
kennethamy;151466 wrote:
I agree with you. If you don't want to read a post, well then, you can ignore the person by not reading the post. To place someone on the ignore list seems to be to be saying to him that I find that some of his posts make points against me that are unanswerable, and I find that painful.

I seldom read the posts of some, but every once in a while I occurs to me that the poster might say something sensible. Lightening may strike. So I do. And sometimes, I am surprised.

I don't know about that. Sometimes, I think it is as you say, but some people are very obnoxious and stupid, so I can see someone wanting to avoid accidentally reading their annoying posts. And someone might use the feature for a time, and then shut it off after a while. It is, after all, reversible, so that one can remove people from one's ignore list as well.

It does, however, prevent one from seeing if an improvement in posting occurs, just as you say. But such lightning striking is not really very common.

I personally have never used the ignore feature here, but I would not automatically condemn someone for using it with some people. Of course, only a fool would ignore my posts. But since I do not mind not interacting with fools, it is fine with me if they put me on their ignore lists.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 06:46 pm
Emil;151571 wrote:

These are on my ignore list. Feel free to add me to your ignore list too if you are on mine.

This is too funny...For everyone's information, Emil immediately put me on his ignore list right after the very first time we ever had an exchange between us.

His reply word for word was, "Don't respond to my posts. I hate it when my logical fallacies are exposed!"

I kid you not.

See posts #19-#22 in "Non-deductive vs. Inductive Logic."

I find it despairing people have taken political correctness this far...they just don't like having their sensitive little feelings hurt. But guess what,this is life....this is why Nature gave us a backbone.

And if you particularly fear or don't like having your views critiqued, then don't bother posting them publicly. It's that simple.

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