xris;151447 wrote:Im sure you or we can ignore those who we find impossible.. but I never do. The more they annoy me the more intense the feeling to debate. Im sure for those who ignore me, its because im too intelligent for them. :sarcastic:
I can understand what you mean. And indeed, for me as well, self-esteem has never been a problem. I suppose a certain amount of contempt measures in, but this contempt is also directed against my former selves, who I see mirrored in my antagonists. It's like Doc Holiday in Tombstone. I feel like we all play many roles, wear many masks, as we move up the dialectical staircase, if I may be allowed a metaphor. I bump into some angry young men who are all too familiar, and I realize at some point that they can only offer me yesterday and not tomorrow.
I prefer the enthusiastic sort, as I agree with the B that "wisdom makes a man's face to shine." Of course, I fail my own ideals at time, like anyone. But I stand by the notion that the true philosopher or artist is a joyful person, who wants to share the source of this joy. (Blake and Nietzsche, despite their faults, are excellent critics of indulgently masochistic "truth.")
---------- Post added 04-13-2010 at 03:09 PM ----------
To be fair, Hex, you are generous with the insults at times.
---------- Post added 04-13-2010 at 03:11 PM ----------
Khethil;151426 wrote:I don't use it.
There are folks who have such a long history of trolling or inciteful writing, that I just 'mentally' skip over them. This kind of leaves the door open in case their mood changes. To my mind, I'd rather see it all; pick and choose based on what's written.
I could see it having a usefulness... just not something I choose to avail myself of.
I wish I could mentally skip over, as I can certainly see the virtue in avoiding what is the equivalent of virtual repression. I just can't resist a return volley. It's the same with junk food. If I don't bring it home, I can eat healthy. But once it's in the house, I'm probably going to eat it. So I have to draw the line at the grocery store.

---------- Post added 04-13-2010 at 03:13 PM ----------
xris;151431 wrote:I agree... but should we pander to this juvenile reaction? I dont mind being ignored, my dear wife finds it absolutely essential when Ive had too many red wines. I would just like to know what fools are missing my pearls of wisdom.
I've only ignored a few people, and I always tell them, hoping that they will also ignore me. This way, in theory, we can both move on to find the conversation games appropriate to our intentions. But I can't deny an awareness of the aggression involved. It's a tiny virtual murder. But it's really only the murder of a relationship. Let's call it an abortion. Except that it is reversible. And I once ignored someone I ended up really liking, and apologized, etc., and stop ignoring him. To err is human.