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Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 11:17 am
kennethamy;151853 wrote:
Why not make it a rule never to say on the forum what you would not say face to face?

Well, that would be a nice guideline to have, but some people are just down right rude and crude and would say worse things to someone's face than they would on the Internet.

Personally, I am more likely to be rude to someone blowing hot air right in front of me. First, I am stuck listening to their babble, and second, they are wasting my time with their gobbledygook. Body language says a lot that does not get passed through the Interwebs.
Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 11:18 am
GoshisDead;151851 wrote:
You don't think it would be interesting to do a little sociological research about this? It would shed some light on several interesting things. Generation gap, internet culture, internet communication pragmatics, internet usage ideaologies etc... maybe it wouldn't be seriously helpful information in the grand scheme of things but I've known people who have defended PhD's successfully for more inane research.

I don't believe I expressed an opinion on that aspect of your post. If you can do the research and wish to do so, please do. I do not know what correlation you expect to find regarding who uses the ignore feature and who does not, but I would be happy to look at a chart showing such things.

kennethamy;151853 wrote:
It can be both rude and used to avoid rude people.

Yes, that is possible. But I am not convinced that it is necessarily rude to use the feature.

kennethamy;151853 wrote:
Anonymity allows people to say things on this forum they would not even think of saying personally, or if they were know.


kennethamy;151853 wrote:
Why not make it a rule never to say on the forum what you would not say face to face?

One may have whatever such rules one wants for oneself, but others are not going to follow it.
sometime sun
Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 11:20 am
It is ignorant to think that we can only learn from those whom we fancy.
I am drawn more to those who i dislike or especially those who do not like me maybe because I am a sadist or maybe because i am a believer in corporal punishment, besides if i dont like or you dont like me just means i have to try harder to find something worth appreciation, means i need to show my brilliance, i need some more polish or even a re-moulding.
Put myself to task.
But it does make me wonder if i am here to be loved more than i am to be accredited?
I get a bigger hit out of being quoted than i do about thanks.
But get thanked more than i do quoted.
I love being thanked but it is a climax not foreplay.
It is a puzzle it is a trial it is a sort of competition.
Solitaire or poker, masturbation or making love? I think we all know which is the best, one is passing the time one is living it.
No one should give up or throw away any one, it is defeatest and weak.
Ignorant is the wrong word idiotic might be more correct.
All else fails idiots can be the life of the party.

It also depends if they are personality based biased or academically based biased.
If you wont dont learn because you dont like the teacher or class mate you are a self gratifist, what you know only serves yourself,
how boring only believing in yourself.
Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 01:26 pm
xris;151729 wrote:
Noted and complied with. I feel in good company.

---------- Post added 04-14-2010 at 05:16 AM ----------

emil is not to be ignored it appears ..why is that?

emil put me on ignore when i called him out once for some "let's censor recon" comment. i best go find a box of kleenex. Smile

---------- Post added 04-14-2010 at 02:30 PM ----------

sometime sun;151861 wrote:
It is ignorant to think that we can only learn from those whom we fancy.
I am drawn more to those who i dislike or especially those who do not like me maybe because I am a sadist or maybe because i am a believer in corporal punishment, besides if i dont like or you dont like me just means i have to try harder to find something worth appreciation, means i need to show my brilliance, i need some more polish or even a re-moulding.
Put myself to task.
But it does make me wonder if i am here to be loved more than i am to be accredited?
I get a bigger hit out of being quoted than i do about thanks.
But get thanked more than i do quoted.
I love being thanked but it is a climax not foreplay.
It is a puzzle it is a trial it is a sort of competition.
Solitaire or poker, masturbation or making love? I think we all know which is the best, one is passing the time one is living it.
No one should give up or throw away any one, it is defeatest and weak.
Ignorant is the wrong word idiotic might be more correct.
All else fails idiots can be the life of the party.

It also depends if they are personality based biased or academically based biased.
If you wont dont learn because you dont like the teacher or class mate you are a self gratifist, what you know only serves yourself,
how boring only believing in yourself.

I can dig it, but have you been called an "idiot" yet? I truly understand the ethic of "tarrying with the negative," but must this include tarrying with petty wrath? I don't know. Maybe someone has gone all out and attacked you, and you could forgive them. And maybe it's just some macho b.s. that keeps me from doing the same. All I can say, it that I have raised some dust now and then, and sometimes a relationship breaks down to the point where philosophy has nothing to do with it, and it's on the level of "you're daddy pumps gas." For me, this sort of emotion is a distraction from my purpose here.

Not that I'm a saint. Of course not. And this is one more reason to cut the cord sometimes....in order to avoid becoming that nasty 10 year old that lurks in every adult. (?):flowers:

I agree that being quoted is better than being thanked. Sentences are virus, right? And we want our baby viruses to thrive....

---------- Post added 04-14-2010 at 02:32 PM ----------

Pyrrho;151859 wrote:

One may have whatever such rules one wants for oneself, but others are not going to follow it.

Good point, P. It also amuses me that K says this, as he has left anon comments on my blog.....

Consequences matter. And virtual consequences are generally words on a screen. In this same virtual world, everyone is a tough guy. Smile

---------- Post added 04-14-2010 at 02:34 PM ----------

Theaetetus;151858 wrote:
Body language says a lot that does not get passed through the Interwebs.

Very good point. And facial expressions, voice tone..are as expressive as music, although impossible to quantify. (Which makes a great actor a real artist...)
sometime sun
Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 02:05 pm
Reconstructo;151929 wrote:

I can dig it, but have you been called an "idiot" yet? I truly understand the ethic of "tarrying with the negative," but must this include tarrying with petty wrath? I don't know. Maybe someone has gone all out and attacked you, and you could forgive them. And maybe it's just some macho b.s. that keeps me from doing the same. All I can say, it that I have raised some dust now and then, and sometimes a relationship breaks down to the point where philosophy has nothing to do with it, and it's on the level of "you're daddy pumps gas." For me, this sort of emotion is a distraction from my purpose here.

Not that I'm a saint. Of course not. And this is one more reason to cut the cord sometimes....in order to avoid becoming that nasty 10 year old that lurks in every adult. (?):flowers:

I agree that being quoted is better than being thanked. Sentences are virus, right? And we want our baby viruses to thrive....

No i dont think i have been called an idiot YET at least not to my face there is still time, i have been called other things that make me want to laugh or cry, both good and bad, but instead of defence of what someone has resorted to i find it and i need addressing, they may be idiots for saying it but it takes me alot of time before i would dare call someone an idiot so must investigate their reasoning, God forgive me if i ever think i am completed or better than someone else, i just want to be correct and triumphant from time to time. I am more than willing to share the spoils of my wars.
This place is more than philosophy for me, it is an iteractive platform where i can perfect not just my accademic writting skills but perfect my personal interactive ones.
People can be crapy anywhere and even more hurtful when they are in your sitting room, deal with it dont hide from it.
I cant do this if i run from every ney sayer, however i do agree that if this petty discourse is all they are after i do make judgements that my time could be spent more pro-actively elsewhere, but sometimes i think it is funny the holes people dig themselves into, and all i need to do is make it known to them they will always have my hand if they want to climb up and out.

Macho macho man, where your feminine side?
You are not here to make friends?
Or perhaps just admirers?
I've seen your photo, handsome man who knows it.

Cut the cord but still be willing to raise the baby

'and we want our baby viruses to thrive' i love this line, as long as it is measured or medicinal doses it will make you stronger.
I already have the cure.Smile
Dr Reconstructo
Patient sometime sun
Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 02:08 pm
@sometime sun,
Ha this is sort of funny Sun:
I have noticed that some of, what I consider, the smartest people here get called stupid most often, and the less smart ones just tend to get ignored, unless they are super trolls.
sometime sun
Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 02:12 pm
GoshisDead;151955 wrote:
Ha this is sort of funny Sun:
I have noticed that some of, what I consider, the smartest people here get called stupid most often, and the less smart ones just tend to get ignored, unless they are super trolls.

I'm not sure if this is an insult?
As i feel overlooked all the time.Smile
Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 02:13 pm
GoshisDead;151955 wrote:
Ha this is sort of funny Sun:
I have noticed that some of, what I consider, the smartest people here get called stupid most often, and the less smart ones just tend to get ignored, unless they are super trolls.
Then who is the smart people, if I may be so bold to ask?
Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 02:16 pm
S'alright, I'm ignored quite a bit as well. Maybe we are the stupid ones. lol

As is I am going to list all the people I think are intelligent, I may not be Mr. Tact but come on.
Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 02:22 pm
GoshisDead;151960 wrote:
As is I am going to list all the people I think are intelligent, I may not be Mr. Tact but come on.
Just refeering to the people here in the forum, not irl, just 5, pretty please!
Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 02:26 pm
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;151951 wrote:
No i dont think i have been called an idiot YET at least not to my face there is still time, i have been called other things that make me want to laugh or cry, both good and bad, but instead of defence of what someone has resorted to i find it and i need addressing, they may be idiots for saying it but it takes me alot of time before i would dare call someone an idiot so must investigate their reasoning, God forgive me if i ever think i am completed or better than someone else, i just want to be correct and triumphant from time to time. I am more than willing to share the spoils of my wars.
This place is more than philosophy for me, it is an iteractive platform where i can perfect not just my accademic writting skills but perfect my personal interactive ones.
People can be crapy anywhere and even more hurtful when they are in your sitting room, deal with it dont hide from it.
I cant do this if i run from every ney sayer, however i do agree that if this petty discourse is all they are after i do make judgements that my time could be spent more pro-actively elsewhere, but sometimes i think it is funny the holes people dig themselves into, and all i need to do is make it known to them they will always have my hand if they want to climb up and out.

Macho macho man, where your feminine side?
You are not here to make friends?
Or perhaps just admirers?
I've seen your photo, handsome man who knows it.

Cut the cord but still be willing to raise the baby

'and we want our baby viruses to thrive' i love this line, as long as it is measured or medicinal doses it will make you stronger.
I already have the cure.Smile
Dr Reconstructo
Patient sometime sun

Excellent response! This is going to sound macho, but I would never retreat from an honest debate. Never. The one exception would be debating the merits of a writer than my opponent has clearly not even read. For me, time is the great true resource. I'm a miser with my time and always have been. I get terribly impatient in boring situations. Alone, I am never bored.
As to the fem side, that's pillow magic enters the picture. Let's just say my wife isn't starved for affection, and I mean affection, sweetness. This isn't some virility brag. Speaking of sweetness, thanks for the compliment!

As to ignoring folks, what I'm really trying to avoid is exactly that contempt you mention avoiding. I tend more toward arrogance (I admit it) than hand-wringing self-doubt. I know I will be ashamed of myself later if I let some tirade escape in response to an insult. Why? Because it's part of my philosophy to see all humans as variations on the same theme. (There, but for the grace of God, go I). And often enough we recognize our past selves in those we have conflicts with. Also we don't want to end up cursing , mistakenly, our future selves. Still, I think it's safe to say that those who open with rudeness aren't going to offer much. It's one of those assumptions I put my virtual money on. It's a pleasure to pay respect where respect is due, and this why just seeing enthusiasm for great thinkers makes me happy. Give me the eager smiling student anytime over the grumpy expert. (Ok, I can imagine some exceptions....) What have I to learn from the dissatisfied?

On the viruses line. At the moment, I don't feel much writerly ambition. I am truly satisfied, at the moment, by merely understanding all this math jazz that so absorbs me lately. I feel like my proper name means nothing, might as well be a serial number. It's a pleasure talking with you. Smile
Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 02:59 pm
Reconstructo;151929 wrote:

I can dig it, but have you been called an "idiot" yet? ):flowers:

I think you are alluding to me. Since you don't seem to understand the difference between use and mention, it will be hard to explain this to you, but I mentioned the term "idiot" in order to illustrate the notion of a loose use of a term. I said that if I called you an idiot, that would be a loose use of the term, "idiot". So, I was only mentioning the term "idiot" to explain the idea of a loose use of a term. Now, had I said, "Reconstrocto, you are an idiot" I would have been using the term, "idiot" to call you an idiot. But, to repeat, I was not using the term, "idiot", I was mentioning the term idiot. If you learn the difference, you will understand.
Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 03:27 pm
kennethamy;151980 wrote:
I think you are alluding to me. Since you don't seem to understand the difference between use and mention, it will be hard to explain this to you, but I mentioned the term "idiot" in order to illustrate the notion of a loose use of a term. I said that if I called you an idiot, that would be a loose use of the term, "idiot". So, I was only mentioning the term "idiot" to explain the idea of a loose use of a term. Now, had I said, "Reconstrocto, you are an idiot" I would have been using the term, "idiot" to call you an idiot. But, to repeat, I was not using the term, "idiot", I was mentioning the term idiot. If you learn the difference, you will understand.

I don't think I would use your particular terms for the idea that you are expressing, but it is certainly different to mention a word as an example than to use the word to describe someone. For your particular example, I think it might be better to explain the nature of hypotheticals. With a hypothetical of the form:


the hypothetical is neither affirming A (the antecedent of the implication) nor B (the consequent of the implication), but is affirming a relationship between A and B, such that A will not be true unless B is also true (and more, if it is some other kind of implication than material implication). Or, to say the same thing in other words, if A is true, then B will be true.

Thus, if I stated the following:

[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]If kennethamy is an idiot, then he believes idiotic things[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]

I would not be stating that kennethamy is an idiot, nor would I be saying that he believes idiotic things. I would be merely expressing a relationship between the antecedent and the consequent of the conditional. Since idiots believe idiotic things, the statement is true, even without kennethamy being an idiot. If kennethamy did not understand hypothetical statements, he might mistakenly believe that I was calling him an idiot with such a statement, but he would be mistaken if he believed that (which, incidentally, I am sure he will not make that mistake).

As for the idea of a "loose" use of a term, the word "idiot" is typically used loosely these days, and rarely is used as a technical term (as it once was, meaning someone who is mentally retarded [or is it now "mentally handicapped"?]). It is easy to see why such terms do get used loosely, as it is not normally thought of as a good thing to be an idiot or mentally retarded or mentally handicapped, so it works as an insult for someone to whom it does not literally apply. The word "bastard" is rarely used literally anymore, and ironically, its literal meaning is no longer considered to be so very bad in many societies, while it still retains its emotive meaning as an insult.
Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 03:43 pm
Pyrrho;151997 wrote:
I don't think I would use your particular terms for the idea that you are expressing, but it is certainly different to mention a word as an example than to use the word to describe someone. For your particular example, I think it might be better to explain the nature of hypotheticals. With a hypothetical of the form:
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]If A then B[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]the hypothetical is neither affirming A (the antecedent of the implication) nor B (the consequent of the implication), but is affirming a relationship between A and B, such that A will not be true unless B is also true (and more, if it is some other kind of implication than material implication). Or, to say the same thing in other words, if A is true, then B will be true.

Thus, if I stated the following:
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]If kennethamy is an idiot, then he believes idiotic things[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT]I would not be stating that kennethamy is an idiot, nor would I be saying that he believes idiotic things. I would be merely expressing a relationship between the antecedent and the consequent of the conditional. Since idiots believe idiotic things, the statement is true, even without kennethamy being an idiot. If kennethamy did not understand hypothetical statements, he might mistakenly believe that I was calling him an idiot with such a statement, but he would be mistaken if he believed that (which, incidentally, I am sure he will not make that mistake).

As for the idea of a "loose" use of a term, the word "idiot" is typically used loosely these days, and rarely is used as a technical term (as it once was, meaning someone who is mentally retarded [or is it now "mentally handicapped"?]). It is easy to see why such terms do get used loosely, as it is not normally thought of as a good thing to be an idiot or mentally retarded or mentally handicapped, so it works as an insult for someone to whom it does not literally apply. The word "bastard" is rarely used literally anymore, and ironically, its literal meaning is no longer considered to be so very bad in many societies, while it still retains its emotive meaning as an insult.

But the hypothetical could not have served to illustrate the difference between a loose use of a term, and a strict use of a term. It would illustrate how the statement "kennethamy is an idiot" would not be used to make an assertion. It would, of course, be a statement. The hypothetical, if p then q, must have a statement as the antecedent, and a statement as the consequent. But those statements are not asserted in the hypothetical. When I assert that if it rains, then the street will get wet, I am asserting the whole hypothetical, but I am not asserting either the antecedent nor the consequent of the hypothetical. But both the antecedent and the consequent are statements. But the statements are not asserted (or, as you write) stated.
Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 03:52 pm
Pyrrho;151997 wrote:
It is easy to see why such terms do get used loosely, as it is not normally thought of as a good thing to be an idiot or mentally retarded or mentally handicapped,

In general I am more troubled by the idiocy of others than I am by my own, as my idiocy has removed a large portion of the angst that might otherwise trouble my day-to-day functioning.

To paraphrase a quote from Time Bandits, "I am mercifully free of the ravages of intelligence."

If I ignore myself, can I still post?
Reply Wed 14 Apr, 2010 11:37 pm
xris;151414 wrote:
I'm surprised how often the ignore application is used. I have realised that a few people have chosen to ignore my posts. I have just applied my first ignore, only because it dawned on me he never replied to my post, so I must be on his ignore list. Is it me or is this a very juvenile application and why should we not know who has placed us on their ignore list. It would save so many wasted posts.

It seems a lot of people in the world cannot stand the heat of critical thinking, so a critical thinking guy created a button just for these misguided people. :bigsmile:
Pepijn Sweep
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 08:52 am
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;151957 wrote:
I'm not sure if this is an insult?
As i feel overlooked all the time.Smile

I Think Hexhammer was right; U are not overlooked but U want a confirmation all the Time. So do most of US...Surprised
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 08:59 am
TuringEquivalent;152172 wrote:
It seems a lot of people in the world cannot stand the heat of critical thinking, so a critical thinking guy created a button just for these misguided people. :bigsmile:

As Ronald Reagan once said, "If they cannot stand light, apply heat".
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 09:02 am
@Pepijn Sweep,
Pepijn Sweep;152252 wrote:
I Think Hexhammer was right; U are not overlooked but U want a confirmation all the Time. So do most of US...Surprised
Dunno if it's confirmation, just attention for an ever uncontrolable spiralling thing.

We all have situations where we can't help usselves, where our selfcontrols are diminished. Maybe because we'r unaware of it, or just distracted of other things.
sometime sun
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 09:37 am
@Pepijn Sweep,
Pepijn Sweep;152252 wrote:
I Think Hexhammer was right; U are not overlooked but U want a confirmation all the Time. So do most of US...Surprised

Is this s good or a bad thing? Destructive or constructive?
Yes i am terribly insecure as you know, i am also needy, i am not high maintenance but do need some maintaining, i do not need to be craddled but do enjoy being rocked, what i often dont receive i make up for in the giving.
Of course i am here for attention, we all are.
Trust me when i say my confirmation does not just come from responce it comes from responding.
I am not as good created as i am a better creator.
I know when i have been beautiful all i need is reflect i do not need to be admired to be believed.
But this is always nice.
The confirmation i think you are speaking of makes me a stronger confirmer.
I makes me want to stick around and enjoy you more.
I am not unsure of my reality but i am unsure of yours.
Your responce at those times makes you more real than me at those times.

---------- Post added 04-15-2010 at 04:40 PM ----------

HexHammer;152256 wrote:
Dunno if it's confirmation, just attention for an ever uncontrolable spiralling thing.

We all have situations where we can't help usselves, where our selfcontrols are diminished. Maybe because we'r unaware of it, or just distracted of other things.

Am i an ever uncontrolable spiralling thing?
Because i will tell you now i am never uncontrolable, apart from friday when i get drunk and even this is still has its limits.

---------- Post added 04-15-2010 at 04:52 PM ----------

I am not sure how to make this clear, i am here for you more than myself.

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