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Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 10:00 am
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;152279 wrote:
Am i an ever uncontrolable spiralling thing?
Because i will tell you now i am never uncontrolable, apart from friday when i get drunk and even this is still has its limits.

I am not sure how to make this clear, i am here for you more than myself.
Does selfdenial ever occur in any of your equations?
sometime sun
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 10:09 am
HexHammer;152299 wrote:
Does selfdenial ever occur in any of your equations?

Please i have no idea what you are talking about,
how can you self deny at the same time need confirmation?
Is not confirmation the way out of denial?
Please if you are saying i self deny why would i be trying to prove anything?
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 10:14 am
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;152309 wrote:
Please i have no idea what you are talking about,
how can you self deny at the same time need confirmation?
Is not confirmation the way out of denial?
Please if you are saying i self deny why would i be trying to prove anything?
Then you clearly don't understand the concept of selfdenial, from a denying perspective, not an ignorent persepctive.
sometime sun
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 10:19 am
HexHammer;152313 wrote:
Then you clearly don't understand the concept of selfdenial, from a denying perspective, not an ignorent persepctive.

So are you talking about self denail as a concept or study as opposed to my own personality?
You have got to help me here, at least try to answer one of my questions so i can understand you clearly, or are you so self assured you deny anyone else?
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 10:30 am
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;152316 wrote:
So are you talking about self denail as a concept or study as opposed to my own personality?
You have got to help me here, at least try to answer one of my questions so i can understand you clearly, or are you so self assured you deny anyone else?
you know perfectly what I'm talking about, you just dodge the subject with diversive questions ..as usual, I'v known you for too long and talked too much privately with you.
sometime sun
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 10:47 am
HexHammer;152322 wrote:
you know perfectly what I'm talking about, you just dodge the subject with diversive questions ..as usual, I'v known you for too long and talked too much privately with you.

REALLY i dont,
but let me try harder,
you said i was an uncontrolable spiraling thing,
i said i was in control,
you said something about self denial,
so that means i deny i am out of control?
I am deluded to think i am in control?
Please if i am correct show me where i have been uncontrolable?
I am open to be corrected if you can show me where i have been wrong.

It may be a personal enquiry but it is not private one, it is on the nature of your first post which was not wrong but not correct where you said i need attention or confirmation and i said 'we all do' i still dont see how this is anything to do with self denial especially when i said and hoped to make clear i am here to be in your company more than to be in my own.
I find it hard to lable and disregard people.
I would say you have only just met me or made an assumption on which you are not willing to reform, so we have not spent enough time together or with thte other.
If you think this is to public perhaps you would like to continue in private chat, but i scared you away from that before,
perhaps you should have more faith in people and not just yourself.
Self denial often includes more than just yourself.
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 11:05 am
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;152335 wrote:
REALLY i dont,
but let me try harder,
you said i was an uncontrolable spiraling thing,
i said i was in control
:nonooo::brickwall::poke-eye: wake up please.
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 11:07 am
could it be hex is talking about self denial in the roman catholic sense? because if you are concentrating on others more than yourself, that would be a form of self denial...wouldnt it?

but sometime, i never thought you were uncontrolled, except for when you want to be for a limited period of time...hmm...i think you might need confirmation so you can stop that ascetic sort of self denial some of us got brainwashed into believing doing was being good...you know what i mean?

i like both you guys, i hope you dont fight! and dont ignore each other!
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 11:22 am
salima;152352 wrote:
could it be hex is talking about self denial in the roman catholic sense? because if you are concentrating on others more than yourself, that would be a form of self denial...wouldnt it?

but sometime, i never thought you were uncontrolled, except for when you want to be for a limited period of time...hmm...i think you might need confirmation so you can stop that ascetic sort of self denial some of us got brainwashed into believing doing was being good...you know what i mean?

i like both you guys, i hope you dont fight! and dont ignore each other!
Just trying to solve sometime sun's inner gordian knot, it may be a Sissefos task, but I'm just doing what I usually do. Very Happy

It may take years, but I'll try! :flowers:
sometime sun
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 11:28 am
HexHammer;152350 wrote:
:nonooo::brickwall::poke-eye: wake up please.

My dreams are safer.
And i still dont know if you want me to wake up to your reality or to my own.
Both of which i am sure are valid, but you have still not shown me clearly your validity.
I am not asking you these things because i am trying to confuse or be confused i am asking because you are usually interesting but i cant find at the moment your basis or inteligence.
I am not connecting, could be my fault could be yours.
Could be we are not compatable?
But i dont give up easily.

You cant call someone blind just because they dont see through your eyes.

Please paint me a picture, i really want to see your skill and landscape even your reality.
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 11:39 am
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;152335 wrote:
you said i was an uncontrolable spiraling thing,
i said i was in control,
you said something about self denial,
so that means i deny i am out of control?
I am deluded to think i am in control?


This does not correspond well, kind of selfcontradicting, there are many other of your threads/posts where it's quite evedently that you are not in control and deny that, yet you cry out for help ..which you refuse.

It's a compulsive behaviour, you need to "double" aknowledge it, meaning you speak of it, but at the same time deny it when you are confronted with it.
sometime sun
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 11:49 am
salima;152352 wrote:
could it be hex is talking about self denial in the roman catholic sense? because if you are concentrating on others more than yourself, that would be a form of self denial...wouldnt it?

Absolutely, it is a balancing act so in this respect i would agree with you i am in self denial with boughts of self invitation.
salima;152352 wrote:

but sometime, i never thought you were uncontrolled, except for when you want to be for a limited period of time...hmm...i think you might need confirmation so you can stop that ascetic sort of self denial some of us got brainwashed into believing doing was being good...you know what i mean?

Yes i think the poem 'some old, still a new fool' illustrates this occasional tendancy, but i do try to keep it in the realms of creative writting eevn though that is what i hope to do everywhere.
Yes i know exactly what you mean, am have an ascetic personality which with sertain recent introductions acceptances and diagnoses in my life have left me the exact opposite, short attention span instead of obsessive.
Another reason i think why i start so many threads is i can only give a damn for short periods.
salima;152352 wrote:

i like both you guys, i hope you dont fight! and dont ignore each other!

And i am in constant awe of you.
I dont think we have been fighting, you would know if my claws came out.
I dont wish to be dangerous or controvertial.
I get a kick out of understanding not confusion.
As to ignoring, i think i am incapable of this;
HexHammer i may have once thought i got you pegged but then you genuinely surprise me from time to time,
just as sometimes you resort to being a cliche again.

With love dear Lady, your friend sometime sun

---------- Post added 04-15-2010 at 06:57 PM ----------

HexHammer;152363 wrote:
Just trying to solve sometime sun's inner gordian knot, it may be a Sissefos task, but I'm just doing what I usually do. Very Happy

It may take years, but I'll try! :flowers:

'Turn him to any cause of policy
The Gordian Knot of it will be unloose
Familiar as his garter'
Should you not at least give me the right to my own character in my myth?
My own fashion line not the modles?
Or would you prefer to write my story for me?

What is Sissefos?
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 12:01 pm
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;152376 wrote:
Should you not at least give me the right to my own character in my myth?
My own fashion line not the modles?
Or would you prefer to write my story for me?

What is Sissefos?
You constantly write it, just that you write it with a great amount of selfdenial which I intend to deliver you from.

..I will help you write you story free of denial. Stories are best told with objectivity ..unfortunaly sounds best siding with 1 part.

Google Sissefos lazy bum!
sometime sun
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 12:27 pm
HexHammer;152369 wrote:

This does not correspond well, kind of selfcontradicting, there are many other of your threads/posts where it's quite evedently that you are not in control and deny that, yet you cry out for help ..which you refuse.

It's a compulsive behaviour, you need to "double" aknowledge it, meaning you speak of it, but at the same time deny it when you are confronted with it.

I thanked you for this post because it is actually helpful.

What do you think a thread is?
What do you think correspond is?
Art is not appreciated by everyone but it is still art.
Please show me where i have self contradicted, is not contradiction more an open forum?
I dont understand how any of that thread is self contradiction.
Expansion perhaps and usually because someone else has 'solved' the crisis for me.
If i have ever come looking for self control though a thread it is the very task of opening and seeking solution that makes me controlled.
You know what i actually think you may be onto something,
when apart from here today and in response to your post have i denied that i am 'always' in control?
But i dont think the word or use is 'control' or 'uncontrol', it think it is liberation, would you prefer me to stay in prison rather than at least attempt an escape?
It is the atempt that makes it controlled.
I know i fail often but this does not mean it is uncontrolled.
I thought it was a good thread, you must try to remember that i ask a question so as other people will ask them selves that question not just answer me and mine but answer themselves.
I was quite happy with that thread and did almost everything you and others percribed to cure anger, admittedly by the end of the thread the anger was cured. But then there was a depression that set in.
Depression is hard to control and form a stage where i can play a positive roll hence no thread on depression.
When have i EVER Not taken someones advise?
When have i EVER refused someone?
I may have questioned or corrected but i have NEVER refused any of you.
Is compulsive behaviour more or less than obsessive?
Again when have i EVER denied either help or advise?
Or is just your advise or 'help' that you think i should rate more than my own conclusion?

I took your advise i drew a picture. It helped.
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 12:33 pm
All the answers are within youself, just that your pain doesn't allow youself to answer your own questions, you seek answers for calming the pain, which you don't need ..stop asking and answer it youself.
sometime sun
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 12:51 pm
HexHammer;152386 wrote:
You constantly write it, just that you write it with a great amount of selfdenial which I intend to deliver you from.

..I will help you write you story free of denial. Stories are best told with objectivity ..unfortunaly sounds best siding with 1 part.

Google Sissefos lazy bum!

Again write what and selfdeny what?
What do you think self denial is?
Can you deny self denial?
Can self denial deny?
Something does not add up here.
Is this denial or is it genuine exploration?
I hope if you see a problem i do not i would like to think you could deliver me from it, but you still have not adequately explained (at least to my perseption) what is not right with me.
And believe me when i say i know i am not perfect or complete.
Is the hero of the story ever objectivly not the hero, i mean protagonist.

I did google 'sissefos' and all that came up was 'sisyfos' and then 'sisyphus', and if we are talking about that then all i can say is physical exercise is good for the heart, the hill will end, the boulder will turn into a bird.
YouTube - Queen - Don't Try So Hard (Lyrics)

---------- Post added 04-15-2010 at 07:54 PM ----------

HexHammer;152399 wrote:
All the answers are within youself, just that your pain doesn't allow youself to answer your own questions, you seek answers for calming the pain, which you don't need ..stop asking and answer it youself.

Just because i have an answer does not mean others do.
And more just becaus ei have an answer does not mean i have yours.
There are more ways to skin a cat,
just as every question does not have just one answer.
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 01:03 pm
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;152408 wrote:
Just because i have an answer does not mean others do.
And more just becaus ei have an answer does not mean i have yours.
There are more ways to skin a cat,
just as every question does not have just one answer.
You had a moment of clarity, but now falls back to the old track..

You have all the answers to solve your own problem ..you just need to belive in youself ..and not thirst for answers of others ..that's what your compulsions makes you do ..exclusivly ask others for attentions ...and answers to nothing..

You ask without wanting to recive!

You must stand firm infront of the mirror, and ask the man you gaze upon to help you! That is your true help!
sometime sun
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 01:22 pm
HexHammer;152420 wrote:
You had a moment of clarity, but now falls back to the old track..

You have all the answers to solve your own problem ..you just need to belive in youself ..and not thirst for answers of others ..that's what your compulsions makes you do ..exclusivly ask others for attentions ...and answers to nothing..

You ask without wanting to recive!

You must stand firm infront of the mirror, and ask the man you gaze upon to help you! That is your true help!

This really should have been explored in PM.

What was the moment of clarity?
Problems can be fun to solve, do you only put together a jigsaw once?
I do believe in myself, do you?
How boring and cold to only answer your self
exclusively for others attention?
I am more fulfilled when i am compossing a reply,
even the possibility of the uncontroled responce.
I think you might call it free-style.
and answers to nothing?
I never ask to not recieve,
I feel sad when one of my threads fail
sometimes i do forget though
But still need your reply more than mine.
Circle, i need you to respond so i can react.
You spoke of mental masturbation before,
what is the point if you are only pleasuring yourself?
I am self reliant self employed even
But i cannot compose a love song with out some other to love.
Ode to myself blah blah blah
I am looking for inspiration not gratification.
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 02:25 pm
sometime sun I must conclude you suffer from a form of Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder OCPD, and it's very close to OCD.

..that is your inspiration for salvation.
sometime sun
Reply Thu 15 Apr, 2010 02:44 pm
HexHammer;152453 wrote:
sometime sun I must conclude you suffer from a form of Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder OCPD, and it's very close to OCD.

..that is your inspiration for salvation.

Well you sertainly dont know how to save anyone.
What qualifies you to make this insult in public?
You have no right to do this.
I gave you NO permission.
I said in private messaging.
You are not clever or big.

My suffering is not for you to pick over.
I am more than my disabilities,
I am person,
I have a heart,
How dare you!

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