The aims of Aliens - Only for believers

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Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 03:00 pm
@GHOST phil,
I can see the merit in having a place to talk about the philosophical impact of extra terrestrial life. I can also see that this is not really a philosophical thread. So far, this has been unconfirmed theory and conspiracy posting. I am very familiar with this as I have a friend who is into this sort of thing. Still, I have seen nothing about the philosophy behind extra terrestrial life. Only arguments about whether or not it is out there.

On the up side, it is starting to go in the right direction. I have to admit that I see no issue with this thread IF and only IF it can go toward philosophical merit and not towards conspiracy or wild assumption. This walks a fine line but I think it should be given time to come to fruition.

Ghost, I would like to see you participate in some of the other threads. I think that it is important for you to understand the community that you have joined and I have seen little to no interaction outside of your own alien based threads (EDIT: To be precise, 18 of 112 posts were outside of your alien threads. The other 85% are all in the same three threads). Perhaps getting involved with other conversations would be helpful to you and Justin by showing that you are a member of the community.
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 03:11 pm
@GHOST phil,
Good post Icon. Yeah I don't see an issue with it and a new forum just for this type of discussion will be submitted as there's going to be several new forums soon. I think it's coming of age and is more of a concern today than ever before. So let's consider all this.
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 03:19 pm
@GHOST phil,

As Icon and Justin noted, it is perfectly fine to philosophize about aliens. I understand that you believe that a thread dedicated to, "Do we have souls?" in this forum would have a better outcome. I can tell you that this is not necessarily true. Why? Because if the individual decided to preach, "Allah made all of us, owns our souls, and if we do not do his bidding we will all perish!" and then disregarded all other positions, we would have a deconstructive thread on our hands.

Similarly, the way you started this thread was not with an open-mind. When anyone even considered your position, you would direct us to your other thread, and even there there wasn't ample consideration! That's not acceptable, do you not see? If you had initially started off the thread with consideration and the intent to philosophize, not preach, we wouldn't be here right now. Remember: Share your truth, but do not force feed it.


I think it's understandable that you would take offense to Justin's post, if you don't see his position. At face value, it does look a bit offensive, but once you understand what has already been communicated to this person, you may be a bit more understanding. He's not abusing his authority, he's merely stating that this is not the place for a blind-belief in aliens. Point blank. There are other places for this. This could be a place for philosophizing about aliens, but this would encompass constructive, intelligent criticism from both ends, rendering threads like this not even in existence.

No one is the enemy here. Let us learn and recoup from this experience.
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 05:34 pm
Thanks for your understanding, Zetherin. Yes, I think people can offer valid arguments from a variety of perspectives, even/especially if they don't agree. Call this a debate over the ambitions of hypothetical extra-terrestrial visitors, if you like. But the parameters are clear, and they were presented by the original poster. We're not concerned with how aliens may have gotten here, because the premise of the debate is that they are hypothetically already here.

Yeah, one could abuse his/her ability to type by disputing the premise, but that typist would be wasting everyone's time. If one is not a moderator, and he or she doesn't agree with the premise, then he or she can simply go read something else.

You appear to be a bright individual, but highly skeptical. You seem to take this discussion personally, when there is no need. Maybe you can discuss why the idea that there must not be other intelligent life is so personal to you here, if you can translate it thru the hypothesis that they are already here.


I would accept blame for not reviewing the history of this site as much as I could have. It's nice to meet you too. I came here to discuss the idea of god. But, I find anything about alien life rather interesting, as well as appropriate.

I think a separate category for "intelligent non-human life" woud indeed be appropriate. (You wouldn't be justified in calling it extra-terrestrial, because the fact that they are from elsewhere has not been established.) In any case, it would just as pertinent to Philosophy as any discussion about "god", if not more. I think people would welcome that.

Cheers everyone
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 05:41 pm
I have a question about traveling through space at light speed. Would a ship going that fast be impossible to protect from all the micro matter flying through space, or would there be a vacuum created to protect it?
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 05:56 pm
Pusyphus wrote:
We're not concerned with how aliens may have gotten here, because the premise of the debate is that they are hypothetically already here.

Again, intelligent discussions in this forum are not subjected to pretense. This is not the forum to blindly accept that they are already here; that is for another place.

Pusyphus wrote:

You appear to be a bright individual, but highly skeptical. You seem to take this discussion personally, when there is no need. Maybe you can discuss why the idea that there must not be other intelligent life is so personal to you here, if you can translate it thru the hypothesis that they are already here.

Here's a quote from me earlier in this thread:

Zetherin wrote:
And for the record, though I don't believe your or Ghost's fantastical stories, I actually do believe it's highly improbable that we are the only intelligent life in the universe. But to claim that I know, to present make-believe stories and regard them as fact, or science, or evidence, is just silly. There's so much extrapolation with these 'theories', they never prove anything.

I have no personal qualms with this particular subject, I do have personal qualms with evangelizing any subject. I didn't come here to denounce or support the existence of aliens, but rather to point out that there should be consistent evaluation of "evidence" and "facts". Because the premise of this debate was to readily assume that intelligent life is already here, there appeared to be a cognitive dissonance of sorts throughout the thread. In other words, the premise of this forum was misunderstood. Again, this is not the place to dwell with hypotheticals, this is the place to have your hypotheticals scrutinized.

Take a look throughout this entire site, every sub-forum, every thread, and you will see what I speak. Each thread is open for discussion, entirely, as long as you articulate your thoughts respectfully. This is a beautiful place because it is not caged by hypotheticals, because I do not have to translate to appease.
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 06:08 pm
Joe wrote:
I have a question about traveling through space at light speed. Would a ship going that fast be impossible to protect from all the micro matter flying through space, or would there be a vacuum created to protect it?

You're aware of the LHC? If not, google it.

Here's a decent article regarding the Higgs Boson Theory: Higgs Boson: A Ghost in the Machine - TIME

There are some that suggest that time travel is possible through this theory, and the LHC will make or break this. If the "God particle" is found, much of metaphysics will begin to make it's way to physics, as far as I know. "Science fiction is only fiction relative to the time in which we live"

According to modern physics, as far as I know, it's impossible to protect a moving piece of matter at that speed from disseminating, let alone actually achieving that speed with the matter. However, there are theories out there that suggest otherwise, and the LHC may very well hold some answers. To put modern physics into perspective, we still have no idea even what gravity is: We have a Newtonian equation, but there are many disagreements (Einstein's relativity) and observations that simply do not add up. According to a friend of mine, depending on the findings of the LHC, we could have actually been wrong about much of what we now consider to be modern physics. Basically, we would have to work all the way back and start anew from the 20th century on.

I'm no scientist, though, and I'm sure others have more information regarding this. Maybe make a thread over in the science section?
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 08:03 pm
Joe wrote:
I have a question about traveling through space at light speed. Would a ship going that fast be impossible to protect from all the micro matter flying through space, or would there be a vacuum created to protect it?

Tough to say, Joe. Hypothetically speaking, what makes you think they would have to "come from" somewhere else? I mean, we are here, right? That's evidence that it is possible for life to take hold here. It doesn't rule out the possibility that other intelligent life existed here before us. To the contrary, it indicates that it is likely.

Of course, if there was intelligent life here before we got here, the question then becomes where did they go? And, the answer could be that they didn't go anywhere. We could assume that there technology is greater than ours, enough so to keep out of our sight. The next question would be...why?

You brought up a good point with an earlier post. I think the chances that more than one separate species would be involved. Makes one think of the logistics. Supposing that the species arrived one at a time, what would the protocol be? Do you think there is some implied "prime directive" that most/all visitors would obey? Or do you think it would be some sort of Manifest Destiny garbage?

And, do you think the presence of some existing civilization appearing to have intelligence make a difference one way or the other?
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 08:19 pm
@GHOST phil,
[quote=GHOST]This is how I see it, the Government knows that these beings are not a threat to us, but they they use this as an excuse to make it an issue of national security, although they are certian that these beings are of no threat to us. They also use, the excuse that "we can't handle the Earth shaking information, and the implifications of this information", but both of these are just excuses for keeping the information supressed, the real reason lies in the greed and lust for power this minority of corrupt people have. The technology and the information that has come from relations with Aliens and the reverse engineering of Alien space crafts would totally rid the world of all polluting sources of energy and propulsion, the world would change dramatically overnight, 3rd world countries could be given free energy, and they would no longer make billions, or trillions every year, from these Earth destroying methods of power production.[/quote]
GHOST wrote:

As, I said, we are still being watched carefully, and I have devised a conlusion from all this, the reason I think they are studying and watching us closely, which I will state in a moment, and I don't see it as corrupting "natural" DNA, it's all just perfectly reasonable science.

I'm just saying that they enjoy science, which gives them more motive for conducting such experiments, because I do think our planet is far from the only "ant farm". They do actually have an ultimate goal, which I'm about to theorize on.

OK, so here is my conclusion, my thoughts on why they are doing this whole thing, what their goals are, and what will happen at the end of this time limit.

They found Earth full of life when they developed the technology to explore the depths of the universe. As I said, they gave the ape a slighly modified body and brain, they probably chose the ape because it was most similar to themselves, and they could see the potential, so they modified the ape, and now it was self-aware, it was a species totally different from the original ape, it was the human. So the human began to civilize, colinize, develop communities, technology and the such. Now, the Aliens had a goal in mind from the moment the created the "human". Not only would they find it interesting and informative, to study us, but they wanted us to achieve greatness in a given time, greatness in the form of understanding, truth, and real cosmic truth comes in the forms of philosophical, metaphysical and spiritual understanding, we must rid ourselves of the materialistic and conditioned views we hold, we must become aware of our higher selves, our souls, our spirituality, we must also rid our selves of war, crime, anger, violence, arrogance and greed, we must step up a level and come together as a species, we must become something they feel safe they can release into the universe, we must become a species they can respect and admire, we must become a species they can be proud of. Now, they figure if we can't do it in a certian time, which we are not, they are going to need to intervene, they will let the catastophic events of 2012 happen, but they will only save those who they feel deserve to be saved, it will be like a cleansing process, they will rid our species of the undesirable part of the population which, will be most of it, they will let those who are saved in on a few important facts, and after the events which only start on 2012, and slowly build up from there, have passed, they will place the saved back on Earth. It will be like a kick in the behind, they will enable us to gain a huge evolutionary advancement, and so they continue studying and waiting, until will can be released into the wild, free from our zoo, and zoo keepers.

They don't want to remain hidden, I think they just don't care if we see them, infact I think they are hoping we soon realize their existence without them having to let us know themselves, it must be getting really rediculous in their eyes. They were probably told to remain hidden, but they obviously won't listen to us, especially the corrupt people that want them to remain hidden, and they most certianly can create their own safe heavens, which are most likely not even on Earth, they would be on nearby planets in our solar system, and there are lots of Government, NASA, and astromony related people who claim that there are infact huge structures on the moon and under the surface of Mars, but yes, they have introduced themselves to people in higher places, and I do suspect that they operate in, and have helped build, our massive underground infastructure. I suspect that we have very close relations with these beings in some parts of our secret Government operations.

Well, you have heard my theory, and I have clearly stated that these beings have no negative, evil, or corrupt objectives or motives, so the most obvious answer as to what to do, is just to wake up to ourselves, and step up a level, in the way I have stated. They are of no threat, they are not like that, they realize that war, crime, anger, violence, arrogance and greed are just pathetic, useless, and unintelligent ways of going about things, they are past all of that, not to mention, they have been around for as long as we have, and if they were angry or hostile in any way, we would have been gone a long time ago, it would like be stepping on an ant to them. We are most definitely of no threat to them, and they are of no threat to us.

How do you conclude they are no threat if you also think they will wipe most of us out in a few years? I'd say that represents a significant threat, and so would the average person. Are you saying that the government(s) would sit back and watch? That would suggest that the politicians are already the chosen ones. This leads to the conclusion that we the people are not responsible for these wars and such as it is, and it also indicates that this alien force has had a hand in the attrocities all along, one way or another. So, please explain this discrepancy in your viewpoint in a way that shows you have a position, and that you are not simply refuting the positions of others.
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 08:43 pm
Zetherin wrote:
You're aware of the LHC? If not, google it.

Here's a decent article regarding the Higgs Boson Theory: Higgs Boson: A Ghost in the Machine - TIME

There are some that suggest that time travel is possible through this theory, and the LHC will make or break this. If the "God particle" is found, much of metaphysics will begin to make it's way to physics, as far as I know. "Science fiction is only fiction relative to the time in which we live"

According to modern physics, as far as I know, it's impossible to protect a moving piece of matter at that speed from disseminating, let alone actually achieving that speed with the matter. However, there are theories out there that suggest otherwise, and the LHC may very well hold some answers. To put modern physics into perspective, we still have no idea even what gravity is: We have a Newtonian equation, but there are many disagreements (Einstein's relativity) and observations that simply do not add up. According to a friend of mine, depending on the findings of the LHC, we could have actually been wrong about much of what we now consider to be modern physics. Basically, we would have to work all the way back and start anew from the 20th century on.

I'm no scientist, though, and I'm sure others have more information regarding this. Maybe make a thread over in the science section?

Yeh, Zero point is where its at. I have heard of LHC and have a friend trying to break it down for me. Ultimately it seems more logical this way then the suspended light particles experiments. Although whether or not its light suspended is apparently in question. Anyways its interesting the information we could get about space/time dynamics. It is guessed that there are more simple methods then say space curvature and what not.


Pusyphus wrote:
Tough to say, Joe. Hypothetically speaking, what makes you think they would have to "come from" somewhere else? I mean, we are here, right? That's evidence that it is possible for life to take hold here. It doesn't rule out the possibility that other intelligent life existed here before us. To the contrary, it indicates that it is likely.

Of course, if there was intelligent life here before we got here, the question then becomes where did they go? And, the answer could be that they didn't go anywhere. We could assume that there technology is greater than ours, enough so to keep out of our sight. The next question would be...why?

You brought up a good point with an earlier post. I think the chances that more than one separate species would be involved. Makes one think of the logistics. Supposing that the species arrived one at a time, what would the protocol be? Do you think there is some implied "prime directive" that most/all visitors would obey? Or do you think it would be some sort of Manifest Destiny garbage?

And, do you think the presence of some existing civilization appearing to have intelligence make a difference one way or the other?

Well ive read some stuff on ancient civilizations and the idea that there is evidence pertaining to knowledge and traces of other worldly technology.

interesting examples are:

The lines and figures over the Earth, the Peruvian Nazca lines and "roads", the Bolivian "ceques", the radial lines coming from ancient ceremonial sites, and the British "ley" lines, precisely straight lines which connect ancient sacred sites.

also the age old questions of the pyramids and their construction.

As for where aliens would actually come from? It is interesting to think about how little we've explored the entire earth. but mostly today scientists largely agree on the basic structure of the Earth. It does not include alien hideouts or underworlds of any kind. Some diagrams compare the layers of the Earth to an egg. The yolk is the core, the egg white the mantle (a unsolid layer of rock). The shell of the egg is the crust, the surface where we are.

But underground caves? who knows. We havent explored that much. And i'll be honest, underground stuff pertaining to the government is what i wanna know. The ones with secrets, usually have the juicey stuff.
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 08:49 pm
Joe wrote:
Yeh, Zero point is where its at. I have heard of LHC and have a friend trying to break it down for me. Ultimately it seems more logical this way then the suspended light particles experiments. Although whether or not its light suspended is apparently in question. Anyways its interesting the information we could get about space/time dynamics. It is guessed that there are more simple methods then say space curvature and what not.


Well ive read some stuff on ancient civilizations and the idea that there is evidence pertaining to knowledge and traces of other worldly technology.

interesting examples are:

The lines and figures over the Earth, the Peruvian Nazca lines and "roads", the Bolivian "ceques", the radial lines coming from ancient ceremonial sites, and the British "ley" lines, precisely straight lines which connect ancient sacred sites.

also the age old questions of the pyramids and their construction.

As for where aliens would actually come from? It is interesting to think about how little we've explored the entire earth. but mostly today scientists largely agree on the basic structure of the Earth. It does not include alien hideouts or underworlds of any kind. Some diagrams compare the layers of the Earth to an egg. The yolk is the core, the egg white the mantle (a unsolid layer of rock). The shell of the egg is the crust, the surface where we are.

But underground caves? who knows. We havent explored that much. And i'll be honest, underground stuff pertaining to the government is what i wanna know. The ones with secrets, usually have the juicey stuff.

I'm sure they do.

Hypothetically speaking, do you think it would be more likely that the ones with the secrets would be keeping them under duress, or more likely that they keep the secrets to maintain a financial advantage over the rest of us?
GHOST phil
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 10:24 pm
Pusyphus wrote:

How do you conclude they are no threat if you also think they will wipe most of us out in a few years? I'd say that represents a significant threat, and so would the average person. Are you saying that the government(s) would sit back and watch? That would suggest that the politicians are already the chosen ones. This leads to the conclusion that we the people are not responsible for these wars and such as it is, and it also indicates that this alien force has had a hand in the attrocities all along, one way or another. So, please explain this discrepancy in your viewpoint in a way that shows you have a position, and that you are not simply refuting the positions of others.

They are not going to wipe us out, they are going to let us be wiped out...but they will still save those who they see as the best choices for cleansing our population, I can see nothing wrong with it, they are still saving those who have unknowingly helped themselves and our species by loving, caring, and pulling their weight in our society, those politicians and Governmental figures who think they can escape the devastation are very, very wrong, building massive underground structures is not going to help them at all, most of these people are corrupt and greedy, they make up a lot of the people that cause our population to be unclean in the first place.

Joe wrote:
Yeh, Zero point is where its at. I have heard of LHC and have a friend trying to break it down for me. Ultimately it seems more logical this way then the suspended light particles experiments. Although whether or not its light suspended is apparently in question. Anyways its interesting the information we could get about space/time dynamics. It is guessed that there are more simple methods then say space curvature and what not.

What do you mean, "zero point is where it's at", and does the LHC have something to do with this? What do you mean "Although whether or not its light suspended is apparently in question"?, suspended in what? "It is guessed that there are more simple methods then say space curvature and what not.", more simple ways of what, curving space? I don't know how good your understanding of this particle accelerator is, but it sounds like what your friend is telling you might be a bit off par...I'm not saying it is, I'm just unsure about what your talking about, I think I know what your talking about, but it's a bit vague, if you like, I can give a basic description of what the LHC is and how it works, I know a fair of bit about it, it was one of my most favorite topics in physics and I did a bit of personal research on it, not that you can't just research it...
Pusyphus wrote:
I'm sure they do.
Hypothetically speaking, do you think it would be more likely that the ones with the secrets would be keeping them under duress, or more likely that they keep the secrets to maintain a financial advantage over the rest of us?

Keeping what secrets, the underground structures? First we need to know why they even have underground structures which, are kept secret, I would guess, because the operations and purposes of these structures are huge, "juicy secrets" in themselves. There is apparently a huge, American owned, underground base, here, in the middle of Australia.
Reply Fri 6 Feb, 2009 09:02 am
@GHOST phil,
I was hoping my attempt at making it more philosophical would have created more input from those who oppose this subject on principle..I understand that most philosophers here usually carry a lot of knowledge about the subject they debate but on this occasion it appears the only principle we observe is of total disbelief..I am in agreement with the view that why has god become acceptable to debate but not aliens.Maybe we should say these aliens are gods and it would be more objectively discussed.Has any one actually read my link about the alien experience and the findings it has produced ? Philosophically speaking this subject and its believers deserve examination by rationale rather than it be demonised.If then we cant find any of their evidence worthy we should burn them..
Reply Fri 6 Feb, 2009 10:43 am
xris wrote:
I was hoping my attempt at making it more philosophical would have created more input from those who oppose this subject on principle..I understand that most philosophers here usually carry a lot of knowledge about the subject they debate but on this occasion it appears the only principle we observe is of total disbelief..I am in agreement with the view that why has god become acceptable to debate but not aliens.Maybe we should say these aliens are gods and it would be more objectively discussed.Has any one actually read my link about the alien experience and the findings it has produced ? Philosophically speaking this subject and its believers deserve examination by rationale rather than it be demonised.If then we cant find any of their evidence worthy we should burn them..

For those who have ample proof of alien existence, whether it be in the form of an actual craft sighting, or an unexplained personal visit, the big picture becomes uncomfortably clear. The maybes quickly dry up, and whatever is left must contain the truth. These poor folks probably don't care much at all if anyone else believes them or not. There would be a different motive for sharing that isn't readily apparent to the layperson.

For these knowers, reality has reared its ugly head. The alien beings see themselves as gods, they plant books (ideas) on earth to have us people believe in something just as evil. For what reason? They show themselves and then disappear with no explanation. It's obvious that they rule the earth. How could they not? This world is a big vaudeville act, a charade. It is one big marionette stage, where we are not only the puppets, but the audience.

Over and over again, the one solution for a righteous existence is painfully and crystal clear for the people who know. The brave ones know they must devote their lives to seeking and destroying these beasts, if they could only find a way. Subconsciously they already feel that nothing more mundane would give life nearly as much meaning. That feeling never changes. Yeah, you all probably think this is entertaining for them to share their little points-of-view. Please help them however you can though, because they are doing whatever they can to trade-in the few remaining puzzle pieces for prettier ones. And, they're doing their best to hold on to the idea of love...
Reply Fri 6 Feb, 2009 01:29 pm
xris wrote:
I was hoping my attempt at making it more philosophical would have created more input from those who oppose this subject on principle..I understand that most philosophers here usually carry a lot of knowledge about the subject they debate but on this occasion it appears the only principle we observe is of total disbelief..I am in agreement with the view that why has god become acceptable to debate but not aliens.Maybe we should say these aliens are gods and it would be more objectively discussed.Has any one actually read my link about the alien experience and the findings it has produced ? Philosophically speaking this subject and its believers deserve examination by rationale rather than it be demonised.If then we cant find any of their evidence worthy we should burn them..

I've already clarified this. I suggest you go back and read. If you still can't find it, I'll copy and paste.
Reply Fri 6 Feb, 2009 02:50 pm
Zetherin wrote:
I've already clarified this. I suggest you go back and read. If you still can't find it, I'll copy and paste.
Yes please because i cant find where you replied to or commented on my link or satisfied my concerns about the equal treatment of subjects.Im not saying i believe or even contemplate these strange stories but i do see a strange inconsistency in how they are approached.A benevolent god is as strange a concept to me as fairies or aliens.
Reply Fri 6 Feb, 2009 02:52 pm
xris wrote:
I was hoping my attempt at making it more philosophical would have created more input from those who oppose this subject on principle..I understand that most philosophers here usually carry a lot of knowledge about the subject they debate but on this occasion it appears the only principle we observe is of total disbelief..I am in agreement with the view that why has god become acceptable to debate but not aliens.Maybe we should say these aliens are gods and it would be more objectively discussed.Has any one actually read my link about the alien experience and the findings it has produced ? Philosophically speaking this subject and its believers deserve examination by rationale rather than it be demonised.If then we cant find any of their evidence worthy we should burn them..

Personally, I believe the argument for aliens, God, the afterlife, and the soul are all pretty much on the same level. They often rely on unverifiable claims, circular logic, concepts beyond the current capability of human understanding, and pure speculation. Just speculating about the technology required to travel to earth from a distant planet--much less a distant galaxy--is pretty much a pointless discussion from a philosophical standpoint. Because we can only understand technology from own understanding of what technology is, we cannot know that a different being would develop technologies that we could understand. For example, here on earth, the Egyptians had the wheel as a tool. But on the other side of the world, the Mayan's had no wheel or beast of burdens, but still built massive pyramids, temples, and cities. Much like the Mayans had no clue what the wheel was, we would not be able to have a clue as to what an alien's mode of transportation would be. Sure, it makes for nice science-fiction, and could even spawn the next Battlestar Gallactica or Star Trek, but it hardly makes good fodder for a valuable philosophic dialogue. If fact it only divides people into factions. Those that believe or those that don't. The deniers vs. the tinfoil hatters. If philosophy is about understanding and critical thinking, a dialogue that leads into stereotyped name calling is a total failure of dialectic thought and discussion--one of the fundamental purposes of philosophy.
Reply Fri 6 Feb, 2009 03:02 pm
We are not debating the possibilities of warp space speed or the how they get here , if they exist they could be our next door neighbour in a parallel universe concerned about the effects we may have on their place in space. I dont know but you cant discount the idea because you cant conceive of their science.Its a phenomena that is not be classified as a bunch of loonies irritating you.
GHOST phil
Reply Sat 7 Feb, 2009 01:13 am
Theaetetus wrote:
Personally, I believe the argument for aliens, God, the afterlife, and the soul are all pretty much on the same level. They often rely on unverifiable claims, circular logic, concepts beyond the current capability of human understanding, and pure speculation.

Theaetetus wrote:
Just speculating about the technology required to travel to earth from a distant planet--much less a distant galaxy--is pretty much a pointless discussion from a philosophical standpoint. Because we can only understand technology from own understanding of what technology is, we cannot know that a different being would develop technologies that we could understand.

We are not here to speculate on how their technology works, although it might require consideration on some occasions, but we aren't interested in the physics behind advanced Alien technology. Think about the philosophical discussions you have about God...why did he create us, what were his intentions and ultimate objectives (if he had any), who or what is he, and obviously, does and how could he exist etc etc. and why is debating Gods existence considered philosophical, is it because he could be our creator, our lord, and just because of the way he would exist? So, what if Aliens were our creators, our lords, and what if the way they exist is on a different plane of existence or dimension or what ever?
Theaetetus wrote:
If philosophy is about understanding and critical thinking, a dialogue that leads into stereotyped name calling is a total failure of dialectic thought and discussion--one of the fundamental purposes of philosophy.
So we have the problem at hand, people are more interested in skepticizing and arguing over the existence of Aliens, mean while the thread goes totally off topic and spirals out of I go onto threads asking "why did God created us" or something similar, and start spewing skepticism every where, over Gods existence, no, because it's off topic!
Reply Sat 7 Feb, 2009 03:26 am
xris wrote:
Yes please because i cant find where you replied to or commented on my link or satisfied my concerns about the equal treatment of subjects.Im not saying i believe or even contemplate these strange stories but i do see a strange inconsistency in how they are approached.A benevolent god is as strange a concept to me as fairies or aliens.


Zetherin wrote:

As Icon and Justin noted, it is perfectly fine to philosophize about aliens. I understand that you believe that a thread dedicated to, "Do we have souls?" in this forum would have a better outcome. I can tell you that this is not necessarily true. Why? Because if the individual decided to preach, "Allah made all of us, owns our souls, and if we do not do his bidding we will all perish!" and then disregarded all other positions, we would have a deconstructive thread on our hands.

Similarly, the way you started this thread was not with an open-mind. When anyone even considered your position, you would direct us to your other thread, and even there there wasn't ample consideration! That's not acceptable, do you not see? If you had initially started off the thread with consideration and the intent to philosophize, not preach, we wouldn't be here right now. Remember: Share your truth, but do not force feed it.

I've cited more than one time the problem was not with the aliens, but with how the aliens were initially addressed. If you find aliens just as strange a concept as a benevolent god, then you should understand that if someone made a thread titled, "Only for believers of a benevolent god", it would be criticized - not because it is about a benevolent god, but because this forum is not for evangelizing. All notions receive equal treatment, and the forum encourages an open-forum paved with respect, not threads that limit discussion to pretense.

So we have the problem at hand, people are more interested in skepticizing and arguing over the existence of Aliens, mean while the thread goes totally off topic and spirals out of I go onto threads asking "why did God created us" or something similar, and start spewing skepticism every where, over Gods existence, no, because it's off topic!
You've been addressed more than one time. If you still don't understand, I can either send you an explicit e-mail, or I'll just suggest that you leave. Skepticism is part of this forum. You are perfectly allowed to go into threads and ask "Why did God create us?". That is not the same as what you did here: You started a thread and then literally said, "Aliens created us", and then denounced any opposition by shouting, "Skeptics!!".

You respond here as if you didn't read Justin, Icon, and I's postings just a few pages ago. I thought you were capable of mature discussion, but you're making me think otherwise. If you still don't understand what's going on here and seek further clarification as to why you were, and still are, being responded to in this manner, just send me a PM.


Personally, I believe the argument for aliens, God, the afterlife, and the soul are all pretty much on the same level. They often rely on unverifiable claims, circular logic, concepts beyond the current capability of human understanding, and pure speculation.
You're absolutely right. And as far as I know, this forum is a place to philosophize about all of it with an open-mind.

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