The aims of Aliens - Only for believers

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Reply Wed 4 Feb, 2009 07:09 pm
The Aims of Aliens

Part 1: The Prelude

Extraterrestrial life is life originating outside of the Earth. It is the subject of astrobiology and its existence remains hypothetical, because there is no credible evidence of extraterrestrial life which has been generally accepted by the mainstream scientific community.

This is a fair definition, since we cannot all agree on one theory on what Aliens would want in visiting Earth. Since not everyone agrees on Extraterrestrial life being here its fair to state that mainstream science does not recognize Extraterrestrial life and officially everything is theory. I say theory because there are people who use science to justify their claim. All that aside:

Where in the universe would these aliens come from? I ask this because considering we have not found intelligent life currently existing in our solar system, it would have to be from another. How far? Far enough in my opinion to think that their technology would consist of harnessing the speed of light. Would alien visitors be likely to visit without it? I also would think that for the sake of reasoning we might not be the first intelligent life that they have visited. Considering the vastness of space. Would they be alone. How many species could there really exist? Billions on this planet alone. If other planets support life, where does it stop? Anyways, My point is, if your to acknowledge Et's, there is no reason to not think there could be multiple species visiting earth. The universe is just to large to only agree that one race of Ets exist. It doesn't make it true though.

So thats my first hump. Would we be visited by a single race of Extraterrestrials or several?
GHOST phil
Reply Wed 4 Feb, 2009 11:03 pm
Pusyphus wrote:
No. Disclosure would mean sharing only as much as would not be considered a detriment to national security. If you want your perspective to be considered seriously, you ought to explain why the simple acknowledgement of alien intelligent life represents a threat.

Again, if the government has no ties, then seeing the alien "force" as a threat would be a mild understatement. In this case, one would think that our military would be open to any help or direction they could get, even if it's from the people, no?

If not, then explain.

This is how I see it, the Government knows that these beings are not a threat to us, but they they use this as an excuse to make it an issue of national security, although they are certian that these beings are of no threat to us. They also use, the excuse that "we can't handle the Earth shaking information, and the implifications of this information", but both of these are just excuses for keeping the information supressed, the real reason lies in the greed and lust for power this minority of corrupt people have. The technology and the information that has come from relations with Aliens and the reverse engineering of Alien space crafts would totally rid the world of all polluting sources of energy and propulsion, the world would change dramatically overnight, 3rd world countries could be given free energy, and they would no longer make billions, or trillions every year, from these Earth destroying methods of power production.

Pusyphus wrote:

I sense that you allude to the "altruistic" nature of scientific study. What, then, would be the reason for doing something so irresponsible as corrupting "natural" Ape DNA to create a species that could very well destroy the planet, including the Ape, when left to its own devices?
As, I said, we are still being watched carefully, and I have devised a conlusion from all this, the reason I think they are studying and watching us closely, which I will state in a moment, and I don't see it as corrupting "natural" DNA, it's all just perfectly reasonable science.

Pusyphus wrote:

When did you suggest they were just doing it for fun? maybe the second paragraph of your last post, when you said "'s the joy of science."
I'm just saying that they enjoy science, which gives them more motive for conducting such experiments, because I do think our planet is far from the only "ant farm". They do actually have an ultimate goal, which I'm about to theorize on.

Pusyphus wrote:

Well, you better start with some conclusion...ANY. Otherwise, you are wasting everyone's time.

If you're asking what the 2012 objective might be, I don't have a friggin clue. I guess we'd find out soon enough. Any guesses? Yes, their complex goal may be difficult to figure out, but not necessarily impossible with the information available.

If you think we should leave ourselves open to all the options, then you will have accomplished nothing except establishing that you could not formulate a simple conclusion, and support it?
OK, so here is my conclusion, my thoughts on why they are doing this whole thing, what their goals are, and what will happen at the end of this time limit.

They found Earth full of life when they developed the technology to explore the depths of the universe. As I said, they gave the ape a slighly modified body and brain, they probably chose the ape because it was most similar to themselves, and they could see the potential, so they modified the ape, and now it was self-aware, it was a species totally different from the original ape, it was the human. So the human began to civilize, colinize, develop communities, technology and the such. Now, the Aliens had a goal in mind from the moment the created the "human". Not only would they find it interesting and informative, to study us, but they wanted us to achieve greatness in a given time, greatness in the form of understanding, truth, and real cosmic truth comes in the forms of philosophical, metaphysical and spiritual understanding, we must rid ourselves of the materialistic and conditioned views we hold, we must become aware of our higher selves, our souls, our spirituality, we must also rid our selves of war, crime, anger, violence, arrogance and greed, we must step up a level and come together as a species, we must become something they feel safe they can release into the universe, we must become a species they can respect and admire, we must become a species they can be proud of. Now, they figure if we can't do it in a certian time, which we are not, they are going to need to intervene, they will let the catastophic events of 2012 happen, but they will only save those who they feel deserve to be saved, it will be like a cleansing process, they will rid our species of the undesirable part of the population which, will be most of it, they will let those who are saved in on a few important facts, and after the events which only start on 2012, and slowly build up from there, have passed, they will place the saved back on Earth. It will be like a kick in the behind, they will enable us to gain a huge evolutionary advancement, and so they continue studying and waiting, until will can be released into the wild, free from our zoo, and zoo keepers.

Pusyphus wrote:

Okay, well that's actually four possibilities, along with excess verbage...

1. If they did not want to interfere with us in any way, then you mean a blind experiment, right? Why the occasional appearances then? Either take a position, or assume the position.

2. If they were told to remain hidden, then we have a real problem here don't we, in one way or another? Let's talk about that possibility.

3. If they could not create their own safe havens, then don't you think introducing themselves would be a viable approach, in the pragmatic sense?

4. They don't care...well that appears to be a very likely case, believe it or not. Now, what would that say about them?

They don't want to remain hidden, I think they just don't care if we see them, infact I think they are hoping we soon realize their existence without them having to let us know themselves, it must be getting really rediculous in their eyes. They were probably told to remain hidden, but they obviously won't listen to us, especially the corrupt people that want them to remain hidden, and they most certianly can create their own safe heavens, which are most likely not even on Earth, they would be on nearby planets in our solar system, and there are lots of Government, NASA, and astromony related people who claim that there are infact huge structures on the moon and under the surface of Mars, but yes, they have introduced themselves to people in higher places, and I do suspect that they operate in, and have helped build, our massive underground infastructure. I suspect that we have very close relations with these beings in some parts of our secret Government operations.

Pusyphus wrote:

If they don't exist, fine.

If they do exist, and there is nothing we can do to affect their will, or protect ourselves from their decisions, then fine.

But, if there is something that we can do as people, to affect our own well-being, in the face of the threat that they may impose, then what would that be? How can you convince people that we should be looking out for a way to defeat this alien threat, in the worst case scenario?
Well, you have heard my theory, and I have clearly stated that these beings have no negative, evil, or corrupt objectives or motives, so the most obvious answer as to what to do, is just to wake up to ourselves, and step up a level, in the way I have stated. They are of no threat, they are not like that, they realize that war, crime, anger, violence, arrogance and greed are just pathetic, useless, and unintelligent ways of going about things, they are past all of that, not to mention, they have been around for as long as we have, and if they were angry or hostile in any way, we would have been gone a long time ago, it would like be stepping on an ant to them. We are most definitely of no threat to them, and they are of no threat to us.
GHOST phil
Reply Wed 4 Feb, 2009 11:11 pm
Joe wrote:

I also would think that for the sake of reasoning we might not be the first intelligent life that they have visited. Considering the vastness of space. Would they be alone. How many species could there really exist? Billions on this planet alone. If other planets support life, where does it stop? Anyways, My point is, if your to acknowledge Et's, there is no reason to not think there could be multiple species visiting earth. The universe is just to large to only agree that one race of Ets exist. It doesn't make it true though.

So thats my first hump. Would we be visited by a single race of Extraterrestrials or several?
Yes, I suspect there are lots more than one visiting and examining us, but there is only one that created us, and one that has future ideas for us, this is the group we are focusing on, and I suspect they don't just have one "zoo", and the other species probably have some too, but we are focusing on us, and our creaters, as this is all that's relevant to my theory.
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 02:06 am
@GHOST phil,
I'm curious as to what you seek from this thread any longer, GHOST. You've explained your theory (to which I've explained my stance regarding many a time), and I see you just repeating what you've already said.

Perhaps you have some ideas to take this thread to a different level, or would you just like to start a new thread that may be more productive? I don't see anything logically progressing here. You tell your story, someone rebutts you, you rebutt back, neither party gives in (because clearly, the arguments here transcend logic!), and the escapade continues.

Any thoughts, GHOST?
GHOST phil
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 03:11 am
Well, if you read the OP, I was actually hoping people would submit some of there own ideas, which hasn't really happened yet, but I'm fine with refining my theory in conversation with Pusyphus. It would help if others would submit some of there theories, but hey, I probaly will let this thread die off soon, it isn't getting any where fast...
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 03:35 am
@GHOST phil,
GHOST wrote:
Well, if you read the OP, I was actually hoping people would submit some of there own ideas, which hasn't really happened yet, but I'm fine with refining my theory in conversation with Pusyphus. It would help if others would submit some of there theories, but hey, I probaly will let this thread die off soon, it isn't getting any where fast...

Here's the thing: You're asking for people to submit theories on the motivation of aliens, when the very nature of this forum aims to consider everything, including the existence of aliens. If you were to place this exact thread on Aliens / Extraterrestrial Forums - The Book Of THoTH, you'd have a much better response. In fact, here's a thread title currently active: "How did they find us?!"

I don't think this thread is going the way you like because it's not in the right place. It's in a place that consists of people that aren't blindly accepting of claims. And since the motivation of this thread was to submit theories off of an already accepted claim, you're having no luck. There are simply too many skeptics here to meet your desired end.

I suggest letting this thread die and approaching the matter from a different perspective that sympathizes with the consistent contemplation this forum allows and advocates.
GHOST phil
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 04:27 am
Yeah, I know exactly what your saying, but I was hoping there were more people that believed in Aliens, who used these forums, or that poeple would just try to "pretend" for a moment that these beings exist and visit Earth. Their theory doesn't have be anything like mine, it just requires that people believe, or pretend for the sake of conversation, philosophy relies on a mind that can make assumptions, from given evidence, that can later be concluded, but they don't instantly need to be proven in order to philosophize further on the subject. I really feel that these beings do exist, the amount of evidence in my opinion, is just totally overwhelming, and fully conclusive. I could only conclude that these beings motives and intents, were highly philosophical, metaphysical, and spiritual, so I though I might bring it to philosophy forum, I am not asking people to blindly accept my claims, they are just my theories, most of philosophy, consists of theories, I am merely asking that we be able to philosophize on the subject.
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 04:33 am
@GHOST phil,
GHOST wrote:
Yeah, I know exactly what your saying, but I was hoping there were were more people that believed in Aliens, used these forums, or that poeple would just try to "pretend" for a moment that these beings exist and visit Earth. Their theory doesn't have be anything like mine, it just requires that people believe, or pretend for the sake of conversation. I really feel that these beings do exist, the amount of evidence in my opinion, is just totally overwhelming, and fully conclusive. I could only conclude that these beings motives and intents, were highly philosophical, metaphysical, and spiritual, so I though I might bring it to philosophy forum, I am not asking people to blindly accept my claims, they are just my theories, most of philosophy, consists of theories, I am merely asking that we be able to philosophize on the subject.

Truly intelligent discourse is not confined by pretense. If you're asking to merely philosophize on the subject, do not make a thread that disallows those that disagree with your sentiments from responding. Don't rattle the cage of a dog kennel and then expect only the dog you want to bark. Again, I'm sorry, but this isn't the place.
GHOST phil
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 04:39 am
Well, I have tried others ways of going about it, that allows for a open community of minds to give input, but that input is almost always skepticism, or totally off topic in some way. It just doesn't work, and I am currently starting threads in other forums, where hopefully, there will be some more, like minded people to give costructive input, but I didn't really expect so much resistance from a philosophy forum.
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 04:48 am
@GHOST phil,
GHOST wrote:
Well, I have tried others ways of going about it, that allows for a open community of minds to give input, but that input is almost always skepticism, or totally off topic in some way. It just doesn't work, and I am currently starting threads in other forums, where hopefully, there will be some more, like minded people to give costructive input, but I didn't really expect so much resistance from a philosophy forum.

You should have - in an intelligent community such as this you will find many that aren't "like-minded". If you look closely, however, many of these posts have been constructive. I believe you may be overlooking this fact since they aren't necessarily agreeing with your sentiments. The response that you've received you shouldn't take personally, as it merely illustrates the community's resistance to evangelizing. It's fine to express your truth, but do not then say there is no other possibility, lest you receive the same kind of feedback you just did.

I believe you can be an asset to the community, I just hope that you're understanding what is being said here. What happened here wasn't an attack, it was simply resistance to close-mindedness. I know you're capable of expressing your truth in a different manner, so please make that attempt.

Thanks for your understanding.
GHOST phil
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 05:29 am
Yes, I understand there are a diverse range of people using these forums, and I can see how this thread has been constructive, but I am not taking responses that oppose my ideas personally, I respect everyone's oppinions, I'm not at all asking any one to take my ideas as fact, and not once did I say there was no other possibility, but the ones I theorize on, I was just stating my oppinions, ideas, and theories, which I think should also be respected, just as much as those who believe in the soul and spirituality, these can not be proven by science or logic, and therefor, are disregarded in the scientific community, but the philosophical community, is fully capable of understanding and respecting such ideas. My question: "what is the purpose and goals of Aliens visiting Earth?", is like the question: "what is the purpose of souls, in the physical body?". The existence of Aliens cannot be proven, nor can the existence of a soul, and I'm quiet sure if the person asked, for the sake of philosophical conversation, to just assume the existance of a soul, things would go a lot better for their thread than they have for mine. I hope you can understand the conundrum I am facing, and I truly feel, nothing but philosophical discussion is useful in relation to the question I am posing, just as philosophical discussion is essential in discussing the purpose of the soul.
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 05:40 am
John Edward Mack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I think i mentioned this doctor before he is worth reading up on . He found himself being scorned by his contempories on just such a subject. Im not saying his results are correct but they do need scrutiny.It might take this debate a step further.
GHOST phil
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 05:42 am
@GHOST phil,
I just want to add, as you might have missed my edit earlier on, is that things like discussion of the soul, other dimensions, metaphysics etc are common place philosophy because, philosophy relies on a mind that can make assumptions, from given evidence, that can later be concluded, but they don't instantly need to be proven in order to philosophize further on deeper, more complex subjects, thus, we have philosophy.
GHOST phil
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 06:29 am
@GHOST phil,

BBC quoted Mack as saying, "I would never say, yes, there are aliens taking people. [But] I would say there is a compelling powerful phenomenon here that I can't account for in any other way, that's mysterious. Yet I can't know what it is but it seems to me that it invites a deeper, further inquiry."

He's quiet right about that, it is more than mysterious, and it most certiantly deserves deeper, further enuiry, by the philosophical and scientific communities.

Mack's interest in the spiritual or transformational aspects of people's alien encounters, and his suggestion that the experience of alien contact itself may be more spiritual than physical in nature -- yet nonetheless real -- set him apart from many of his contemporaries such as Budd Hopkins, who advocated the physical reality of aliens.

And I can sense the more spiritual apsects, it's just very hard to understand how these beings might work, the abduction thing should certianly give insight into what and who these beings are, and why they are here. Are they spiritual beings themselves, are they still physical entities that know how access people's dreams and communicate this way, or do they just communicate on the astral plane? My mum (the Australian spelling) claims she had a dream where she entered an Alien craft which seemed to be made of some sort of liquid and she was compelled to touch it. These beings led her to a large room, in which there was a seat, situated in the middle. The whole time she did not see these beings, but she could hear them in her mind, it seemed. They told her they were going to let her see the past, but she could not interact or go near anyone she knew in the future. She sat in the seat, and was suddenly in an old building, she asked the date (I don't know the exact date she was given, but it was some time in the early 90's), and walked out side. She could see the beetles playing a concert acroos the street, in a park or something, she looked around for a moment, and she noticed her father, who had died when she was 2 years old. She could not help her self, and ran, full ball at her father, when she had almost reached him, she awoke, and shot up in her bed. Later, she went and asked her mother, who was obviously still alive, if her father ever went to see the beetles, her mother gave an exact date, and it matched perfectly with the date she was given in the building, in the dream.

Mack's explorations later broadened into the general consideration of the merits of an expanded notion of reality, one which allows for experiences that may not fit the Western materialist paradigm, yet deeply affect people's lives. His second (and final) book on the alien encounter experience, Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters (1999), was as much a philosophical treatise connecting the themes of spirituality and modern worldviews as it was the culmination of his work with the "experiencers" of alien encounters (to whom the book is dedicated).

I can't help but think the Alien question has a deep, philosophical answer, this guy was onto something. I will definatly be trying to get hold of "Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters", I've heard a lot about it.
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 06:37 am
@GHOST phil,
Now your rocking ...

This is the exact way i hoped it would go... thanks ghost..
GHOST phil
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 06:46 am
xris wrote:
This is the exact way i hoped it would go... thanks ghost..

No wacka's, I should thank you, this thread is getting a better foundation for philosophical discusion now, thanks for giving us a kick in a better direction...
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 06:58 am
@GHOST phil,
After reading about this guy it makes you think about the whole subject and how we should relate to those who have had experienced these strange events.There is a natural resilience by the establishment or certain academics to discount it without considering every posibility.When you have had strange things happen to yourself you are less inclined to discount others experiences with such cold calculating scrutiny.
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 08:15 am
GHOST wrote:
Yeah, I know exactly what your saying, but I was hoping there were more people that believed in Aliens, who used these forums, or that poeple would just try to "pretend" for a moment that these beings exist and visit Earth.

Ghost, understand that most of us aren't teenagers and most of us aren't into 'pretending'. This forum attracts a diverse crowd but I doubt anyone comes into this forum looking to pretend anything.

GHOST wrote:
Their theory doesn't have be anything like mine, it just requires that people believe, or pretend for the sake of conversation, philosophy relies on a mind that can make assumptions, from given evidence, that can later be concluded, but they don't instantly need to be proven in order to philosophize further on the subject.

If you want pretend conversation on something like this then you should find a different crowd. While you may come in here looking for conversation about Alien life and earnestly seek intelligent conversation, many of the folks here are not interested in this. We don't know enough about Human Life yet.

GHOST wrote:
I really feel that these beings do exist, the amount of evidence in my opinion, is just totally overwhelming, and fully conclusive. I could only conclude that these beings motives and intents, were highly philosophical, metaphysical, and spiritual, so I though I might bring it to philosophy forum, I am not asking people to blindly accept my claims, they are just my theories, most of philosophy, consists of theories, I am merely asking that we be able to philosophize on the subject.

Guess what, the evidence is overwhelming in a lot of things. It's overwhelming that you should give your life to Christ or worship Allah. Evidence is overwhelming that God wrote the bible and it's just as overwhelming that there is no God. Do you see what I mean?

If you want to talk about human philosophy, then this is the forum. We don't understand human life with all the overwhelming evidence that is already there so to start to try to understand alien life in this forum is not really what I'd like to see.

All we need now is to attract a bunch of high school and middle school kids in here talking about aliens. We're not babysitters and this is not pretend.

GHOST wrote:

My question: "what is the purpose and goals of Aliens visiting Earth?", is like the question: "what is the purpose of souls, in the physical body?".

What is the purpose of Humans visiting earth and inhabiting it? Answer that one first then we can move on to the things that we cannot see or put under a microscope.

GHOST wrote:
The existence of Aliens cannot be proven, nor can the existence of a soul, and I'm quiet sure if the person asked, for the sake of philosophical conversation, to just assume the existance of a soul, things would go a lot better for their thread than they have for mine. I hope you can understand the conundrum I am facing, and I truly feel, nothing but philosophical discussion is useful in relation to the question I am posing, just as philosophical discussion is essential in discussing the purpose of the soul.

I'm sorry but if this goes on much further with child-like pretend crap... If you are here to just talk about aliens, please exit via the front door. If this is going to be all you talk about on this forum, then you need to find like minds and a forum with people your age.

I've spoken my peace on the subject and will speak no more. If this continues it will be discontinued quickly.
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 12:29 pm
If you discontinue the thread, then we would all expect you to do the same with every thread having to do with a god. That is, if you wanted to be regarded as a fair individual.

You are already crossing the line by saying your piece and then using your authority to threaten retribution to anyone who doesn't agree with your opinion. I'm sure no one wants to be forced to engage in discussion according to the terms of your liking. Who are you?
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 02:50 pm
Pusyphus wrote:
If you discontinue the thread, then we would all expect you to do the same with every thread having to do with a god. That is, if you wanted to be regarded as a fair individual.

Sorry, this was and has never been or intended to be an Alien or Conspirator Theorists forum. God and aliens have nothing to do each other and who is we?

As far as being regarded as a fair individual, well that's debateable as well because fairness is based on perception and I cannot control your perception of my being fair so I don't live my life for that falsity. I try to be fair about everything and will continue to be, what I perceive as fair. Not everyone will agree and we all know that you cannot please everyone so we take our bumps and move on.

Pusyphus wrote:
You are already crossing the line by saying your piece and then using your authority to threaten retribution to anyone who doesn't agree with your opinion. I'm sure no one wants to be forced to engage in discussion according to the terms of your liking. Who are you?

Didn't mean for it to come out that way or sound that way. I've crossed a lot of lines though and I can guarantee this wont be the last. Also, there's not retribution here. If something or someone that looks like it's going to be a problem then we just save ourselves the headache and get rid of the problem and that's fair isn't it? Why would any of us want to add more of a workload editing poor language, flame wars and cuss words out of threads or anything that comes along with it? Fair is fair right?

In all fairness, the young man posting here has some ideas and makes some good points but as a new member all the threads he's opened have been about aliens or otherwise. This aint the alien forum. This does not mean I wouldn't consider adding a forum that deals with the philosophy of extraterrestrial life... Hey now there's an idea.

Philosophy really does involve everything that can be though in the mind of humans...

Oh, who am I. My name is Justin and I am the founder and administrator of the forum. Mainly I'm the geek behind it. Smile Pleasure to meet you.

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