@GHOST phil,
Isn't it funny how quickly these threads run the gammit.
I think we went from the possible intentions any possible aliens might have coming to earth, to how they would be affected by Darwin's opinions.
I still find it a little odd that we are talking about aliens from out there in the starngeness of space as though they must be humanlike in thought and intention, and now even genetics.
We always have to be able to put a face to a mystery and want it to be familiar so we can comprehend it. If it turns out to be incomprehensible we declare it an impossibility.
What if these aliens simply flee any sign of danger without ever having to defend theirselves? Maybe their technology is such that they do not need weapons because their flight skills are so highly advanced. Maybe that is why they are so elusive. They are simply able to come and go in the blink of en eye and no race has ever been able to harm them. And because of that they also have never harmed another living creature because of that.
My point is that we are definitely trying to paint any possible ET with a human face and to me that is certainly deceitful. We can make all sorts of assumptions based upon our own familiarity with how we would act and what our own physical selves might bring upon us, but why apply that to something that is NOT human?
This is simply that same old movie line where the alien comes to earth only to be nuked by paranoids before it can even get out of its car to say hello.