The aims of Aliens - Only for believers

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GHOST phil
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 05:27 am
Have you not read the testimonies provided in my other thread: "The Disclosure Project - We Have the Right to Know"? The thread is located in the science section. It contains over 400 testimonies from highly respectable people, I suggest you give them a read, start with "testimonies that explain the secrecy" if you want a better idea of how these things are kept under wraps, and I think I have more than enough skeptics to even things out...
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 05:54 am
@GHOST phil,
GHOST wrote:
Have you not read the testimonies provided in my other thread: "The Disclosure Project - We Have the Right to Know"? The thread is located in the science section. It contains over 400 testimonies from highly respectable people, I suggest you give them a read, start with "testimonies that explain the secrecy" if you want a better idea of how these things are kept under wraps, and I think I have more than enough skeptics to even things out...
How many gave any real tangible proof ? how many do you think know of this cover up thousands ? hundreds? Underground bunkers with perpetual motion generators ? craft capable of light speed..why are they spending millions on alternative energy sources ? why are we going to space in cumbersome rockets..
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 01:48 pm
Holiday20310401 wrote:
Oh come on!!! Infalsifiable... does that word not compute? You know... I'm going to make a thread and call it "The Psychology of Infalsifiables" and explain how I truly feel about this whole useless squirreling going on.

The aim of this thread is supposed to be about providing theories and criticizing them. Well it's all flawed regardless. Only the psychology matters.

And these youtube clips, why is it that they seem to revolve not around aliens, but around this trascendent/improvable phenomenon which unfortunately, blatantly suggests its all backed by petty emotional frenzies.

I understand your frustration about things that are difficult to disprove. I share in that with you. Those 'mysteries' seem to be put out there for an ulterior purpose. When you realize that, then the most likely explanation for all of this crap becomes more and more clear.

The 'claim' in this video can indeed be proven. It doesn't take much more than high school Physics to do it, either. I'll do it right now, but I want you to free your mind, so that you don't remain just another ineffectual skeptic:

Any planet that spins on its own axis has an open interior. Modeling and simulations show that a rotating planet takes the shape of a torus (a donut). The diameter of the opening is probably greatest at the poles, and least at the core. The faster it rotates, the greater the space. The size of the opening also depends on the density of the planet (or moon, etc.).

The reason for this is simple. The force of gravity experienced by the actual mass of a planet gets lower and lower, the closer the mass is to the center (where gravity directed inward is no greater than zero). At some point, the centripetal accelaration caused by the rotation counteracts and overcomes the inward force caused by gravity. This occurs at a mathematically predictable distance from center. Within this boundary, most (if not all) mass tends to vacate the center of the body.

The opening in our planet Earth, with its particular gravity and speed of rotation, is at least 40 miles across at the center. The opening gets larger and larger, as you move away from the center, toward either pole. The openings at the poles, according to some independent thinkers, are said to be about 1500 miles across. This is all dictated by the laws of physics.

So, when you set out to understand this world, don't be so quick to trust the sources you once thought were reliable (i.e. the 'scientific' community, the government, the media, etc.) Like I said, this is a criminal investigation. You need to be a detective, if you want any answers at all.
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 02:53 pm

I'd rather trust the scientific community. That theory has long ago been denounced by the modern understanding of planet formation, along with the current understanding of gravity.

There are reports of people visiting descendants of Atlantis underneath the ground of the Earth - 'Eye witnesses' that claim there are hidden civilizations with humans that are taller, living and breathing under the earth's crust. Are you kidding me? Really, do you want to debate fantastical writing? This is child's play. Most people regard the Hollow Earth hypothesis as nothing more than pseudoscience, and for good reason - it's another one of these make-believe stories that has everyone excited. Sorry, there are no tall men living beneath us, buddy.

You go on about not believing tainted sources, and then immediately believe something you'd read out of a children's book, based on a misunderstanding of scientific facts? Before you set out to understand this world, don't be so quick to trust the sources you hold so dearly. Oh, and just to wrap all of this up, I did read that there is supposed to be an expedition by these nutjobs sometime this year to try to 'prove' this theory (I think they're going to try to find one of the openings you suggested). Of course, when they don't find any openings beneath the earth with which a tribe of tall, Atlanean humans live, I'll be here to speak with you.
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 03:09 pm
Zetherin wrote:

I'd rather trust the scientific community. That theory has long ago been denounced by the modern understanding of planet formation, along with the current understanding of gravity.

There are reports of people visiting descendants of Atlantis underneath the ground of the Earth - 'Eye witnesses' that claim there are hidden civilizations with humans that are taller, living and breathing under the earth's crust. Are you kidding me? Really, do you want to debate fantastical writing? This is child's play. Most people regard the Hollow Earth hypothesis as nothing more than pseudoscience, and for good reason - it's another one of these make-believe stories that has everyone excited. Sorry, there are no tall men living beneath us, buddy.

You go on about not believing tainted sources, and then immediately believe something you'd read out of a children's book, based on a misunderstanding of scientific facts? Before you set out to understand this world, don't be so quick to trust the sources you hold so dearly. Oh, and just to wrap all of this up, I did read that there is supposed to be an expedition by these nutjobs sometime this year to try to 'prove' this theory (I think they're going to try to find one of the openings you suggested). Of course, when they don't find any openings beneath the earth with which a tribe of tall, Atlanean humans live, I'll be here to speak with you.

Then back to the woodwork you go.

By the way, if you have a problem with the science I have just put forth, then feel free to disprove it. Until then, save your breath...
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 04:37 pm
Pusyphus wrote:
Those 'mysteries' seem to be put out there for an ulterior purpose.

Ulterior/transcendent/infalsifiable... whatever

Pusyphus wrote:
When you realize that, then the most likely explanation for all of this crap becomes more and more clear.

Well, lemme just give it all a tad bit of thought again.

Pusyphus wrote:
The 'claim' in this video can indeed be proven.

So... what does it have to do with aliens then? And you say it seems to have an ulterior purpose, yet you scientifically try to explain it.:puzzled:

The difference between the way we seem to see this whole alien conceptualization is that you feel ulterior is ulterior, and I feel ulterior implies transcendent in this particular case. Thus you go ahead with the science and I with the psychology because I'm just one step ahead;)

Pusyphus wrote:
ineffectual skeptic: You need to be a detective, if you want any answers at all.

Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 05:44 pm
Holiday20310401 wrote:
So... what does it have to do with aliens then? And you say it seems to have an ulterior purpose, yet you scientifically try to explain it.:puzzled:

It may seem unrelated. But, it indicates a region which is rarely considered, yet "livable" in one way or another. When people try to dispute the mountains of evidence indicating other intelligent life forms here at the Earth, the first thing many of them use as reasoning against that is how unlikely it would be to travel from some other star. They assume that the "visitors" are here temporarily because we don't see them all the time. It's not germane to the argument, when more is known.

What I mean by "ulterior" are the theories put out there for the purpose of distraction...take the theory of evolution, for example, or the idea of a benevolent christ-like god, the notion that intelligent alien life-forms would not have motives, etc.
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 10:42 pm
Pusyphus wrote:
It may seem unrelated. But, it indicates a region which is rarely considered, yet "livable" in one way or another. When people try to dispute the mountains of evidence indicating other intelligent life forms here at the Earth, the first thing many of them use as reasoning against that is how unlikely it would be to travel from some other star. They assume that the "visitors" are here temporarily because we don't see them all the time. It's not germane to the argument, when more is known.

What I mean by "ulterior" are the theories put out there for the purpose of distraction...take the theory of evolution, for example, or the idea of a benevolent christ-like god, the notion that intelligent alien life-forms would not have motives, etc.

LOL, you're really reaching now, buddy. Jesus, the theory of evolution, and aliens not having visitation motives are all lumped into the same category of "distractions"?! Please, please explain your case.

And for the record, though I don't believe your or Ghost's fantastical stories, I actually do believe it's highly improbable that we are the only intelligent life in the universe. But to claim that I know, to present make-believe stories and regard them as fact, or science, or evidence, is just silly. There's so much extrapolation with these 'theories', they never prove anything.
Reply Fri 30 Jan, 2009 12:11 am
Pusyphus wrote:
Here Ghost, let me give you some hints. Suppose I have a theory to explain why human life originated on earth.

I could hypothesize that, prior to our existence, there was a human-like civilization that sought to make earth its home. Let's call them the Lord. I could also hypothesize that the Lord had technology to manipulate the environment, as well as engineer different species of life. I could also say that the Lord could only breathe methane. And finally, I could hypothesize that the Lord preferred the interior open space within the earth, because, among other things, it made travel and work much easier.

My conclusion would be that the Lord created humans and plants to become part of an autonomous, three-way, symbiotic relationship. The plants were designed to take carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, the humans were designed to take oxygen and produce methane, in simple terms. And, the Lord had been originally created to take methane and produce petroleum.

Now, I have a working theory, because there is evidence to support all of this. Do I need to prove how/why the Lord got here? No, because it is beyond the scope of my argument (theory). Do I need to know how life itself originated? Nope. We can already agree that life exists. How it happened is moot. Do I need to explain how we got here? No, my theory intends to explain why we are here. Of course, scrutinizing this theory may lead to reasoning for an explanation of how we got here. But, as you may agree, how is not nearly as important as why.

How I support my hypotheses is relevant, though.

So, I could say that the Lord looks similar to us because there is a book that has been published throughout the world that is said to be dictated by the Lord. This book clearly states that we look like the Lord...human-like.

I can support the claim that the Lord has the technology to manipulate the environment and genetically engineer new species, by observing the fact that humans already possess that ability. It isn't a stretch of the mind to assume that the engineer possesses at least as much technology as the engineered, at all times. Note that I do not need to explain how self-replicating lifeforms came about. All we need to know is that they indeed exist.

I could use the fact that we need a combustible molecule (Oxygen) to survive, as a way to support the idea that the Lord also needs a combustible molecule (Methane) to survive. It's simply an indication.

And finally, I could support the claim that the Lord lives in the interior of the hollow earth, by stating that the laws of physics dictate that spinning objects tend to be hollow (hurricanes, asteroid belts, etc). I don't need to explain why this is covered up by our govt/military/media complex, because that's a whole other discussion. It does follow that I would be relying on such a cover-up to support my theory, however. But, it's not very difficult to show that agencies like the government have covered things up in the past. (Take the JFK mess, for example.)

See what I'm getting at?

Zeth, this was an earlier post of mine on this same thread. It's worth re-posting.

You know, if you think about it, the truth itself (whatever it is) would be impossible to prove without enough verifiable information available for the listener. That doesn't mean it can't be theorized accurately.
Reply Fri 30 Jan, 2009 01:13 am
@GHOST phil,
GHOST wrote:

-They can telepathically communicate with each other and us.

What kind of Telepathic Communication do they have?

Reply Fri 30 Jan, 2009 01:30 am

Zetherin wrote:
Jesus, the theory of evolution, and aliens not having visitation motives are all lumped into the same category of "distractions"?! Please, please explain your case.


Reply Fri 30 Jan, 2009 11:01 am
@GHOST phil,
Well Zetherin, let me ask you this...

Hypothetically speaking, do you think it's possible that there is a truth about this world that is so disturbing, or so dis-enchanting, that we would all decide that we would rather not know about it?
Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2009 03:31 pm
Pusyphus wrote:
Well Zetherin, let me ask you this...

Hypothetically speaking, do you think it's possible that there is a truth about this world that is so disturbing, or so dis-enchanting, that we would all decide that we would rather not know about it?

I know I don't

My drive to know isn't limited by what I want to accept. When you believe in nothing, hope for nothing, nothing can let you down. :a-ok:
Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2009 03:55 pm
Pusyphus wrote:
Well Zetherin, let me ask you this...

Hypothetically speaking, do you think it's possible that there is a truth about this world that is so disturbing, or so dis-enchanting, that we would all decide that we would rather not know about it?

Try this story instead:

One Ring to rule them all,
One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all
and in the darkness bind them.

Even though the journey was dis-enchanting and disturbing, Frodo finally traversed to Mount Doom and cast the ring into the fiery chasm! If Frodo had decided he would "rather not know about it", the world would have fallen to evil!

Luckily we have fantasy writers like J.R.R Tolkien to spark our imagination, huh?
GHOST phil
Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2009 08:06 pm
xris wrote:
How many gave any real tangible proof ? how many do you think know of this cover up thousands ? hundreds? Underground bunkers with perpetual motion generators ? craft capable of light speed..why are they spending millions on alternative energy sources ? why are we going to space in cumbersome rockets..

I'm not sure how many might know, and I'm sure know one does. The only proof they might get hold of, is the footage we already have, which I currently am examining in my other thread, and it seems pretty conclusive, no one can question my scientific reasoning, no one can come up with a better explanation as to what the phenomena might be, so what are they? Please go to my other thread, to answer, and get involved in this topic, we are here to consider what they are doing, here on Earth.
neapolitan wrote:
What kind of Telepathic Communication do they have?

Is this a serious question? If it is, which I'm sure it's not, I'm not familiar with the technicalities of telepathy, as far as I know, the terms you just used are the terms used for the different methods of sending light in fibre optic cables.

So Pusyphus, are you going to repond to my last response on page 8? You seem to more worried in getting everyone off topic...can we please stop on this hollow Earth thing (make another thread if you must) and get back on track. Thanks.
Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2009 08:26 pm
@GHOST phil,
You make the statement:

GHOST wrote:
They can telepathically communicate with each other and us.

And then when asked to clarify, you write:

GHOST wrote:
Is this a serious question? If it is, which I'm sure it's not, I'm not familiar with the technicalities of telepathy, as far as I know, the terms you just used are the terms used for the different methods of sending light in fibre optic cables.

If you're not even familiar with the technicalities of telepathy, how can you even make the claim in the first place?

Even J.R.R Tolkien had his bases covered - if you asked him why the Dwarves were fighting with the Orks, or where the Elves discovered most of their magical energy, he could detail! You, on the other hand, don't have all your fantastical facts conjured! Better get writing!
Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2009 09:02 pm
@GHOST phil,
Personally, it seems a tiny bit ridiculous that, even if the supposed aliens were in the nearest solar system and were capable of lightspeed travel, would travel for five years from Alpha Centauri and their only goals being to kidnap a load of people that seem genetically presupposed to be unbelievable, plant some chips in people and be seen as a barely flitting piece of light on various cameras. Surely a more logical thing to do would be to hang around in orbit, identify a source of power and attempt communication?
Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2009 10:13 pm
Kolbe wrote:
Personally, it seems a tiny bit ridiculous that, even if the supposed aliens were in the nearest solar system and were capable of lightspeed travel, would travel for five years from Alpha Centauri and their only goals being to kidnap a load of people that seem genetically presupposed to be unbelievable, plant some chips in people and be seen as a barely flitting piece of light on various cameras. Surely a more logical thing to do would be to hang around in orbit, identify a source of power and attempt communication?

Oh, wait, you must not have heard the part where they've been genetically engineering us for thousands of years.
Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2009 10:57 pm
@GHOST phil,
Of course! Loving the new title of the thread by the way, best be off then.
Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 08:50 am
As ive said the subject is infested with wild claims on one side and ridicule on the other, would you be so harsh to christians or muslims as you are to those who believe in a more tangible mystery..You will have those who find the subject interesting being drawn further and further into this trap of believing almost anything.The trouble is when you accept there might be aliens visiting our planet the search for how or why becomes wilder and wilder. Be just a little more understanding ,certain persons are not the nutters you are trying to make them appear, no more than those who claim their god rose up to earth on a cloud..If you had the same attitude towards them you would be censored.

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