Quote:Since I think that most of us here are materialists, not idealists, and we can all appreciate that Occam's Razor generally holds true, our best bet is to treat my clock as an object with an existence outside of my own. Anything else leads to convoluted theories that would take too much time to work out and provide no more enlightenment than our current theory.
The characteristics of all mass and all of its qualities are perceived in the mind.
When we measure mass, we do not measure its qualities. The qualities of that energy are formed in our minds. Our 'current view' provides enough evidence for anyone to understand that energy, being homogeneous, only has form in the mind. If you believe that you are separate from the environment, and the environment exists without you simply because it appears that way and therefore its safe to assume that true, then I am very interested on how you apply occam's razor to your dreams. Seeing as how, there is no accurate way to distinguish reality from a dream, obviously this is a dream. Do you apply that concept to your dreams and find truth that dreams are separate from reality simply because you find yourself re-experiencing the process of waking up? But you also re-experience the process of dreaming.. The result is a bad tool to explain existence. So I can personally see how occams razor can make a convoluted and twisted explanation of reality. Because we cannot use finite tools to measure infinite qualities of existence or we end up with confusing results every time.. That is, we end up with 1.
Because when we take any finite number, and try to mathematically apply it to infinity, as you may know already, we end up with 1.
321423 multiplied by infinity still equals 1.. And always will..
Quote:universe, as anybody these days should know, is entropic overall.
The universe can be viewed as a neg-entropic obstacle. It is organized and compressed and condensed energy that is held together through cohesion, it seeks to randomize into a chaotic state but its trapped. Entropy randomizes energy. As entropy increases, cohesion decreases.
To view time as a whole, you have to view everything as a whole. As all things are apart of a infinite set - the absolute. The absolute is an all-inclusive, coherent, integrated whole, of infinite and finite magnitudes. In finite magnitude, the whole appears to be separated into parts, each of which appears to be less than the whole. In infinite magnitude, the whole is equal to each part and each part is equal to the whole and to every other part.
What is infinity? Infinity is that which cannot be measured, but compared. Love is infinite, tolerance is infinite. Infinite qualities of existence have no way of being expressed finitely because they are infinite, thus there are no finite tools we can ever use to explain them or measure them, they are infinite qualities, and the mind is a transfinite device that takes finite expressions of mass from a finite magnitude, and transforms them into infinite thoughts of the mind and of infinite magnitude. It is in our minds that infinite qualities can blossom and come to exist in our realities.
The perception of separation, is a perception developed in the mind. All things are apart of the infinite set, which is a whole, which means it is not separated. Empirical evidence can't be the tool you use realize this. When you use empirical evidence to help convince yourself that a piece of existence is true, you use a piece of something to prove another piece of the same thing exists, thus proving that you didn't really prove anything. But it sure does feel that way, like we really accomplished something, which is I guess the whole point.. But in any case, Intuition is what allows us to arrive at our truths and our beliefs, not empirical evidence. When we allow empirical evidence to completely control our intuition, we essentially limit ourselves, because we are limiting ourselves to one perspective. This is why from an absolute perspective, all things are real things. An absolute perspective includes multiple perspectives, not just one, it doesn't depend purely on formal logic.
We naturally find it suitable to accept things for the way they are, and so we tend to believe we are separate from everything else. But as time goes on, and entropy increases, the species will begin to understand all things are apart of one thing, and will adapt towards more chaotic social behaviors as a result. The quality of energy expresses in time-space, in finite form. But Time-space expressions are sub-sets of the all-inclusive set ... that is, of the Absolute. All things are apart of one thing but only appear to be separated. This is why we are what we are, this is why we see the environment from a separated finite magnitude, so we can find singularity. We create neg-entropic obstacles to create conflict because with conflict comes an increase of quality being released from mass and absorbed into our minds.
Entropy naturally randomizes energy into a singular state, it's only a matter of time before everyone becomes aware of that and thus starts incorporating entropy into their lives instead of focusing on resisting it, because it is very real. We have now accumulated enough data, to successfully predict, that one day, in order to survive, man must incorporate entropy into his life, and not continue resisting it.
Governments and other negentropic forces will never adapt to accepting entropic concepts, no matter how much entropy visibly and apparently alters the environment around us and no matter how aware of entropy we become. Their attempts to hide other view-points from the societies they control will grow because for a negentropic force to accept entropy is essentially a negentropic force accepting the destruction of itself. But we have also accumulated enough data to successfully predict, that technological advancements occur at an ever increasing rate, the speed at which they occur increases exponentially, so we can now predict, that technology will become a threat to all negentropic forces in the very near future. For example, one day, man will invent one single machine that will forever change his outlook on the environment. A single machine that can assemble and dissassemble the enviroment on an atomic level and recreate it as man wishes. A machine that can take a scoop of sand, and break it apart, and reassemble its atoms into complex chains of water molecules. A single machine that only has to be invented once, because it can even make copies of itself after its invented only once. This invention, as with all future inventions, will become a huge threat to all negentropic forces. It will become to goal of all negentropic force to attempt to slow entropy by all means possible. But slowing entropy only increases it somewhere else, and its only a matter of time before all is consumed in a ever-increasing vortex of chaos.
Entropy is a result of the growth of the over-all increase of the absolute's awareness of itself. Even trying to prevent entropy still increases entropy somewhere else. It is safe to assume, that in the future during this conflict, that single paradigmatic views will wax and that incorporate multi-viewpoints will wane in the attempts to slow awareness, simply because, the negentropic forces are doing all they can to prevent people from becoming completely and absolutely aware, because absolute awareness ultimately destroys negentropia. Thus today's current view, which is a view that refuses to accept other views to explain existence, its a type of obsticle for all of us to overcome. And we will.
Man is a monadic being, a living, sensing extension of the absolute whole.
Man is a finite representation of the absolute in its unaware form.
Man views the absolute set in a separated, finite form, and absorbs the environment's qualities from en-massed energy which makes him more aware of his absolute nature. The absolute seeks to know itself by a means to an end, and the only way it can become aware of itself, is by first being unaware of itself. The laws of the mind are true in the absolute's case as well as our case. The mind is transfinite and gets to experience and understand infinite qualities just as the absolute does.
The absorption rate is increasing, exponentially.. This is why in the past 150 years man has seen most of its technological advancements. We are moving exponentially faster towards singularity. De-massing states are increasing exponentially. Entropy is increasing exponentially. The environment is decaying at a speed that is exponentially increasing, because we are absorbing qualities faster and faster, releasing them from mass faster and faster, and then using those qualities to rebuild our environment the way we want faster and faster, thus the speed of technological advancement increases exponentially.
When we sense something, and absorb its qualities, we naturally decay that mass and increase entropy. It can be seen as the need dissipating, and as such, the need for it's physical existence is dissipating.
All things exist because we need them to exist. When a need is created, a will is created, and where there is a will, there is a way. When there is no longer a need, there is no longer a need for existence. Where there is no light, there is no evolution of a species with eyes to perceive light. Things happen, because they need to happen. All things happen because they need to happen, that's what 'happening' is, a need being fulfilled. Even when its horrible things we all hate to think about. The Absolute must express itself in every possible variation of expression, including expressions of imperfection, voiding and aberration. This is how it becomes completely aware of itself. This is why finite forms exist. This is all a state of unawareness.