is time infinite?

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Reply Thu 8 Jan, 2009 06:52 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:
The answer to Is time Infinite? is YES YES YES

Reply Thu 8 Jan, 2009 06:57 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:
The answer to Is time Infinite? is YES YES YES


You bring your Infinite, and I'll bring my infinometer, and we'll take notes that all can share...
Alan McDougall
Reply Thu 8 Jan, 2009 07:12 am
Time is Infinite YES YES YES, But it does not always flow in linear fashion,

The linear time in our universe or arrow of time reveals that our universe had a beginning and will have an end.

If it did not have have a beginning, the Arrow of time would have been pushed back to the infinite past , and we could not have arrived at the when , we are now living through.

The arrow of time and entropy, or cause and effect are all closely interlinked and intertwined. But heck , you might be closer to the truth than me, and I can always learn

I think time is relative and subjective and also can move in stop starts like a movie reel, or stretch like an infinitely stretchable elastic band. Or Toffee like

Reply Thu 8 Jan, 2009 07:17 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:
Time is Infinite YES YES YES, But it does not always flow in linear fashion,

The linear time in our universe or arrow of time reveals that our universe had a beginning and will have an end.

If it did not have have a beginning, the Arrow of time would have been pushed back to the infinite past , and we could not have arrived at the when , we are now living through.

The arrow of time and entropy, or cause and effect are all closely interlinked and intertwined. But heck , you might be closer to the truth than me, and I can always learn

I think time is relative and subjective and also can move in stop starts like a movie reel, or stretch like an infinitely stretchable elastic band. Or Toffee like

You have to describe infinity before you can contemplate measuring it cant be measured how do you describe it?
Reply Thu 8 Jan, 2009 08:16 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:
Time is Infinite YES YES YES, But it does not always flow in linear fashion,

The linear time in our universe or arrow of time reveals that our universe had a beginning and will have an end.

If it did not have have a beginning, the Arrow of time would have been pushed back to the infinite past , and we could not have arrived at the when , we are now living through.

The arrow of time and entropy, or cause and effect are all closely interlinked and intertwined. But heck , you might be closer to the truth than me, and I can always learn

I think time is relative and subjective and also can move in stop starts like a movie reel, or stretch like an infinitely stretchable elastic band. Or Toffee like


If it is cyclical, it can be described by a line, and the line can be divided into units of measure for time...
Reply Thu 8 Jan, 2009 09:46 am
l0ck wrote:
The following bears re-iteration: Existence is a set of finite, and infinite magnitudes, proof of one infinite aspect of existence, is proof the whole is infinite.

Thx StupidBoy for pointing this out.
What I meant though is, infinity implies wholeness, which is where the '1' came from. In absolute arrhythmic all things are apart of 1 whole infinite thing.
You are correct though, I misrepresented this.


Yes but what about when dealing with a line and not a line segment? IE, a set with no end points, or a infinite set? The set of all natural numbers, is a infinite set. Now yes, this infinite set of natural numbers is technically 'countable' because its the collection of countable natural numbers, but there are uncountable infinite sets as well. A set is countable when we can put it on a 1-to-1 correspondence with the set of natural numbers - IE when it has the same cardinality of the set of natural numbers, which is aleph-0. Cantor has a whole series of customized transfinite numbers that he represents with the hebrew aleph symbol, which isnt allowed in this forum. The aleph series are power sets of un-enumerables used to describe cardinality or 'size' of infinities both countable and uncountable. Cantors Aleph series helps us see how some infinities are 'bigger' than others or have a higher order than others. For example, the infinite set of natural numbers, has to be 'smaller' than the infinite set of real numbers, which is uncountable. Cantor proved this in his diagonalization argument.


Could you show me a "natural number" in nature, I've looked and have yet to find any. They're not in trees or in the sky or anywhere unless mankind puts them there. I think the only number natural to nature is One. But its not really a number, rather its only the unity of all things.

I thought originally numbers were the problem, but found them only a small piece of the real issue, measure itself. It is uncertain measure that divides us all, measure the real flaw.

Do you agree?

Reply Thu 8 Jan, 2009 10:37 am
xris wrote:
Be going..what is that? is it the sound a dinner gong makes? how very astute of you..whose lived or lived forever?

330 Grammar: The Future with "Be Going To"

Putting it another way: A being who has always existed is not the same than a being who will always exist... the fact that an infinite amount of time cannot pass doesnt means you cant have an infinite amount of time ahead of you... I can tread upon an infinite path but not reach its end.
Reply Thu 8 Jan, 2009 10:41 am
manored wrote:
330 Grammar: The Future with "Be Going To"

Putting it another way: A being who has always existed is not the same than a being who will always exist... the fact that an infinite amount of time cannot pass doesnt means you cant have an infinite amount of time ahead of you... I can tread upon an infinite path but not reach its end.

One cannot be certain of the past or the future, but only right now.
And most have trouble with that!

Reply Thu 8 Jan, 2009 10:50 am
manored wrote:
330 Grammar: The Future with "Be Going To"

Putting it another way: A being who has always existed is not the same than a being who will always exist... the fact that an infinite amount of time cannot pass doesnt means you cant have an infinite amount of time ahead of you... I can tread upon an infinite path but not reach its end.
I know what you meant going:perplexed: lets make a pact dont you tell me about my grammar and i wont tell you about yours..:a-ok:
Reply Thu 8 Jan, 2009 10:51 am
MJA wrote:
One cannot be certain of the past or the future, but only right now.
And most have trouble with that!

Its not a matter of past or future, but of logic: a line that starts but never ends is different from one that doesnt starts nor ends Smile

xris wrote:
I know what you meant going:perplexed: lets make a pact dont you tell me about my grammar and i wont tell you about yours..:a-ok:
Very well then, but I still cant understand your writing most of the time.
Alan McDougall
Reply Fri 9 Jan, 2009 06:48 pm

How can a mere finite being like me describe infinity Maybe the infinity sign horizontal 8 is as good a symbol for it as any

A road having no end and no beginning could be another way of trying to describe it
Alan McDougall
Reply Fri 9 Jan, 2009 08:16 pm
Here is my take on time be it what it may



Nothing is as it seems to be and all things are subjective realities to the observer. Everything is relative to each person from the viewpoint of the only ultimate reality the First Cause, Ultimate, Divine Mind. There is no absolute time, time moves differently from one object to the next and in one location to the next.

For example, time moves slower on massive objects like the Sun or Jupiter and faster on smaller objects like our Earth. It moves even minutely faster in space. This is no longer a theory, but proven fact.

Extremely accurate precision atomic clocks on fast moving spacecraft have detected this strange phenomenon and proven Einstein's theory of relativity to be true.

One take on the concept of time is,s top all the clocks in the universe and movement will continue unaffected. Stop all movement and the illusion we call time will stop and nothing ever happen again, unless Source again allows movement to begin again

Time is elastic with in one moment in only one direction, namely into future moment. The twin paradox describes what happens. One twin boards a spacecraft traveling close to the speed of light, on a voyage for Alpha Centauri, some four light years from earth. Ten years he returns having aged only one year compared to his now twenty-year-older twin brother.

An enigmatic paradox but absolutely true and real.

One exciting, but far distant use of this effect is the real possibility of reaching any moment in the future. Given enough speed, one could reach the Olympic Games of the year 2108, in a matter of a few subjective days. Backward times travel to the past, is a fantasy and if this were possible, a person could do the impossible and go back and murder their younger self.

There is no universal now! Events are simply there, hanging in space-time

Time is infinite meaning time has never started nor will it stop.

If it did have a starting point, at what time did it start? There must be time to start time if it had been started, and if time would stop then nothing will exist as there will be no time to keep everything there, and yes there still will be time if time had stopped so you can't say time had a starting point or an end.

Time keeps all things in motion, if there is no time then nothing will exist - not even black!

Time has many infinite time dimensions. This means it can be as slow as possible, but never to zero stop, and that can it be as fast as possible, but only below the speed of light.

Time is a force that allows movement to occur to all moving things or maybe the reverse.

This force can be overcome or you can allow it to overcome you. This means if you overcome your own time dimension, then you are traveling faster than the time dimension you were in.

As a result, you will go into another time dimension faster than your own, so you will think that you are going at a normal rate but you see your time dimension i.e. Earth, as going very slowly. On the other hand, the people from the dimension you were previously in would think that you are going faster meaning you also aged more!

This works the other way too. If you traveled slower than your own time dimension then you would be in a time dimension slower than the time dimension you were previously in, and as a result, you would see the people back in the normal time dimension i.e. Earth, moving very fast, while you went at normal rate of time. On the other hand, the people in the normal time dimension would see you move very slowly inside while they think they are at a normal rate of time.

I reiterate that traveling back in time is impossible. The reason is that if we did go back in time, then we would be going at a time dimension much slower than zero, going minus back, which is impossible. The grandfather murder
paradox will prevent this.

Also reversing time we would have to reverse entropy and reassemble everything, like putting poor humtydumty back together again

And even if it were, you'd be stuck there for infinity, as you'd be just getting minus faster and faster that will never reach zero, and would be a constant loop over, and over, that never reaches the future. Besides, once something happens, it cannot be reversed due to the same reason.

Also, Einstein says time halts at the speed of light. If we traveled faster than the speed of light, then we might enter the past...

Interestingly if you are caught up in the gravitational pull of a black hole your feet's would age at a much greater rate than your less massive head. Of course before you are torn apart. This even applies to a minute degree to living in high mountain areas as apposed to lowlands

You make think that time is 'not a push or a pull, therefore it is not a force', this is not actually quite true. It is pushing when you travel slower and pulling as you travel faster.

This means, that to overcome time force, you must apply acceleration as a force. This also means you cannot calculate the force of time as it is infinite, or do any calculation that will prove what speed time is going but to compare it to other speeds of time because the speed of time is infinite at the speed of light, and never to zero point.

This means that speed is related to time.

When the time forces are equal to the speed forces opposing it, then it is said that forces opposing time will be back to its original time dimension from which it came from.

In other words, if you went into the future, to try to go back you have to slow time down, so you have to go faster, when the time is just right, then it cancels each force out and you can be back to your normal time dimension. Note that this is not traveling back in time!

The possible number of time dimensions is infinite. This means that you cannot count how many time dimensions as it goes on forever.

Time has intervals. This means that the time dimensions have intervals between each other. In other words, it is the time difference between each time dimension.

But really, there isn't any because the difference is so small, a time dimension could equal that difference which again has interval difference that just goes on for infinity but gets smaller in difference each time.

Time force relies on itself to keep it going. This means that every time dimension there are, they are all needed to rely on each other to keep time itself going. If this is true, then time is infinite which is true and so this is true.

If time relies on itself to be infinite, then that must mean there is a loop of time.
Time is always everywhere. Wherever anything is, there will always be time.
If time exists anywhere, then in a black hole where they say there is no time, there has to be time, or everything is nothing. It only slows it down so much it hardly moves but still does move.

Time cannot exist without space and space cannot exist without time. We only conceive of time by the movement of an object through space, so space and time are different realities of the same thing and can only exist where movement is allowed. For example, stop all movement in the universe and you have stopped time, have you not? Therefore, these three things are one "spacetimemovement" reality. There is simply no universal now and each moment is unique to the observer. God, however, observes our reality,, like unraveled frames of a movie story, depicting the life of the universe, from its birth until its demise like separate billions of moments, recorded on each frame of the film of existence.

Time is a measurement we have created to track how we move through space.

It should be obvious that something that is eternal cannot exist in three-dimensional reality. It must exist outside of what we call time and space in an "ever-changing moment"

By Alan McDougall 29/8/2007

I posted this in two places as there are two articles relating to time

Reply Fri 9 Jan, 2009 08:29 pm
xris wrote:
Sorry but faith and concepts dont get on very well in my bed.


xris wrote:
I can understand each moment is eternal but who are these solitary beings.?

They are each of us. All thought is transfinite, whether someone realizes it or not. We all have self-created our everything's. We just don't realize it.

From a finite point of view, everything is separated, and exists and decays over time. From an absolute perspective, or the collection of all perspectives, there is no separation. Because all things, are apart of the absolute, and essentially transfinite. Including time and including existence. In the mind, a transfinite device, there is no time, things are seen as they transfinitely exist, through quality. Everything is transfinitely qualitative. Quantitative objects lead us to transfinite qualitative propositions, until all quantitative objects cease to exist, and all that is left is transfinite quality. Quantitative objects are bundles of quality, awaiting our discovery. We have self-created them to reveal to us their qualities. The finite leads to the transfinite. You can't know one without the other. We are qualitative beings. We are hungry for quality. We separate mass according to its qualities, and often put a price on those qualities. Quality is absorbed through mass via conflict.
Reply Sat 10 Jan, 2009 05:14 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:

How can a mere finite being like me describe infinity Maybe the infinity sign horizontal 8 is as good a symbol for it as any

A road having no end and no beginning could be another way of trying to describe it
Time as we know it started with the Big Bang and as it had a beginning it can have an end.Space is not understood, it could end beyond the expanding universal horizon or it could be enclosed where time and space warp into itself.Somesay if you had a strong enough telescope you could see yourself looking at yourself.ETERNITY is a figment of our universal mind .Is an imagined place where there is no time eternal ? Eternity needs time but it cant be measured by time or distance...we know nothing..As a child I wondered and tried to allign my grandmothers mirrors on her dressing table so i could try and see into infinity , i was educated by this to understand infinity is an illusion of this existance.
Reply Sat 10 Jan, 2009 05:25 am
l0ck wrote:

They are each of us. All thought is transfinite, whether someone realizes it or not. We all have self-created our everything's. We just don't realize it.

From a finite point of view, everything is separated, and exists and decays over time. From an absolute perspective, or the collection of all perspectives, there is no separation. Because all things, are apart of the absolute, and essentially transfinite. Including time and including existence. In the mind, a transfinite device, there is no time, things are seen as they transfinitely exist, through quality. Everything is transfinitely qualitative. Quantitative objects lead us to transfinite qualitative propositions, until all quantitative objects cease to exist, and all that is left is transfinite quality. Quantitative objects are bundles of quality, awaiting our discovery. We have self-created them to reveal to us their qualities. The finite leads to the transfinite. You can't know one without the other. We are qualitative beings. We are hungry for quality. We separate mass according to its qualities, and often put a price on those qualities. Quality is absorbed through mass via conflict.
The decay that takes time and these desired objects of quality that make us depend of varying finites...what are they?? Could you be a little more basic in your language..your intentions can get lost in your vocabulary..
Reply Sat 10 Jan, 2009 09:35 am
xris wrote:
Time as we know it started with the Big Bang and as it had a beginning it can have an end.Space is not understood, it could end beyond the expanding universal horizon or it could be enclosed where time and space warp into itself.Somesay if you had a strong enough telescope you could see yourself looking at yourself.ETERNITY is a figment of our universal mind .Is an imagined place where there is no time eternal ? Eternity needs time but it cant be measured by time or distance...we know nothing..As a child I wondered and tried to allign my grandmothers mirrors on her dressing table so i could try and see into infinity , i was educated by this to understand infinity is an illusion of this existance.
Time is not as we know it thought, nor its space: Time in this chunck of reality may have started with the big-bang, but that doesnt means there cant be other forms of time. For example our mind requires time to work, so whatever forms our minds take through the universe there will always be a dimension of time there.
Reply Sat 10 Jan, 2009 09:46 am
manored wrote:
Time is not as we know it thought, nor its space: Time in this chunck of reality may have started with the big-bang, but that doesnt means there cant be other forms of time. For example our mind requires time to work, so whatever forms our minds take through the universe there will always be a dimension of time there.
I agree there may well be other forms of time but we dont know..We only know time started with the BB..
Reply Sat 10 Jan, 2009 09:48 am
manored wrote:
Its not a matter of past or future, but of logic: a line that starts but never ends is different from one that doesnt starts nor ends Smile

I have never seen a line that never ends nor one that doesn't start or end, have you?

Reply Sat 10 Jan, 2009 09:57 am
xris wrote:
I agree there may well be other forms of time but we dont know..We only know time started with the BB..

Time was started by mankind as simply another form of uncertain measure to help judge things by.
I've always wondered if there was a big bang, did it make any sound?

Alan McDougall
Reply Sat 10 Jan, 2009 11:39 am

The quote Big Bang was made by a physicist named Fred Hoyle who was making a sarcastic ream ark about the concept of a big bang creation

He just thought it was silly nonsense

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