Sun 6 Nov, 2005 10:53 am - All Christians do not follow the Lord, look at the churchies, there may be a few among them that are Christians, but like the good seed falling on poor shallow soil etc. they fall by the wayside... (view)
Sun 6 Nov, 2005 10:51 am - I spelled vile right... bile is different, surely you that say you are intelligent know the difference.Main Entry: vile
Pronunciation: 'vI(&)l
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s):... (view)
Sun 6 Nov, 2005 10:41 am - Do quote one healing method suggested by any leader moderater, editor, censor, whatever name yuou want to give them.
Repost one healing method, just one that isn't venting rage.
You... (view)
Sun 6 Nov, 2005 09:30 am - XFamily leaders are working on 842 articles, and yet have no ideas on how to heal exers wounds.
If that be the case are these 842 articles intended to efalame already open wounds.
Or why... (view)
Sat 5 Nov, 2005 12:49 pm - Walker, if you have anything positive to say, state it, otherwise leave this thread to the other accusers.
But OH YEA, you don't have any idea how to heal logically, rationally, or any... (view)
Sat 5 Nov, 2005 12:45 pm - The subject of this thread is EDUCATION and why TF didn;t give it to SGA or EXERS. Its called racism.. which in most cases stopped the kids from getting a basic education.
And even when I post... (view)
Sat 5 Nov, 2005 12:38 pm - As mentioned, Walker you are only able to accuse and aren't capable of thinking or focusing as you have NO methjods of healing.
You haven;t got the courage to come out and say INDIVIDUALISM... (view)
Sat 5 Nov, 2005 09:54 am - Mockery is not maturity, stealing from the poor is spiritual immaturity especially when people don;t speak up concerning it. I spoke up and seemed to have gotten FC kicked out of California..You... (view)
Sat 5 Nov, 2005 09:52 am - Walker,
I am always amazed at the ignorance of people. They make such simple things so difficult because of their dishonesty...or maybe its just because they just haven;t learned to search for... (view)
Sat 5 Nov, 2005 09:41 am - Thor,
If you are healed then post your scientific healing methods, because venting is irrational and mindless.
If you are so bold and brave in degrogatory remarks, why not be bold and brave... (view)