How Exers can become 'individuals'

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fisherman 1
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2005 11:01 am
Repetition is the law of memory, and so you are now understanding that venting should be in CAPITALS, even when I use lower case letters. Good for you, now you are becoming discerning thru repetition and understand NOW how disgraceful and shameful choosing venting is, as a healing method.
fisherman 1
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2005 11:05 am
No Tree, every individual must seriously go through their personal live histories and see what applies to them, every history will be different, but because the F practices were basically the same worldwide, there will be common experiences that have common cancers, that can be solved with similiar solutions.

We can not dictate to anyone what to apply, but as I have mentioned over and over again we can give them possible solutions from real research and real healings from real people. It is then up to them as individuals to CHOOSE what they think applies, and doctor themselves up. But we can help by example and by allowing them to choose freely between diffferent solutions that have helped others heal.

Individuality, Choice, Speaking Up, Education, Logic, etc. etc.. so they can reject foolishness and mere venting wrath.
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2005 01:03 pm
fisherman wrote:
No Tree, every individual must seriously go through their personal live histories and see what applies to them, every history will be different, but because the F practices were basically the same worldwide, there will be common experiences that have common cancers, that can be solved with similiar solutions.

We can not dictate to anyone what to apply, but as I have mentioned over and over again we can give them possible solutions from real research and real healings from real people. It is then up to them as individuals to CHOOSE what they think applies, and doctor themselves up. But we can help by example and by allowing them to choose freely between diffferent solutions that have helped others heal.

Individuality, Choice, Speaking Up, Education, Logic, etc. etc.. so they can reject foolishness and mere venting wrath.

Here you go again with the "venting wrath" bullshit. I'll tell you what, I'm going to repost what I typed earlier which addressed your narrow-minded definition of the term "venting".

As far as treating individuals with a regiment that will encompass the common experiences they went through, that's what this forum is about. That's what the ex member websites are about. It's a collaboration of experiences, opinions, views, knowledge, etc.

When you pretend like people involved in all of the above are doing something wrong in terms of "healing" you make a mockery out of the efforts people are putting forth. You're essentially telling people that they're going about their personal "healing" the wrong way. And that's just retarded considering your only actual complaint is related to people complaining (venting wrath?). You're on a soap box bitching about people bitching. Then you make it seem as though we have to brainstorm and form a think tank to help people overcome a narrow view of the way people are "healing" you're crusading against.

It's ridiculous. Pure and simple.

Now back to the repost so you can get a better handle on what venting entails:

TreeJohn wrote:
Once again, you're confusing a broad term like "vent" with the idea that all "venting" is stricly a process of exerting "anger and wrath".

It's not. I realize that whatever online psychology course you've taken or school you might have graduated from three or four decades ago might not have delved too deep into... well... anything, but you should get back to reality on the subject of venting.

A vent is an outlet. People have chosen to vent by means of ascertaining an advanced education, through the creation of music, by writing poetry, with paint and canvas, etc.

Individuals ARE recovering in their own way. They're making choices to help along the "healing" process. Do some need professional help? Yes. But every ex member isn't an emotional paraplegic. They can make choices for themselves as to how they'll "heal".

You keep assuming that this venting (read: choosing outlets) is strictly negative and coupled with negative emotions. GET OVER IT.
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2005 01:44 pm
Jay's phrase makes me vent poetic
I am the wraith
of mere venting wrath.
Hear me snore!
I am the last remaining bit
of an eye-popping hissy fit,
the few searing suds that pour
from the boiling bath
of a bitter, bilious faith.

Jay's posts are funny, dark, and (bleep),
but I have mere vents of wrath to keep
and furies to stoke before I sleep
and furies to stoke before I sleep.
Jack 2
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2005 02:14 pm
you call yourself and individualist
but really you're a filthy narcissist
pretending you want to help like some kind of activist
but as soon a question is asked you're all fog 'n mist

it's so damn priceless, when you use unethical devices
to attack my sense of self-worth after this prepubescent crisis
which fed my insecurities, so clowing like you're righteous
acting like you trying to help cuz you're the nicest

for me it was an unsightly act that helped me get my psyche back
a few nights of crying trying to get my sanity back
I stood 5 feet back, afraid that it might strike me like shaclack-clack!
turns out I wasn't a quack, it was damn Christians feeding me that crap

I'm just a little bruised from your damn Bibles and pews
I don't need more views, I just need a couple A's for Q's
I'm more science than faith, I'm more karma than bread and booze.
I'm not an asshole, I'm not confused

I already know your next diss, go ahead call me blasphemous
it's still your religion's fault we're in this mess

Meh.. I'm not really a poet.
WalkerJ 1
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2005 02:29 pm
Fisherman, looks like you're going to have to add "POETRY POETRY POETRY" to your repertoire.
Peter Frouman
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2005 02:50 pm
WalkerJ wrote:
Fisherman, looks like you're going to have to add "POETRY POETRY POETRY" to your repertoire.

Maybe he can try the Vogon poetry generator:
Vogon poetry generator wrote:

See, see the saint sky
Marvel at its big ochre depths.
Tell me, David Jay Jordan do you
Wonder why the rat ignores you?
Why its foobly stare
makes you feel angry.
I can tell you, it is
Worried by your farglefish facial growth
That looks like
A crab.
What's more, it knows
Your niggardly potting shed
Smells of shit.
Everything under the big saint sky
Asks why, why do you even bother?
You only charm shits.
fisherman 1
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 09:20 am
You groupies just don;t understand how to focus and progress.

I am not the topic HERE. Individuality is.

Whether I am individualistic is ot the point.

Whether individualism is the way to help cure and heal SGA's and EXERS is.

Why are you so stupid and unfocused.

Why do you fight the obvious, simply because you are groupies that have to stick together to have self esteem. You have to change individualism into a wrathful accusing thread rather than sanely discussing and admitting individuality is a KEY to helping Exers.

You would then have to sanely and rationally and logically go over how people have to learn to become individuals and break away from your group dynamics.

But you hate anyone that differs with you.

Therefore making you absolutely no different that TF. Same old same old.

Why not have some balls or ovaries and be honest.

Individuality is a method of healing.

Why are there no individuals among you. Why are you so dishonest to yourselves ?
WalkerJ 1
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 12:20 pm
fisherman wrote:
You groupies just don;t understand how to focus and progress.

[...] Why are you so stupid and unfocused.

[...] But you hate anyone that differs with you.

[...] Why are there no individuals among you. Why are you so dishonest to yourselves ?

I thought you were here to help people heal, not to call them 'stupid' and label them. Sounds like you're not really interested in helping people after all. It seems to me your primary movite in coming to this website was not to help people heal, but to try to expose some imagined leadership structure for their supposed conspiracy while promoting your own opinions and website.

You disappoint me, fisherman. You remind me of my JETT shepherds, feining concern and love while accusing you of imaginary problems.

You're playing right into the hands of the Family leadership, fisherman. You're doing exactly what they want you to do, which is re-victimizing the victims. I bet you haven't even stopped long enough to consider that, have you?
fisherman 1
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 12:38 pm
As mentioned, Walker you are only able to accuse and aren't capable of thinking or focusing as you have NO methjods of healing.

You haven;t got the courage to come out and say INDIVIDUALISM is a method of healing. You prefer fighting me rather than being honest and being subjective, when you do this you become willingly stupid and your messages become the same.

Shameful, shameful, but your shame still doesn't allow you to be honest.

Quite playing word games. Get SERIOUS.

You are hurting people, by your continued aggression inside. Including yourself.

Individualism is a cure, a healing method. Why do you fight such a simple truth. Just because you didn;t come up with it.
WalkerJ 1
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 01:20 pm
fisherman wrote:
As mentioned, Walker you are only able to accuse and aren't capable of thinking or focusing as you have NO methjods of healing.

You haven;t got the courage to come out and say INDIVIDUALISM is a method of healing. You prefer fighting me rather than being honest and being subjective, when you do this you become willingly stupid and your messages become the same.

Shameful, shameful, but your shame still doesn't allow you to be honest.

Quite playing word games. Get SERIOUS.

You are hurting people, by your continued aggression inside. Including yourself.

fisherman, how can you purport to state any of that as fact when you don't even know me? Do you think I, my wife and my friends would involved in the Safe Passage Foundation if we were not interested in helping people heal?

You are accusing me of imaginary faults when you say that I do not believe that expressing individualism is a form of healing.

You, sir, insult me by making such absurd assumptions about me.

fisherman wrote:
Individualism is a cure, a healing method. Why do you fight such a simple truth. Just because you didn;t come up with it.

Please do not assume that I am as immature as you are. I am more than willing to admit to my faults, but I will not cower to your unsubstantiated accusations.

You err in stating that I fight individualism. You err in stating that I attempt to deny people the right to speak freely (your very presence on this forum disproves your argument).

I will no longer respond to your insult.
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 02:45 pm
WalkerJ wrote:

I will no longer respond to your insult.

Johnny Walker - I tried to warn everyone about Jay - as it is always so, everyone has to find out for themselves. However, it pains me to watch you guys get hurt by him. Individualism is one thing, but malicious mind games being played on a group of people who are hurting from having lived in an environment where it was the norm, it's unacceptable, IMO. Crying or Very sad
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 04:06 pm
fisherman wrote:
You groupies just don;t understand how to focus and progress.

I am not the topic HERE. Individuality is.

It's ironic that you accuse us of having trouble focusing when you're incapable of addressing people's points in this thread. I was waiting for your rebuttle to what I had last posted but came here to find more of your mindless babbling.

And, while you yourself aren't the topic here, your moronic ideology and rhetoric is. We're responding to your demented ramblings with logic, reasoning and common sense. Yet you keep assuming that every response you receive is a personal attack. Then you repeat what you've said over and over without taking into consideration any other points that don't jive with your own under the guise that they are "off topic".

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