Why Family Kids got such a bad education

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Thorwald 1
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2005 10:04 am
fisherman wrote:
This being true irregardless of the spelling

Prey tell, what is the difference between "regardless" and "irregardless"? I'll give you a hint: One of them is redundant and would never be used by a scientist.

I believe you are confusing it with the word "irrespective". Do you have anything else to add at this point in time? (bonus question: Can you tell me what is wrong with that last sentence?)
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2005 10:14 am
This "vile" reminds me of how COG members enjoyed making up names for imaginary "demons" and then "rebuking" them in prayer.
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2005 10:14 am
Thor, try going deep rather than superficial, stop trying for perfect spelling and go for true principles. try learning a healing method that actually heals rather than is critical is uncrossed t's. Minor on the minors and major on the majors. Learn science and principles and truths and logic rather than perfect grammar. Perfect grammar never healed anyone
Thorwald 1
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2005 10:23 am
Fisherman wrote:
Thor, try going deep rather than superficial, stop trying for perfect spelling and go for true principles. try learning a healing method that actually heals rather than is critical is uncrossed t's. Minor on the minors and major on the majors.

Ah, bugger off. I'd rather take advice from a 5-year old.

Fisherman wrote:
Learn science and principles and truths and logic rather than perfect grammar.

LOL! What a joke! I happen to already have a degree in science. Oh, by the way, I have one in a real science, not in a pseudoscience.

Fisherman wrote:
Perfect grammar never healed anyone

Maybe not. But it sure helps people communicate.

PS: Stop telling me I need to heal. I am not sick and I don't need to heal from anything. Get it? Got it? Good!
fisherman 1
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 09:41 am

If you are healed then post your scientific healing methods, because venting is irrational and mindless.

If you are so bold and brave in degrogatory remarks, why not be bold and brave and say something psoitive that can heal rather than hurt.

Go to the Healing thread, or at least tell one of your group members to come up with some idea of how to heal others, even if you yourselves are not healed.

There must be one, sane and rational leader HERE.
fisherman 1
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 09:52 am

I am always amazed at the ignorance of people. They make such simple things so difficult because of their dishonesty...or maybe its just because they just haven;t learned to search for answers.

Are you really that stupid or blind that in a half hour you couldn;t find any information on stress, hatred, neurons, pathways, learning.

Are you really so naive as to think our hearts (motivations or actions)don't effect our literal hearts and literal nerves and literal thinking.

And haven't you even studied a little bit of science called pyschology. Or anything.

Are you so willingly blind that you can state your idiotic I found nothing posting..

You people aren;t dumb, you are willingly dumb, which is a much much greater crime. This wouldn;t be so bad, but you infect so many others rather than just yourself.

With your limited mind set, you surely would be a living example of someone only using 3 per cent of their mental capacity.

Real searchers have real ideas and have to be honest, and solve by understanding the whole picture, not just doing the same old thing year afater year SEE neural pathways and frequency etc..
Thorwald 1
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 11:42 am

My name is "Thorwald", not "Thor". Okay? I haven't called you "Fish".

fisherman wrote:
If you are healed then post your scientific healing methods, because venting is irrational and mindless.

Where have I "vented"? I haven't vented anything. Not even by your silly definition of venting.

fisherman wrote:
Go to the Healing thread, or at least tell one of your group members to come up with some idea of how to heal others, even if you yourselves are not healed.

I go where I please and do not need you to tell me otherwise.

fisherman wrote:
There must be one, sane and rational leader HERE.

By your definition of "sane" and "rational", I don't think you will find anyone here. Maybe you could go somewhere else to find these people. Hint. Hint.
WalkerJ 1
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 12:06 pm
fisherman wrote:

I am always amazed at the ignorance of people. They make such simple things so difficult because of their dishonesty...or maybe its just because they just haven;t learned to search for answers.

Are you really that stupid or blind that in a half hour you couldn;t find any information on stress, hatred, neurons, pathways, learning.

Are you really so naive as to think our hearts (motivations or actions)don't effect our literal hearts and literal nerves and literal thinking.

And haven't you even studied a little bit of science called pyschology. Or anything.

Are you so willingly blind that you can state your idiotic I found nothing posting..

You people aren;t dumb, you are willingly dumb, which is a much much greater crime. This wouldn;t be so bad, but you infect so many others rather than just yourself.

With your limited mind set, you surely would be a living example of someone only using 3 per cent of their mental capacity.

Real searchers have real ideas and have to be honest, and solve by understanding the whole picture, not just doing the same old thing year afater year SEE neural pathways and frequency etc..

fisherman, you're trying to change the subject to pull out of a tight spot.

The subject is your claim of the body producing 'vile' when someone laughs mockingly.

I'm well aware of the fact that hatred, stress and worry can cause physical ailments, but your claim of 'vile' and mocking laughter seemed to be an extrapolation rather than fact.

Prove to me that the body can produce 'vile' (or even that vile can be used as a noun) and I will believe you. Show me a single piece of research to back up your claim.

I'm always willing to learn, so long as my learning is not based soley on the opinions of others.
fisherman 1
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 12:45 pm
The subject of this thread is EDUCATION and why TF didn;t give it to SGA or EXERS. Its called racism.. which in most cases stopped the kids from getting a basic education.

And even when I post this most basic principle of how to heal thru EDUCATION, logic and reason, everyone of you leaders in wrath, disagree because you are groupies that only know how to accuse and criticize.

You can;t post any healing methods because you don;t know any, and don;t want others to see your shame, so attack.


[Moderator: Link removed.]
Jack 2
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 10:56 pm
fisterman wrote:
I am always amazed at the ignorance of people.

I bet you constantly amaze yourself. Then again, you are probably too consumed by the bliss caused by said ignorance.

fisty-mc-fists-a-lot wrote:
And haven't you even studied a little bit of science called pyschology. Or anything.

You haven't studied a little bit of spelling or grammar.

stupid-is-as-stupid-does wrote:
If you are healed then post your scientific healing methods, because venting is irrational and mindless.

Not that we want to hear any of your stupid "healing" methods but, when was the last time you posted anything scientific? Something that wasn't made up. Vile.. ha! It's ironic that you would be the one to start a thread discussing the education problem.

this-guy-cant-be-serious wrote:
The subject of this thread is EDUCATION and why TF didn;t give it to SGA or EXERS. Its called racism.. which in most cases stopped the kids from getting a basic education.

WTF are you talking about! The reason we (I'm speaking from experience here, I'm not just making up random facts) did not receive a proper education is because we were raised in a society where it was more important to study the following of meandering adventures and preachings of mythical characters from a single novel loosely based on historical events instead of pursuing the more useful skills such as reading, writing and arithmetics.

However, as your writings so painfully demonstrate, this is not so much of a cult exclusive issue now is it?
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2005 06:08 am
For an informative article on BILE:


Bile is a useful waste product of the body. It is secreted by the liver as the final product of the breakdown of the hemoglobin pigment of worn out red blood cells. It is useful in that it serves to allow the absorption of fats in the intestine into the bloodstream. It is bright green when secreted, but bacteria in the bowel break it down into compounds that are yellow to dark brown, depending on how long the bile stays in the intestine. Thus diarrhea - a condition where material moves through the system very rapidly - is characterised by green stools. Thus green stools don't really mean much at all, though they worry parents.


The human liver produces about a quart (or litre) of bile per day. 95% of secreted bile salts are reabsorbed in the terminal ileum and re-used. Since bile increases the absorption of fats, it is an important part of the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K.

Bile from slaughtered animals can be mixed with soap. This mixture, applied to textiles a few hours before washing, is a traditional and rather effective method for removing various kinds of tough stains.

WalkerJ 1
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2005 10:42 am
evanman wrote:
For an informative article on BILE:


Bile is a useful waste product of the body. It is secreted by the liver as the final product of the breakdown of the hemoglobin pigment of worn out red blood cells. It is useful in that it serves to allow the absorption of fats in the intestine into the bloodstream. It is bright green when secreted, but bacteria in the bowel break it down into compounds that are yellow to dark brown, depending on how long the bile stays in the intestine. Thus diarrhea - a condition where material moves through the system very rapidly - is characterised by green stools. Thus green stools don't really mean much at all, though they worry parents.


The human liver produces about a quart (or litre) of bile per day. 95% of secreted bile salts are reabsorbed in the terminal ileum and re-used. Since bile increases the absorption of fats, it is an important part of the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K.

Bile from slaughtered animals can be mixed with soap. This mixture, applied to textiles a few hours before washing, is a traditional and rather effective method for removing various kinds of tough stains.


Yup...found that one when I did the google search. I considered the posibility of a spelling error, but Mr. fisherman seemed pretty set on calling it 'vile'.

Regardless of the spelling, I was unable to find a connection between this fluid and mocking laughter.
fisherman 1
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2005 10:51 am
I spelled vile right... bile is different, surely you that say you are intelligent know the difference.Main Entry: vile
Pronunciation: 'vI(&)l
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): vil·er /'vI-l&r/; vil·est /-l&st/
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French vil, from Latin vilis
1 a : morally despicable or abhorrent <nothing is so vile as intellectual dishonesty> b : physically repulsive : FOUL <a vile slum>
2 : of little worth or account : COMMON; also : MEAN
3 : tending to degrade <vile employments>
4 : disgustingly or utterly bad : OBNOXIOUS, CONTEMPTIBLE <vile weather> <had a vile temper>
synonym see BASE
- vile·ly /'vI(&)l-lE/ adverb
- vile·ness noun

So do the math or the English, and the biology and see that your vile methods of healing do not heal..... love heals, honesty heals, individualism heals responsibility principles heal, courage principles heal, but censorship and foolish do NOT heal.
Monger 1
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2005 10:56 am
WalkerJ wrote:
OK. I'm trying to see your point, fisherman. I figured I'd take on the mentality of a student and let you teach me something.

So I Googled for anything that would confirm your statement that "mocking laughter produces vile, that poisons the body and heart and mind".

I spent about half an hour looking for anything discussing this phenomenon. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a single thing.

I couldn't even find anything stating that the human body is able to produce any form of anticoagulant during the act of mocking laughter. As far as I can tell, 'vile' isn't even something the human body produces much less a noun (http://www.biology-online.org/dictionary/vile).

I'm really interested to learn more about this phenomenon. Where can I learn more about it and why are the evil, conspiring leaders of the Google website trying to hide this truth from me?

Please don't DISALLOW me from knowing the TRUTH and save me from these vengeful and VENTING VENTING VENTING moderators who preach DENIAL DENIAL DENIAL!

Oh, cool. I think my body's producing vile now. Smile

Very funny, WalkerJ. Laughing

I can always count on you to induce my mocking laughter and speed the vile-producing glands.
WalkerJ 1
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2005 11:01 am
fisherman wrote:
I spelled vile right... bile is different, surely you that say you are intelligent know the difference.

You stated here that:

fisherman wrote:
Mocking laughter produces vile, that poisons the body and heart and mind.

It is known for it anti-coagulin properties in keeping wounds open and accessable to further infections.

You used vile as a noun, not an adjective. You said it is something the body produces during the act of laughing mockingly.

I can only assume that 1) you mispelled it, and 2) you don't know what you are talking about.
Jack 2
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2005 02:17 pm
WalkerJ wrote:
I can only assume that 1) you mispelled it, and 2) you don't know what you are talking about.
3) all of the above and more.
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2005 05:55 pm
Vile is an adjective:
One entry found for vile.
Main Entry: vile
Pronunciation: 'vI(&)l
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): vil·er /'vI-l&r/; vil·est /-l&st/
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French vil, from Latin vilis
1 a : morally despicable or abhorrent <nothing is so vile as intellectual dishonesty> b : physically repulsive : FOUL <a vile slum>
2 : of little worth or account : COMMON; also : MEAN
3 : tending to degrade <vile employments>
4 : disgustingly or utterly bad : OBNOXIOUS, CONTEMPTIBLE <vile weather> <had a vile temper>
synonym see BASE
- vile·ly /'vI(&)l-lE/ adverb
- vile·ness noun

Vile is nothing that the body produces. There is no Vile gland, or Vile duct.

Seems to me that you are wrong on this subject Fisherman.
Jack 2
Reply Mon 7 Nov, 2005 12:02 pm
vile·ly /'vI(&)l-lE/ adverb

i.e.: Viley Coyote the demon of mocking laughter.
Reply Mon 7 Nov, 2005 05:55 pm
Sorry Jack, Vile Coyote is the daemon of walking on thin air and plummeting into the Grand Canyon!

I'm sure Berg had a dream about him--he was defeated by the spirit of Geococcyx californianus.
Reply Mon 7 Nov, 2005 09:39 pm
If TF ever gets around to reading the posts in this thread I think they’ll compile Fisherman’s writings and use them to show their children what happens to people who leave the cult …

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