Why Family Kids got such a bad education

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Reply Sun 30 Oct, 2005 08:49 am
Why Family Kids got such a bad education
The Family thought they would be teaching and training the most vibrant and intelligernt and spiritual kids the world has ever known. And yet for the most part, they have become totally unspiritual and rejecting the very religion they were being forced into obeying. And intellectually because of their poor and wavering and unstable and inconsistent schooling their education skills have been terribly lacking. This whether they stayed in the family or have left and in normal societies around the world.

Here some have regained pride in themselves with a hard earned education, and yet can I or we discuss WHY, the Family has failed so miserably education why.

I know the leaders HERE will say this is not an academic study that can be written up in specific terms, but a SEARCH of WHY and the CAUSES or possibilities of WHY the Family was so dumb in the upbringing of their kids could help Exers HEAL by understanding this and even avoiding these pitfalls in their own kids upbring. We have to stop the CYCLE of INSANITY, that the Family started.

Anyway I was reminded of this on the HOMEPAGE HERE. For if you go to the FRONTS hyperlink, you get to http://www.teamfoundation.com/
A F missionary Front organization of the Family, I never heard of them before. But it appears to be just another FC type front where they get donations sent into them and then pass them not out to independant missionaries but ONLY to thiers. In other words, donaters think they are giving to missionaries (and in some cases they would be) but in the majority of the cases they are just funding home school supplies for leadership homes around the world. same exact con as FC. They try to make it legal by being legal above board until when you see where their donations are going, it shows they ALL go to FM's

Now that's a bit of a donater beware case, but let's go further in my opinion, ONLY , what is wrong with home schooling? Mo made it an ideal WHY.

Because Mo and leadership were racists and not missionaries. They didn;t love the fields they were in and didn;t trust 3rd world schools to give their kids a decent education. So they formed these evil high schools and caused family kids to be sent there ? WHY because they put fear in the hearts of parents that their kids couldn;t go to then local schools, and learn the language and learn with real kids, but told them the elite had to study in elitist unreal schools.

Here Mo's dogma and insanities were further forced upon the poor unsuspected teens and pre teens. They were creasting literal MONSTERS with their isolation and pride training. They tried to create racists just like themselves. this is why they were fighting with local teens in the suburbs of Manila. Family kids had horrible educational and pyschological training.

This stemming largely from MO's rascist, beliefs. He didn;t trust nationalities other than Westerners. he wanted to nationalize , but it could never work because he favoured his own and his racism killed his missionary work, and the majority of his students became like him or left TF.

Home schooling sounds good and if there was no acceptable school available then in these worst cas scenarios, some families might have to do it. But those that have, are under EXTREME time pressures to adequately teach all their kids. It takes an immense an mount of time and energy to be both mother, missionary and cook to all their children.
Yes home schoolers on the extreme esdges of xivilix zation may need school supplies, but in almost all areas I went to the local schools were more than adequate.

We had our kids raised in Philippine schools, and aftyer returning to Canada in putting them in HERE, we soon left back to the Philippines and re=entered them there in the public system, and that's where they learned and loved school.

So there's more to this..but I have to go......

But slightly summariing, the healing of brains and methods can come from understanding that racism was the cause of this poor education in TF. What's the cure... EXERS need to understand the depths of racism and how it might have effected them and then be careful so that they also don;t become RACIST in mind and heart.

Whoops got to go...
Jack 2
Reply Sun 30 Oct, 2005 12:27 pm

Check out http://www.shirleyqliquor.com/ <-- she uses that word in some of her prank calls. She also uses other cool words like "empleryment" and "ignunce." She's a little funnier than fisty-fisterson here but he's durrin fine.
fisherman 1
Reply Sun 30 Oct, 2005 12:55 pm
I have had about five people with English degrees what to correct my English on my website, but they all disappear when the hard word of editing comes around.

So do remember, ALL your spelling and writing style has absolutely NOTHING to do with whether or not you have brains and intelligence. Having a logical thinking brain has no correlation with English literacy. That's the racism that Mo preached and taught. Mo was a word manipulater, and even though Maria and secretary after secretary, and others crossed every one of his t's and doted every one of his i's, still his principles incorporated were as perverse as HELL. So look deeper than the surface and spelling, look inside as Jack has given us a perfect example of someone who looks only at spelling and grammatical errors. Don;t let the Jack type stop you or intimidate you when you know you are right about something. Stand up irregardless of your grammar amnd sock it to whoever needs it Speak UP.

For racism, is also when a native speaker looks down on a non native speaker and thinks in their perverse mindset that they are better and more holy and better in mind because they speak their native language more expertly than the foreigners.

Thanks Jack for literally being a bad example of bad intelligence.

Much appreciated. And now back to the topic of WHY the Family didn;t teach the basics right, and why afterwards when in the system some exers think merely better ABC type education makes them better than others.

We have to stop the CYCLE of poor education and get into good education based on real principles.
fisherman 1
Reply Sun 30 Oct, 2005 01:03 pm
before jacks unfortunate interruption, we were talking about WHY the F was unable to teach F kids properly.

First opf all there was extreme competition inside the Family for kids to be outstanding examples of outstanding students. Hence upper level leadership kids like davidito etc were forced to start their education early as they were being groomed to be the best of the best.

Davidito had personal teachers at his disposal as all leaders didn;t home school their kids, they had their servant suck-ups do that for them. Only the lower level, moms and dads were told to engage in home schooling because they were told that real disciples didn;t sdend their kids to local schools as all local schools were violent and backward like the American school system. Ha little did Mo know and yet home schooling was pressured on disciples and furthermore they then went to the extrme and forced kids into forced education institutions in Family High schools etc. These were some of the worst concentration camps ever seen on the face of the earth. religious pyschology horror camps. This is why many of the kids turned into Monsters.

And many of the other kids that didn;t attend had poor inconsistent schooling at the hands of overworked and poorly financed mums on the field.

IE The Main problem was Mo's racism in not letting disciples go to local schools, because Mo was a racist and TF was racist. Anything but Christian...

More later...
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2005 05:24 am
I wonder how many Family Kidz know how to form opinions about politics, economics, medicine, music, etc..

NOTHING--they are indoctrinated as to what to believe, how to think and whenever they are pressed about anything the throw up their automatic defense mechanism--"It's an attack of the devil" "They are persecuting me"!

Problem is many of them instinctively know that this is wrong, but they are powerless to resist so the only way they have to react is with anger.

They have been controlled and manipulated, abused and messed on all their lives--now they want to break free but they are living in a world where they have had absolutely no experience of. The only form of religion they know is the one that abused them. The only god they know is the one that commanded the abuse, the only prophet they knew was the one who was the instigator of all their misery.

Until people can accept that whatever done to them in Jesus' name had nothing to do with Him!

Just as Jesus rebuked the religious hypocrits of His day--"You by your traditions make God's law ineffectual."

The Family traditions make a mockery of Christ! They can, and do, put a stumbling block before people!

And I'm going to stop now cos I'm getting angry!
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2005 08:31 am
Thanks for the wickedly funny website link, Jack. I tipped off people in my office, and we're all sitting in our cubicles sickering away this morning.
fisherman 1
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2005 10:34 am
Actually Systemite, this thread is a serious one as EX Family members, especially SGA's did not get a good education in the Family. It is not something to mock and laugh about.

So thanks for demonstrating that many Exers are foolish and can't discern what is funny and what isn't. They have ben taught when out of the Family to mock rather than learn from mistakes. So why not break that cycle and focus and learn.
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2005 12:30 pm
I don't know why I find the irreverent humor of SGAs like Jack more healing than the admonitions of a sanctimonious troglodyte.

Why is it so hard for Christians to laugh at themselves?

"I ask myself that all the time. I believe that humor and laughter are part and parcel of our comfortableness with a holy God. When Julian of Norwich was at her sickest, the devil came to her, and manifested himself to her. When she began to laugh at him, she began to understand that the devil hates more than anything else the sound of healthy laughter. It's derision unto him. What we give to God in honest and free laughter becomes a threat to all things evil. I don't see much of this in Christianity. I see morose people thinking about how to lacerate themselves. They flagellate themselves into some kind of wormlike theology where they're never really happy. They make miserable followers, I think, in many cases."

Spoken by Calvin Miller, author, poet, artist, theologian at http://www.wittenburgdoor.com/archives/calvin_miller.html
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2005 12:49 pm
Systemite, I think a better characterization is "troll," not "troglodyte."

Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2005 01:55 pm
A Troll is someone who travels the internet forums looking just to create trouble.

A Troglodyte is a caveman. (not always a neanderthal).
Day 1
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2005 08:07 pm
Wait...wait. I know the answer. It's a troglodyte troll.
Reply Mon 31 Oct, 2005 10:51 pm
Day wrote:
Wait...wait. I know the answer. It's a troglodyte troll.

ahaharharhar - good one!

Hey, Systemite - isn't there some sort of chemical that gets released into the body when one laughs? I think I read about it but can't remember what it is. AND, let's not forget - a merry heart doeth good like a medicine. Even non-believers can get behind a lot of the proverbs that just ring true. I know when I don't laugh enough I can feel it in my mental state and in my body and it doesn't feel good.
fisherman 1
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 12:00 am
These kinds of foolish posts are exactly why Exers don;t get healed, they mock and can't focus.

They can't comprehend what went wrong and so disconnect thier minds.

VENTING is the opposite of serious thinking. Venting has never healed anyone. Momentary laughter keeps us sane if we have sorted real problems out, but laughing at TF lack of eductaing kids and disciples is NOT a laughing matter, no matter how much the precceding foolish ones mock and laugh. They prove my point. To which I am thankful for them and yet still hope they can finnally get serious and make some progress and use their MINDS.

Venting in rage and laughing in foolishness neither bring on deep healing.

Venting is mindless dribble, it is emotion without thinking. Its the total lack of using ones brains. Totally unable to connect up causes with effects.

This is the poor education that many exers still have. SEE above postings. They can't focus or concentrate or figure out what went wrong in TF nor how to avoid it in their own lives.

EDUCATION is USING ONE'S BRAINS. not mocking and laughing without reason.

More later..and lets see if the foolish have learned this lesson or will they continue to disconnect their minds and praise each other for each others foolishness.

For really healed exers would encourage other exers to stop their follishness and get serious about life, because a real lack of education is not a laughing matter.

It hinders exers no end and they are not laughing about it.
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 10:17 am
Hey there, Whiffenpoof: I was able to figure out you're a sanctimonious trogdolyte and pompous troll. Give me credit for a big vocabulary, because I didn't get that from reading MLs and GNs.

EDUCATION is USING ONE'S BRAINS...not mocking and laughing without reason.

Time to let you in on a dirty little secret. When it comes to education, mine is Piled Higher and Deeper than 98% of the people in the U.S. Yep, I'm a card-carrying member of Egghead Wiseacres of the Great Whore.

From the lofty heights of my ivory tower, I scan the far horizons of knowledge each morning looking for a reason to mock and laugh. By sheer chance, I came across the pretentious posts of an annoying man with little insight into how other people perceive him.

More later..and lets see if the foolish have learned this lesson or will they continue to disconnect their minds and praise each other for each others foolishness.

Achieck: I praise you for being a hard-headed, out-spoken, cantankerous woman. If not for you, I might have wasted a lot more time trying to engage this overweening jerk in an intelligent conversation.

For really healed exers would encourage other exers to stop their follishness and get serious about life, because a real lack of education is not a laughing matter.

"Follishness"? You're the only one who's not laughing here. Besides the fact you can't spell and it never occurs to you to question your basic assumptions, what else would make me think you're a blind man trying to explain the beauty of color to the deaf?
Thorwald 1
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 11:26 am
Acheik wrote:
isn't there some sort of chemical that gets released into the body when one laughs?

I believe it is called serotonin.
fisherman 1
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 03:40 pm
Mocking laughter produces vile, that poisons the body and heart and mind.

It is known for it anti-coagulin properties in keeping wounds open and accessable to further infections.
Jack 2
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 04:53 pm
fisherman wrote:
Mocking laughter produces vile, that poisons the body and heart and mind.

It is known for it anti-coagulin properties in keeping wounds open and accessable to further infections.

I appreciate your attempt at using a scientific word (anticoagulin is spelt without the "-" for next time), but that's not science. It's made up and just plain untrue. This however is expected of you.

Why don't you just let your precious little fiction novel tell people to be sad and have generally bad time for you:

Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. (James 4:9 I think.. I don't claim to be an expert on the Bible or nothing)
fisherman 1
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 09:54 pm
As mentioned .... Mocking laughter produces vile, that poisons the body and heart and mind.

It is known for it anti-coagulin properties in keeping wounds open and accessable to further infections.

This being true irregardless of the spelling as spelling doesn't change chemistry nor the solutions to healing.

SEE Ways of Healing Exers thread as none of the leaders HERE have suggested one other method than their denial and venting methods. Even though they also are not healed as can be seen.
WalkerJ 1
Reply Wed 2 Nov, 2005 11:09 pm
fisherman wrote:
As mentioned .... Mocking laughter produces vile, that poisons the body and heart and mind.

It is known for it anti-coagulin properties in keeping wounds open and accessable to further infections.

This being true irregardless of the spelling as spelling doesn't change chemistry nor the solutions to healing.

SEE Ways of Healing Exers thread as none of the leaders HERE have suggested one other method than their denial and venting methods. Even though they also are not healed as can be seen.

OK. I'm trying to see your point, fisherman. I figured I'd take on the mentality of a student and let you teach me something.

So I Googled for anything that would confirm your statement that "mocking laughter produces vile, that poisons the body and heart and mind".

I spent about half an hour looking for anything discussing this phenomenon. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a single thing.

I couldn't even find anything stating that the human body is able to produce any form of anticoagulant during the act of mocking laughter. As far as I can tell, 'vile' isn't even something the human body produces much less a noun (http://www.biology-online.org/dictionary/vile).

I'm really interested to learn more about this phenomenon. Where can I learn more about it and why are the evil, conspiring leaders of the Google website trying to hide this truth from me?

Please don't DISALLOW me from knowing the TRUTH and save me from these vengeful and VENTING VENTING VENTING moderators who preach DENIAL DENIAL DENIAL!

Oh, cool. I think my body's producing vile now. Smile
Reply Thu 3 Nov, 2005 08:57 am
Thanks for giving me a burst-out-loud chortle! Very Happy Now that my seratonin has been boosted enough to pump across my estrogen-impaired dendrites, I can put away the caffeine and chocolate and get one with a productive work day. Laughing

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