I doubt it, personally, they're more likely to publish anything that speaks bile about CoG/Family!
as a non Exfam or fam member reading these posts is quite entertaining....and i mean that in a non rude offensive or vile way......
Several do possess quite the comedic prowess, don't they? I think it's great. Few things surpass a good, hearty laugh. Thanks, you all.
Seems like the vilification has ceased. Or is that Bilification?
Ohh, whatever!!
I do hope you ALL, have progressed since I was last HERE, and maybe even allowed freedom of speech........ even though you don;t mind your own using foul language and foul intent and mockery on very serious subjects.
But rest assured, some of us are progressing and still being missionaries for the Lord, and for others, and serving Him as you all were supposedly doing at one time. WHy did you throw Jesus out just because Mo, Maria and others were anti-Christ, why didn;t you have discernment. Why were you in in the first place. was it for Jesus, obviously not, otherwsie you would still be following HIM. You joined because you wanted the perks. Right ? So the error is yours and so you have no complaints unless you were born into the Family. And there again, you have to learn to decide for yourselves and grow up, and quite blaming others for your decision making.
Got to fly..the censors are coming. They can;t stand questions or answers or freedoms
Jordan, I have posted loads of stuff that people find objectionable. I have been called one or two things by some, but I've always been allowed my say. I have never been censored! I do censor myself, tho!
As for bad language--I have never used it here!
Jesus, I just read through this thread again. It's been a while. There's some really funny stuff in here.
Jordan Fisherman wrote:Why were you in in the first place. was it for Jesus, obviously not, otherwsie you would still be following HIM. You joined because you wanted the perks. Right ?
Wonder how many of us knew there was any such thing as a "perk" when we joined? i sure didn't.
There were many perks:-
Staying out 'til 10:00pm until we got our quotas, sleeping rough on the streets when there were no places to stay, going hungry, being out in the freezing cold and rain!
I'd call those great perks, wouldn't you?
evanman wrote:There were many perks:-
Staying out 'til 10:00pm until we got our quotas, sleeping rough on the streets when there were no places to stay, going hungry, being out in the freezing cold and rain!
I'd call those great perks, wouldn't you?
All is relative. i loved being in Security because you could be up half the night by yourself, all the coffee and doughnuts one could quaff, and then sack out while the other drones were doing the king's business by daylight. And this was before Mo's ghost was flitting around the cupboards at night inventorying the peanut butter. i gained a little weight then. That was a desirable perk in the overall scheme of things.
Being in charge of the Kitchen gave some food perks.
evanman wrote:There were many perks:-
Staying out 'til 10:00pm until we got our quotas, sleeping rough on the streets when there were no places to stay, going hungry, being out in the freezing cold and rain!
I'd call those great perks, wouldn't you?
(Sigh) Those "good ole" days of "crucifying the flesh"!
Yep, a good example of the ridiculousness and shocking stupidity of people who believe in Christianity and religion. I saw that going down in the P.I. the idiot adult with me said "That's why they need Jesus."
Jack wrote:Yep, a good example of the ridiculousness and shocking stupidity of people who believe in Christianity and religion. I saw that going down in the P.I. the idiot adult with me said "That's why they need Jesus."
Well, although personally such activities hold no attraction for me, on the contrary, I find them repulsive, I believe consenting adults have the right to flagellate themselves in privacy, out of the public view, if they wish. Teaching it to minors and/or making a public spectacle of it is another thing. I am totally against that.