Wed 24 Mar, 2010 03:43 pm - My avatar represents Quintus Horatius Flaccus, one of the greatest roman poets and at the same time a memory of youth. How many hours did we spend on reading his words? They will stick in my mind... (view)
Sat 9 Jan, 2010 02:21 pm - A very good translation, Deckard, thanks for the effort. Oh Kenneth, what about Asbach Uralt, that excellent german brandy? Ok ok, I admit it's off topic :bigsmile: . (view)
Sat 9 Jan, 2010 07:21 am - Hey, this makes me think of I poem I once wrote:
Der Mensch, uralte Rätselqual,
Vergöttlicht sich ein tausend Mal,
Doch kehrt zurück im Welt hinein
Um immer noch ein Mensch zu... (view)
Wed 23 Dec, 2009 01:48 pm - Hi Xris, I intended to say the same thing as Zetherin, but you have to be faster than your own shadow here ;-). Anyway, Merry Christmas to you too! (view)
Wed 23 Dec, 2009 11:05 am - Ah yes, and the liberation theology in South America, dom Helder Camara and bishop Romero (the martyr). But that was for the post Vaticanum II worker-priests. Ah, those were the days, my friends... (view)
Wed 23 Dec, 2009 06:23 am - [QUOTE=Klingsor;113723]A very important philosopher not only in France was Jean-Paul Sartre.
In Germany the philosophers behind the sixties counter-culture were Theodor W. Adorno... (view)
Wed 16 Dec, 2009 02:04 pm - Ok, that drove me over the edge :) . Billy bookcases are indeed among the best in the world. Solid, functional, neutral, discreet, a true classic and continuously available since decades. No, I... (view)
Sat 28 Nov, 2009 02:30 pm - "Remota itaque iustitia quid sunt regna nisi magna latrocinia' (Aug. civ. 4, 4). The original quote is of course in Migne's Patrologia Latina. Who needs translations? ;-) (view)