Wisdom is the horse we ride,
To be wise is to know the horse
what a horse does when it decides it is under direction,
what a horse will do when it decides over our direction,
Does the horse of wisdom have a choice?
as well as where all things are led from or toward.
But wisdom is not just a man comings froms and goings towards,
Wisdom is the horse we ride.
To the horse of wisdom can there be new birth, new reason, new direction?
Or is the horse of wisdom all there is to be or not be anything?
Is there a new way to ride the horse of wisdom?
Are we pretending when we think the horse of wisdom is to be a stallion?
Is a horse a horse or is a horse a stallion as well?
Can we breed the horse of wisdom into something that is not?
A horse of wisdom but not all that horse or wisdom there is?
Is the horse or wisdom something that can evolve and change?
Or will the horse of wisdom always be the horse of wisdom?
Would i could be the horse or the rider?
Would i be led?
Knowing being full, i know all there is to know?
Would i lead?
Thinking and asking all the while,
'i ride i am in control of myself as well as the horse of wisdom'
'the horse of wisdom is the rider of earth and in control of me'
Who is deluded the ridden or the rider?
Incase i am not being to clear (which i am not) i would be whatever i am at any given point, knowing when to concede to what the world knows better and more than me original design/desire and trusting that earths answer and leadings (the earth rarely misleads, that is what we do), but trying all the while to ask a question to be more, not more of myself (for that i already am) but more than others (for that i already am not), i can only think wisdom already has the answer to but has not as yet been asked and therefore proving i am better than my previous desire but leading onto the fulfillment of my original design to be better than you.
Am i a leader or am i led?
How can one ask this question when all they have they never had a choice over, but have the chance possition to be everything that that is possible to be.
The question only comes out properly, where am i leading myself? taking purchase of the self first is taking it away from others and then taking the only part of the journey possition we have any choice in, how do i encourage others to be better than me?
Sorry but not if i dont answer what you asked, best to answer the self first and get that out the way.

---------- Post added 01-10-2010 at 02:22 AM ----------
Deckard;118894 wrote:Does drinking make you feel more like you are returning to the mental state of the Urmensch or does it make you feel more like an Übermensch?
It may make you think you are an Ubermensch but like the idea it may be all in the head ego or delusion?