I have questions similar those in Justin's OP. I'd like to preface my thoughts with this: if anyone finds me to be offensive: please tell me. That's not my intention. I've felt frustration about events in the world for many years, but at the heart of it is that I care about people.
A couple of years after 9/11 I was watching TV and saw a former CIA employee (sorry, don't remember the name) who said that about a month after 9/11, the CIA had received information from a Pakastani source that there was a suitcase bomb in NYC. They received independent confirmation of that from a Russian source complete with details that were disturbing, especially in light of what had just happened. George Tenant brought this to the president's attention. For obvious reasons it wasn't announced. It was assumed that if there was one in NYC, Chicago and Los Angeles might also be targets. Within a year it was decided that no suitcase bomb existed based on the premise that if there had been one, it would have been used sooner rather than later. It surprised me at the time that more wasn't made of this information. What made me lean toward believing it was two things: 1) it made the attack on Iraq seem more understandable, and 2) I've heard Bill Clinton allude to the possibility of suitcase bomb attacks.
My own opinion is that Islam didn't give rise to 9/11. It was basically testosterone. Rage that has no outlet + testosterone = extreme violence.
It was mentioned that the suffering of Americans during 9/11 was nothing to the overlooked suffering of nonAmericans. Can I just say one thing about that? If another 9/11 happened now with suitcase bombs, the global economy would flat out collapse. What sort of suffering would follow that for... Americans, Africans, Chinese, South Americans, Middle Easterners, Europeans, in short.. everybody? I will submit that not many countries outside Sierra Leone have experienced the kind of suffering that would ensue. The poorest countries would be hit the most severely.
That's why attacking NYC is different.
I asked the question before because I've been wondering it for so long: I'm looking for the voice of a Muslim holy man. Not to save the US. It just seems to me that there's a kind of vacuum here waiting to be filled by that voice.