Does anyone of you think the world can change?

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Reply Thu 15 Oct, 2009 03:41 pm
@Dustin phil,
Dustin;97744 wrote:
It's true, and scientists have discovered many things about how the earth changes over billions of years. What they know very little about, is how celestial objects and energies effect the earth beyond what we currently know.

What kind of celestial objects are you talking about? Other planets? And what kind of energies? Solar radiation? I don't know a lot about these things, but I would suppose that there are a number of astrophysicists who do.
Dustin phil
Reply Thu 15 Oct, 2009 04:38 pm
TickTockMan;97761 wrote:
What kind of celestial objects are you talking about? Other planets? And what kind of energies? Solar radiation? I don't know a lot about these things, but I would suppose that there are a number of astrophysicists who do.

I've only done a fair amount of research myself, so you are correct, as there are many resources who could probably explain it better than myself. You might do a Google search for David Wilcock. While not an astrophysicist, he does provide a great amount of scientific evidence in this area.
Reply Thu 15 Oct, 2009 04:56 pm
@Dustin phil,
Dustin;97766 wrote:
I've only done a fair amount of research myself, so you are correct, as there are many resources who could probably explain it better than myself. You might do a Google search for David Wilcock. While not an astrophysicist, he does provide a great amount of scientific evidence in this area.

Hmm. I must have Googled wrong, as most of the hits I had for his name came back with the word "fraud" associated with it.

I checked out his official site though, just to see for myself (as I had never heard of him), and saw a lot of pseudoscience ("Time-traveling dinosaurs?" Seriously?), but not much in the way of science.
Reply Thu 15 Oct, 2009 05:28 pm
Bhaktajan;97469 wrote:

Cow-eating causes 'ugra-karma' and thus wars are the most efficient way to accomplish ugly "karmic-reactions enmass", thus accomplishing multiple "paybacks" simulateuosly with minimum effort.

Thos embroiled in war are experiencing "karmic-reactions enmass" ---reaping the 'funky' fruits of their labors preformed during "Peacetime".

I am not a PETA person and I don't give a fig for the animals "Rights".

Cow protection & vegetarianism is all about avoiding "funky-karma".
I dont believe in Karma. Things strike back because ever action has positive and negative consequences, not because a mystical force leads then to do so. If I eat a cow there are less cows in the world, thus I gain something "Energy" and lose something "Stored energy".

Caroline;97513 wrote:

Alot get pregnant to get away from their familes becauce they get a council flat, high numbers of teens do this.
The problem is probally not lack of information then, if there is even a problem.

Caroline;97513 wrote:

Who's metioning radicals, I'm talking about the ones already in power.
Why cant they be radicals? =)

Richardgrant;97565 wrote:
The only way that man can find peace and happiness is to discover his unity with his Creator. The greatest miracle which can happen to any man is the discovery of his Self,and his oneness with all other men.

Man must learn to look upon matter as a transient motion - picture record of the idea which it simulates. For that is what it really is - a Cosmic cinema thrown upon the majestic screen of space.

Nothing real is ever created, only the idea is created, this body of Richard's is only an idea of who I am. The universe is within man himself, so to heal the universe man must first heal himself. Richard
Hum, this is a bit contradictory. You speak about finding unity with the creator but also about being the creator.

Caroline;97574 wrote:

Forever the pessimist aren't you. I think we can change and I ask you Pathfinder why on earth can't we? Please keep it brief as I can't read very very long posts.
I agree with it, harmony and accord are too boring, humans will never settle down with it. If all significant problems end, humans will invent new, futile ones. Still better than having significant problems, though.

Pathfinder;97581 wrote:

And I think the last few thousand years are a pretty good indicator of what grows naturally. That we need to do something differently is obvious. To have faith in people is obviously not working at all.
I agree.

Arjuna;97668 wrote:

The point I'm throwing out is that any artist is like a mother. The artist passively gives the creation what it needs to grow. If you try too hard to dictate the nature of the creation, it's like a mother who tries too hard to tell her child what to be. So you can say: change who you are and the world will change. Yes. And we are changing inside. That's the nature of life. We all learn and grow according to a natural evolution that has its own inner logic. Realizing that we are creating our world, we have the opportunity to choose better paths for expression. We can avoid repeating the same mistakes. We can drop out of tangles that aren't producing anything meaningful. What we create is also alive, though. You can say it's not real... because it's only a flickering light show. No. The light show is alive. It has its own awareness. It's not right to say that it's nothing. It has the potential to grow into something just as wonderful as you. You were once just dust from someone's point of view.
I think what we create through direct interaction with this world may have independence, but what we create through mental influence upon it is totally dependent from us and only has as much freedom as we allow it to.

Kind of: A Sculpture will never be as planned, but a poem always will. If it the poem is different, then you are just not realizing you changed the plan along the way.

Pathfinder: I am sorry, but your thesis is too massive for me. If you could provide a briefing of it, perhaps I will grow enough interest to face the giant.
Dustin phil
Reply Thu 15 Oct, 2009 08:07 pm
TickTockMan;97768 wrote:
Hmm. I must have Googled wrong, as most of the hits I had for his name came back with the word "fraud" associated with it.

I checked out his official site though, just to see for myself (as I had never heard of him), and saw a lot of pseudoscience ("Time-traveling dinosaurs?" Seriously?), but not much in the way of science.

Were you aware that India had recently found water on the moon? It was only weeks later that NASA jumped into the equation, just to crash a satellite into it and prove the same thing. Keep in mind that NASA has a yearly space budget of over 17 billion dollars. That's over 18 times the amount for the Indian Space Research Organization.
Reply Thu 15 Oct, 2009 11:18 pm
@Dustin phil,
Dustin;97799 wrote:
Were you aware that India had recently found water on the moon? It was only weeks later that NASA jumped into the equation, just to crash a satellite into it and prove the same thing. Keep in mind that NASA has a yearly space budget of over 17 billion dollars. That's over 18 times the amount for the Indian Space Research Organization.

Yes. This event was fairly well publicized. In fact, here is an interesting story that talks about India and NASA's joint efforts in this discovery: -- It's Official: Water Found on the Moon, which, interestingly enough, also notes that NASA built the Moon Mineralogy Mapper instruments carried by India's space probe which detected the signs of lunar water. Prior to reading this article, I didn't know that!

But what does that have to do with time-traveling dinosaurs?
Dustin phil
Reply Fri 16 Oct, 2009 12:48 am
TickTockMan;97817 wrote:
Yes. This event was fairly well publicized. In fact, here is an interesting story that talks about India and NASA's joint efforts in this discovery: -- It's Official: Water Found on the Moon, which, interestingly enough, also notes that NASA built the Moon Mineralogy Mapper instruments carried by India's space probe which detected the signs of lunar water. Prior to reading this article, I didn't know that!

I came across an interesting article on the India Daily that said, "Sources from Bangalore now say India plans to force NASA into accepting the Extraterrestrial presence in moon. NASA has all along denied such presence. It even denies the presence of any extraterrestrial objects or entities."

Maybe there is more excitement to come. . .

TickTockMan;97817 wrote:

But what does that have to do with time-traveling dinosaurs?

I really thought you were kidding, but it appears he does have an article about that! To be honest, I don't know much about it, but I suspect science along with politics in the next few years will be very exciting.
Reply Fri 16 Oct, 2009 05:40 am
Manored, I preciate you even noticing it, it is there for anyone that is interested and who knows what may come of it.

In brief, humans need to be refereed like kids in a schoolyard or the bullies take over and fights take place daily. The world needs a unbiased referee to oversee some sort of global restructuring of our planet's living arrangements similar to the neutral zone separating the Koreas.

Without this enforcement the world is being run by a small percentage of greedy and self centered people. The majority of the world is suffering their greed and selfishness while we support their lavishness. The world should not be at the mercy of tyrants and greed.
Reply Fri 16 Oct, 2009 10:08 am
@Dustin phil,
Dustin;97827 wrote:
I came across an interesting article on the India Daily that said, "Sources from Bangalore now say India plans to force NASA into accepting the Extraterrestrial presence in moon. NASA has all along denied such presence. It even denies the presence of any extraterrestrial objects or entities."

Maybe there is more excitement to come. . .

How is India going to "force" NASA into accepting the "Extraterrestrial presence in moon"? What "Extraterrestrial presence"? Water? Aliens? What are they talking about? NASA has been aware of the possible presence of ice on the moon since at least 1994. APOD: December 4, 1996 - Ice at the Lunar South Pole

Here's another article to add to your scrapbook of exciting events: the Russian newspaper Prava recently ran this article: Bringing Fish-Tailed Women Home Strictly Forbidden on Pain of Death - Pravda.Ru

Dustin;97827 wrote:
I really thought you were kidding, but it appears he does have an article about that! To be honest, I don't know much about it, but I suspect science along with politics in the next few years will be very exciting.

Yes, one would think that a story about time traveling dinosaurs would be a joke. The punchline is that people believe that it's not.
Reply Fri 16 Oct, 2009 10:36 am
"What goes around comes around" = Karma

To the Manor Borne,

Master of the Manored wrote [Post 164]:
I dont believe in Karma. Things strike back because ever action has positive and negative consequences, not because a mystical force leads then to do so.

Your use of the Term Karma is incorrect. You are defining the term KARMA is signifing 'Destiny' or 'pre-destiny' ---that is incorrect.

"KARMA" means 'ACTION'. That is all it means. By implication [and affirmed by Newton] there is a Re-Action for Every Action [BTW remember that energy never dissappears it simply transmutes into another energy-form, right?]

Karma therefore equates to: "Work/Efforts/Application of Physical Skills" in the material world of "Actions & Re-actions" aka, "What goes around comes around".

"Destiny" [incontrast to the meaning of the word 'karma'] is another thing all onto itself.

BTW, Destiny is a very easy topic to grasp; ie.: Tomorrow you will awake and use the toilet & bathe & brush your teeth & check out "Does anyone of you think the world can change?" & Eat some beans and toast & dress for the day ----all these things were prepared for inadvance of the moment of neccesity.

Destiny is how your landlord updates his bank account on the first of the month without fail. ---this is not "Karma". Karma is your work that accrues the capital to set your own free-will based destiny; or as Howard Hughes may have put it, "Work hard to afford to not have to work", which of course Howard Hughes' Plan of Action led to an eccentric ending.

Columbus worked hard and ran smack-into the New World . . . that's called 'Providence', if your lucky, or 'Manifest Destiny', which is usually a destiny of epic scale.
Reply Fri 16 Oct, 2009 10:44 am
Pathfinder;97854 wrote:

In brief, humans need to be refereed like kids in a schoolyard or the bullies take over and fights take place daily. The world needs a unbiased referee to oversee some sort of global restructuring of our planet's living arrangements similar to the neutral zone separating the Koreas.

It seems to me that this referee would have to be one who has absolute power . . .

Totalitarianism it is then! Whoo-Hoo!

No more need for free will or troubling individuality!

And there was much rejoicing (where allowed).
Reply Fri 16 Oct, 2009 11:12 am
People may get bored with peace Manored but who wants to live in destruction. Now if we have peace we could all have some fun. Some humans maybe futile, fine as long as they leave me out of it.

---------- Post added 10-16-2009 at 12:13 PM ----------

Personally I prefer creation as opposed to destruction.
Reply Fri 16 Oct, 2009 11:47 am
Bhaktajan;97924 wrote:
Speaking of Free-will:

A co-worker named, Billy [who could do a crossword puzzel completely over the course of a lunch break] told me the origin of a most infamous word---[is it true?]:

"Fornification under consent of the King"

---is it true, that this phrase is the origin of our most precious cus word? If yes, then it is not technically a Profanity, Correct?

No. Apparently this is not true, that is, if you believe what they have to say about this particular word explanation on Urban Legends Reference Pages

If you don't have any particular aversion to reading that particular word over and over, you might want to check out what they have to say.

---------- Post added 10-16-2009 at 01:17 PM ----------

Caroline;97922 wrote:

[/COLOR]Personally I prefer creation as opposed to destruction.

But there can't be one without the other . . . fortunately!
Reply Fri 16 Oct, 2009 04:43 pm
Pathfinder;97854 wrote:
Manored, I preciate you even noticing it, it is there for anyone that is interested and who knows what may come of it.

In brief, humans need to be refereed like kids in a schoolyard or the bullies take over and fights take place daily. The world needs a unbiased referee to oversee some sort of global restructuring of our planet's living arrangements similar to the neutral zone separating the Koreas.

Without this enforcement the world is being run by a small percentage of greedy and self centered people. The majority of the world is suffering their greed and selfishness while we support their lavishness. The world should not be at the mercy of tyrants and greed.
Where, though, to find an unbiased referee? We would need a god, what we dont have, or a supercomputer, wich could be corrupted by its creators or just plain have something go wrong with it.

P.s: If you believe in god, then you probally at least agree that god is not stabilishing world-wide peace at the moment.

Bhaktajan;97909 wrote:

Your use of the Term Karma is incorrect. You are defining the term KARMA is signifing 'Destiny' or 'pre-destiny' ---that is incorrect.
I wasnt really talking about destiny.

It would help if you explained to me why, exactly, eating cows prevents world peace. What there is to eating cows that does so.

Caroline;97922 wrote:
People may get bored with peace Manored but who wants to live in destruction. Now if we have peace we could all have some fun. Some humans maybe futile, fine as long as they leave me out of it.

Personally I prefer creation as opposed to destruction.
I agree, but find it necessary to remind that peace will never be undisturbed, though. Even if its just a rock-playing neighboard who doesnt knows the difference between night and day.
Reply Mon 19 Oct, 2009 11:46 am
Manored wrote to Bhaktajan:
It would help if you explained to me why, exactly, eating cows prevents world peace. What there is to eating cows that does so.

Thank you so much for asking.

I will get back with an answer asap ---I want to prep myself to answer this without omitting anything.

For now I will say that this 'rule' of civilised agrarian world order derives from Brahmins.

Re: Destiny

I have always wondered what other philosophers would say about the following idea:

"It is a defacto truth that all the world's citizens who lived and died, during the time span of, let us say for illustration sake, 1,000 BCE until 1800 ---all those people met with there own destiny or IOW, they all lived out there destiny" Is this a correct statement?
Reply Mon 19 Oct, 2009 07:33 pm
Caroline;97612 wrote:
My mistake then, yes we do create our reality, he is quite right.

---------- Post added 10-15-2009 at 04:46 AM ----------

God is within us and everywhere too, so yes he is God

Hmm. In that case, I think I will become a millionaire. Any suggestions on how to go about that? I don't want to work too hard, mind.
Reply Mon 19 Oct, 2009 09:53 pm
kennethamy;98662 wrote:
Hmm. In that case, I think I will become a millionaire. Any suggestions on how to go about that? I don't want to work too hard, mind.

Here's 365 ways.
Reply Tue 20 Oct, 2009 03:32 pm
kennethamy;98662 wrote:
Hmm. In that case, I think I will become a millionaire. Any suggestions on how to go about that? I don't want to work too hard, mind.

Adquire large amounts of money.

longknowledge;98686 wrote:

366: Write a book teaching people how to become rich and sell it...
Reply Mon 26 Oct, 2009 10:33 am
Manored wrote to Bhaktajan:
It would help if you explained to me why, exactly, eating cows prevents world peace. What there is to eating cows that does so.

I will respond in a brief manner at this time.
Usually, I feel compelled to cite references [and/or quote references] which make for bulky posts.

So I will make some quick personal, off-the-top-of-my-head statements regarding how "eating cows prevents world peace".

First, I'd like to quote a quintessential modern intellectual who explored the human condition to great acclaim, George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950):

Living Graves
By George Bernard Shaw

We are the living graves of murdered beasts,
Slaughtered to satisfy our appetites.

We never pause to wonder at our feasts,
If animals, like men, can possibly have rights.

We pray on Sundays that we may have light,
To guide our footsteps on the path we tread.

We're sick of War, we do not want to fight -
The thought of it now fills our hearts with dread,
And yet - we gorge ourselves upon the dead.

Like carrion crows, we live and feed on meat,
Regardless of the suffering and pain
We cause by doing so, if thus we treat
Defenseless animals for sport or gain,
How can we hope in this world to attain
The PEACE we say we are so anxious for.

We pray for it, o'er hecatombs of slain,
To God, while outraging the moral law.

Thus cruelty begets its offspring - WAR

---------- Post added 10-26-2009 at 04:56 PM ----------

A Cow is the mother of human society!

This may be more obvious to Indian Hindus, but, certainly the milk industry in the west does not quote Hindu Philosophy when child rearing is the topic.

Milk comes from "****" [The word T-I-T-S has been converted into Asterisks by the computer Forum System]. **** [The word T-I-T-S] are female. [Breast Milk & White Breast Meat are conflated to refer to means of Sense-Gratification rather than Human Society's basis for existence]. We meet them in infancy --they are attached to our mother(s).

So, after societys' cows run drive ---WHAT TO DO? Eat her flesh.

The ramification of the extreme level of de-sensitisation & dullard indifference leads to abuse of all weaker creatures to serve our goal of "SENSE-GRATIFICATION".

So, while not at war, society seeks Human Rights for all, usually after generations of subjugation by older-savvier overlords.

The Law of "What goes around comes around" is an impersonal/rude/indeferent rod-of-chasticement that always tries to start with a clean slate via sweeping changes of epic proportions.

The cow is considered mother ---and so, flesh eaters of her are acting bestial --thus the law of the jungle is in full effect as the status quo.

In the Charles Dickens' 19th Century English novel "Oliver Twist" [about the orphan boy named Oliver] --We see at the start how the Schoolmaster of the orphan-asylum is arriving at the home of the new foster parents, inorder to the retrieve Oliver whose tantrums had made trouble for himself and his newest adopting parents. Upon arriving at the home, the Schoolmaster unlocked the closet whence the boy was arrested by the parent. As he drags the boy back to the orphanage the Schoolmaster scolded the parents thus, "I told you not to feed the boy meat, I told you to feed him porridge".

---------- Post added 10-26-2009 at 05:09 PM ----------

"Be like your Father in Heaven"

If there is a heaven, and there is a God up there ---Do we really think that God would serve lunch consisting of furry scampering creatures from his garden stock?

Irony: "The cops treated us like animals" This does not refer to the barbeque meat at the Firemans' picnic.

The concept of how "eating cows prevents world peace" ---is rooted in the deepest, densest, most opague Irony.

Meat eaters are seeking substenance from sub-humans. Theives, robbers, white-collar criminals & dictators seek substenance from Alpha-Persons' pound-of-flesh.

The Human Souls seek enjoyment ---most times without consideration of future ramifications.

---------- Post added 10-26-2009 at 05:14 PM ----------

I do have other data to draw upon to address this issue of, "eating cows prevents world peace". I will post them soon.

I do look forward to tackling any contra-opinions on this topic. It is very pressing ---since butchers are a dime-a-dozen where factory farming & rendering plants are also hiring undocumented immigrants eager to add their two-pence to the stew.
Reply Mon 26 Oct, 2009 05:02 pm
Bhaktajan;99856 wrote:

Living Graves
By George Bernard Shaw

We are the living graves of murdered beasts,
Slaughtered to satisfy our appetites.

We never pause to wonder at our feasts,
If animals, like men, can possibly have rights.

We pray on Sundays that we may have light,
To guide our footsteps on the path we tread.

We're sick of War, we do not want to fight -
The thought of it now fills our hearts with dread,
And yet - we gorge ourselves upon the dead.

Like carrion crows, we live and feed on meat,
Regardless of the suffering and pain
We cause by doing so, if thus we treat
Defenseless animals for sport or gain,
How can we hope in this world to attain
The PEACE we say we are so anxious for.

We pray for it, o'er hecatombs of slain,
To God, while outraging the moral law.

Thus cruelty begets its offspring - WAR

This poem explains nothing.

Bhaktajan;99856 wrote:

A Cow is the mother of human society!

This may be more obvious to Indian Hindus, but, certainly the milk industry in the west does not quote Hindu Philosophy when child rearing is the topic.

Milk comes from "****" [The word T-I-T-S has been converted into Asterisks by the computer Forum System]. **** [The word T-I-T-S] are female. [Breast Milk & White Breast Meat are conflated to refer to means of Sense-Gratification rather than Human Society's basis for existence]. We meet them in infancy --they are attached to our mother(s).

So, after societys' cows run drive ---WHAT TO DO? Eat her flesh.

I disagree, the cow is not the mother of human society, its just an animal we eat and extract milk from.

Bhaktajan;99856 wrote:

The ramification of the extreme level of de-sensitisation & dullard indifference leads to abuse of all weaker creatures to serve our goal of "SENSE-GRATIFICATION".

So, while not at war, society seeks Human Rights for all, usually after generations of subjugation by older-savvier overlords.

The Law of "What goes around comes around" is an impersonal/rude/indeferent rod-of-chasticement that always tries to start with a clean slate via sweeping changes of epic proportions.

The cow is considered mother ---and so, flesh eaters of her are acting bestial --thus the law of the jungle is in full effect as the status quo.

Our goals lead to our methods, not the other way around. We arent egocentric because we eat cows.

Bhaktajan;99856 wrote:

"Be like your Father in Heaven"

If there is a heaven, and there is a God up there ---Do we really think that God would serve lunch consisting of furry scampering creatures from his garden stock?

Bhaktajan;99856 wrote:

Meat eaters are seeking substenance from sub-humans. Theives, robbers, white-collar criminals & dictators seek substenance from Alpha-Persons' pound-of-flesh.

The Human Souls seek enjoyment ---most times without consideration of future ramifications.

That is the result of egocentrism, not of cow-eating.

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