chad3006;91342 wrote:society will reluctantly change when the last tree is felled, from the last rain forest, to make lumber to panel the unused library of the richest man on earth. And he will heat his opulent home with the cheapest, most abundant fuel on earth--human corpses.
you cannot fell the last tree of a rain forest, you can only fell the second last one =)
I think it will change before that, society is actually always changing, its just that only a few changes are good =)
chad3006;91355 wrote:For us, it will be too late, but not for someone/something else.
Someone/something else doesnt matters, we wont be here to see it =)
TickTockMan;91413 wrote:Who is saying the same thing? And what is the same thing that they are referring to?
I've thought about it, and I can't figure out what you mean. Too late for who or what?
Caroline;91768 wrote:And from war to peace eh Krumple?
War will never end I think, its a necessity from the human nature. Even if we end all problems in the world, we will probally keep waging wars just for fun. In that case we will probally use robot armies though, rather than people =)
Humans cant cope with having no problems, they invent problems for thenselves.
Caroline;91782 wrote:Humans enjoy bloody violence and suffering, how can you say that? War is born out of conflict, UNRESOLVED conflict which just shows there is a an opening for a resolution
We do enjoy those things, but only if there is no consequence. Thats why we make so many video-games about these things.
There is always a peacefull way of solving things, but unhappyfully that doesnt means everone will agree on it. If both sides want the whole donnut, its unlikely that they will agree to split it in two.
Caroline;91828 wrote:Im not talking about marriage K. I was talking about love and companionship, you need it, everyone does.
I dont think its a necessity, but its a utter contribuition towards happiness and sanity =)