Recon: +168; Meaning is in the mind....
And; We must work our way back from the truth, and in fact, from all the virtues...We stand before the virtues, and our virtues stand with us...Why does truth have the same meaning as all the virtues, and why does 'virtue' mean as it does???What we find essential in our liives is always before us as a goal...Do we want honor???Then why???If people could live without honor it is not because they have not tried...Can people live without truth??? It is never so near as distant, and never so obvious as obscure... We seek truth not out of ease; but out of necessity... Does the air have a meaning to a drowning man??? Humanity it entirely subjmerged... We find ourselves always in a bundle in need of sorting out, and how can we sort anything out without ideals to lay the thing beside??? Certainly meaning is in the human mind, but it is also a thing of culture holding the messages of all time, each one having a specific meaning we find, we hope, in time...The virtues, and truth included, mean life, and it is not just in the mind, but a thing, a reality we find, and as an infinite, by which to measure the finite...The virtues are the needs of life measured against the needs of existence... Each Virtue is this moment measured against eternity...What is truth...It is not a question all of humanity can answer, for only a portion of that sum lives...How we answer is the answer of our survival, and not only the physical, but moral survival... The virtues are the key to Valhalla...With those few meanings we can revive the great, or join them...We can stand with the certain winners against all life, and all meaning... Or we can join the fight humanity cannot possibly win, and must...
---------- Post added 12-19-2009 at 05:16 PM ----------
Reconstructo;112740 wrote:I doubt you laugh much in any case. This rudeness of yours does nothing for your position. It supports my point that "truth" is a just a tool, peacock feather, a golden phallus. We all want to flash a badge. Alright then. You are a defender of the Eternal Immutable Truth. You are nobody's fool. With the power of Logic you shall vanquish all pretenders. You and yours alone shall rule. Continue then, pile up the skulls of the fallacious. Over and out.
Play nice...The truth is still a social form too... The fact that we are all after the same thing should make us natural allies...
---------- Post added 12-19-2009 at 05:45 PM ----------
Reconstructo;112725 wrote:The meaning is in the human mind, not in the sentence. We are all free to be humorless, reductive, etc. I'm not saying that you are being so, but this message comes off that way. I feel that I could play the role that you are playing, and play it well. But I like the pieces on this side of the board. I played the other pieces first, got bored with playing referee. I also got bored merely trying to enforce the rule of others. Hall monitoring is not for me. I'd rather be the class clown. I'd rather create.
---------- Post added 12-19-2009 at 04:19 PM ----------
It some cases we approach certainty. In others we don't. How many battles have been fought on incomplete information? How often do humans have to decide whether to trust a rumor? Life is full of gambling. To buy a used car or play the stock market is to venture forth into uncertainty, risk. And yet it also a risk not to choose, for this too is a choice. To some degree truth is manufactured by choice. As humans we only get to see the results of the action we did choose. Also science has continuted to progress. Newton's law were not the whole truth and yet they allowed us to create useful technology. Early telescopes were crap compared to those of today. Sure, there's a world out there but we see it thru the fogged-up window of our personality, and then only see a bit at a time. We can't be everywhere and we are always in the present, never the future or the past.
Would you accept that one of anything on earth might well be represented by a numeral: 1??? If that could be considered true, then 1/2 of anything will never be one... Our concepts work because they represent a single, whole class of being.... Now, truth as it is found in reality is all mixed up, just as what we know, as the truth is, all mixed up with our ignorance and misunderstanding... We have to pick the corn of truth out of the crap of stupidity, ignorance, and deliberate misinformation, and make it our meal...
Certainly, when what we know is measured against the absolute of truth we cannot say we know truth....But what we know in no way effects the quality of truth, as a moral form and an absolute...That is the purpose of all knowledge, and that is the why of our whats, our forms... Each one is conserved...The meaning of truth does not change...It holds its identity, and this essential principal of all reasoning lets us measure the real against an abstraction of reality...We can approach absolute truth... We can count on it as one counts on a compass to point to the North...It does not matter that we cannot reach it...That is not the goal in life, but the means... It would not work as a form unless it were perfect, and it would be useless to our purpose if it were perfect in reality...It makes us what we are, trying to sort it all out...It does not pay well, but perhaps enough to be worthwhile...
If I may give you an example of conservation it is this: A line... If you have a line of a certain length, and you decide to cut it, then no matter how often or short you cut it, you still have a line... The definition is not changed by any operation on the object defined...If you find something false in reality putting aside the intent of the mistake, it is not half true any more than a line cut in half can be half a line...It can be half the length, but not half a line...And there again, length as a concept is not changed, but conserve...The concept is the same as an identity...In our case, truth is a certain identity, but since it represents no physical reality, its identity is total meaning... What does the truth mean???