It's just a metaphor, this truth is a white lie business. And it applies specifically (for me) to the arguments of philosophers, as it was inspired by Nietzsche on the Prejudices of Philosophers.
Nietzsche was obviously a bit the sickly Romantic type. I've hammered him for his faults in other forums.
Jeeprs: You say you are not out to persuade, and then you say that everyone is at different points on the cycle. I agree with this cycle metaphor. But I also call out its assertion of status. Or are you lower down in this cycle? It's unlikely you would say so. I
could say that your transcendence is a white lie you tell yourself. But I'm not really that cynical. I do believe in rare ecstasies, realizations, etc., that are not easily described.
You are on a public forum, sharing your conception of truth. Inseminate might be a better word than persuade. Tossing seeds. (Sentences are viruses.)
No disrespect, just dialectical engagement.