Truth is a White Lie

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Reply Wed 16 Dec, 2009 07:33 pm
I think "something utterly impersonal" is about as exciting as it gets. The ultimate Other. The Other that can be told is not the true Other, but we've got to call it something just to think about it. Smile
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 06:33 am
Even if life is miserable, frustrating, challenging, or exhilerating it is never without meaning...If people are used to looking for meaning outside of themselves they are still looking for meaning in relation to their own.... What is life as a thing???No one can draw a line between the meaning and the being of people...Nature will do what people cannot do, and the stuff of being will only be so much matter, and meaning will reside in the memory of others...As people conceive of themselves, and always have as far as I can tell, it is as spirit, soul... No one can see a being in such things unless they are bound up with stuff that is as matter, meat and bones...We are meaning seeing meaning in all that affects our being as body and soul together, alive...I know people say life is meaningless....What they need to tell is the simple truth, that the process of life, and the cruelty we must suffer and participate in- is de-meaning, causing people to question their own meaning, the reason for all their actions...

Perhaps will is life, but very often personal will is the difference between life and death, and everything can seem so meaningless that one lives only to know again the meaning people should feel all the time...Consider that this is the mark of a failing society, that it does not feed the meaning everyone needs for health and life, but saps meaning to keep the failed form going post-mortem...People give up their lives with their essence, the meaning of their lives, to feed things utterly impersonal...

This is the problem with social forms... They are being without meaning, and when we fill these forms up with meaning we are supposed to get the stuff of life we find meaningful- back..A sacrifice for a god is not only a sacrifice, but an investment...It is not a coincidence that governments always demand what the gods once demanded...Neither is more effective than the other at securing the goods of life... There is a cosmic balance sheet being kept with out lives... Forget the people who directly sacrifice their lives for country for no return, and consider all those who take the promises of their countries in liu of payment for the lives and energy they feed into their countries, only to die short of all they were led to expect...

Societies kill people, yet, if we have now reached the point in this cannibalistic society that to have, we must take from others in distant lands, then their deaths can only be the augury of our own...The intelligence and technology our government brings to bear against near savages is death to them, and threat to us...We can see what happens to those who risist the government which we have long lost touch with...No sacrifice can be thought too great if it leaves one alive to consider the meaning of it....

Wealth is a form, and power too... We are led to believe that these are good, but are they???To have a few more wealthy people we have multitudes of poor...To have a form they little know and at a distance, many are made to question their own meaning, and to see they have too little meaning to justify the energy they put into life...Well; objecively, what does it matter if a few poor people are sacrificed for a desirable form???There is nothing objective about the value, which is the meaning of life...Objectively, everyone can drop dead; but their dropping dead deprives them of the subjective meaning they are entitled too...And all for wealth, a simple form having only relative meaning...

This is how societies die, one individual at a time, usually for forms all find objectively meaningful which mean nothing without the society, and their humanity to suppot that meaning... Societies very often suffer collective suicide because people cannot objectively question their forms...What will it take them to give them the means to examine their forms as objects compared to other like objects??? Can anyone force a paradigm shift???

Let me offer some insight into the phrase: Utterly impersonal...Schopenhaur talks of reality as object and subject, with ourselves standing midway between the two...Subject is form, the object considered... But forms also have an active side... We take the subject of some natural object, and use it to create a new objective reality... We might take the family as a subject, and form an objective social relationship out of our subjective understanding... Of such forms and reality, the last reaction we should have to an object view is as something impersonal... Just as with marriage, a community is a form we should see ourselves in...We all sacrifice something for our relationships, and the universal sacrifice is a part of ourselves, literally...

When we view our relationships as object forms, we should see a part of ourselves in it...They should not seem impersonal unless they have become all form, and no relationship....People sometimes hang onto their marriages as forms long after the relationship has died...Can they look at the form as personal when they invest none of their lives in them???. They may keep their form and give no meaning to it, and meaning is life...And how can anyone view a form as personal to which they are forced to give their lives for no return??? Such a relationship is not an investment in the future but is a harbinger of the past dragging the future to an early grave...In failed forms we are forced to endure our own demise...
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 06:32 pm
Fido;112062 wrote:
Even if life is miserable, frustrating, challenging, or exhilerating it is never without meaning...If people are used to looking for meaning outside of themselves they are still looking for meaning in relation to their own.... What is life as a thing???No one can draw a line between the meaning and the being of people...Nature will do what people cannot do, and the stuff of being will only be so much matter, and meaning will reside in the memory of others...As people conceive of themselves, and always have as far as I can tell, it is as spirit, soul... No one can see a being in such things unless they are bound up with stuff that is as matter, meat and bones...We are meaning seeing meaning in all that affects our being as body and soul together, alive...I know people say life is meaningless....What they need to tell is the simple truth, that the process of life, and the cruelty we must suffer and participate in- is de-meaning, causing people to question their own meaning, the reason for all their actions...

Perhaps will is life, but very often personal will is the difference between life and death, and everything can seem so meaningless that one lives only to know again the meaning people should feel all the time...Consider that this is the mark of a failing society, that it does not feed the meaning everyone needs for health and life, but saps meaning to keep the failed form going post-mortem...People give up their lives with their essence, the meaning of their lives, to feed things utterly impersonal...

This is the problem with social forms... They are being without meaning, and when we fill these forms up with meaning we are supposed to get the stuff of life we find meaningful- back..A sacrifice for a god is not only a sacrifice, but an investment...It is not a coincidence that governments always demand what the gods once demanded...Neither is more effective than the other at securing the goods of life... There is a cosmic balance sheet being kept with out lives... Forget the people who directly sacrifice their lives for country for no return, and consider all those who take the promises of their countries in liu of payment for the lives and energy they feed into their countries, only to die short of all they were led to expect...

Societies kill people, yet, if we have now reached the point in this cannibalistic society that to have, we must take from others in distant lands, then their deaths can only be the augury of our own...The intelligence and technology our government brings to bear against near savages is death to them, and threat to us...We can see what happens to those who risist the government which we have long lost touch with...No sacrifice can be thought too great if it leaves one alive to consider the meaning of it....

Wealth is a form, and power too... We are led to believe that these are good, but are they???To have a few more wealthy people we have multitudes of poor...To have a form they little know and at a distance, many are made to question their own meaning, and to see they have too little meaning to justify the energy they put into life...Well; objecively, what does it matter if a few poor people are sacrificed for a desirable form???There is nothing objective about the value, which is the meaning of life...Objectively, everyone can drop dead; but their dropping dead deprives them of the subjective meaning they are entitled too...And all for wealth, a simple form having only relative meaning...

This is how societies die, one individual at a time, usually for forms all find objectively meaningful which mean nothing without the society, and their humanity to suppot that meaning... Societies very often suffer collective suicide because people cannot objectively question their forms...What will it take them to give them the means to examine their forms as objects compared to other like objects??? Can anyone force a paradigm shift???

Let me offer some insight into the phrase: Utterly impersonal...Schopenhaur talks of reality as object and subject, with ourselves standing midway between the two...Subject is form, the object considered... But forms also have an active side... We take the subject of some natural object, and use it to create a new objective reality... We might take the family as a subject, and form an objective social relationship out of our subjective understanding... Of such forms and reality, the last reaction we should have to an object view is as something impersonal... Just as with marriage, a community is a form we should see ourselves in...We all sacrifice something for our relationships, and the universal sacrifice is a part of ourselves, literally...

When we view our relationships as object forms, we should see a part of ourselves in it...They should not seem impersonal unless they have become all form, and no relationship....People sometimes hang onto their marriages as forms long after the relationship has died...Can they look at the form as personal when they invest none of their lives in them???. They may keep their form and give no meaning to it, and meaning is life...And how can anyone view a form as personal to which they are forced to give their lives for no return??? Such a relationship is not an investment in the future but is a harbinger of the past dragging the future to an early grave...In failed forms we are forced to endure our own demise...

There is much I agree with in this post. Still, I don't see you address the issue or personal transcendence, of the good side of mysticism. This has a Marxist feel, as if the point of philosophy were to change the world, not just think about it. I see the allure of that. Not long ago I was laughing at Marx's jokes on Stirner. I'm not saying you're a Marxist, of course. I do get the vibe that for you the nobler path is to do one's best to fix things socially. But in lieu of violent revolution, which to me is not desirable, you have to get votes, and build a platform. And what would this platform be? I feel that US society is so divided that it's almost impossible to make much happen. Those with money want to keep it. Those without generally want to take it. Those in between don't know which to way to look for the enemy. It seems to me that the rich get much more "welfare" than the poor. But the ghettos serve as a smoke-screen. Also as a scare tactic. Keep them running on that conveyor belt, because it takes a little extra to live in the safe neighborhoods. Soon as they pop out kids, that's an even better excuse to compromise. How much of the middle class has stock in the companies that export jobs? Our fiat currency unites us in sin. This currency is born with interest attached. The money system that grounds the rest is corrupts at the source. Those who know are often better off not saying, for no one wants to hear about it. Folks are selfish. They want to eat dinner and watch TV, buy a swimming pool for the kids. Most people daydream rather than think. Many who think see the injustice and its ineradicable causes and also the relativity of justice. Some look into their hearts and realize that they too will compromise for a piece of silver or two.

The death of God is the death of afterlife. No one wants to jump on the grenade for future generations. A cynicism prevails. The government mirrors on an international level the jaded atomism we live out on an individual level. It's every man for himself, with a few exceptions here and there. And even they have their reasons. Some are built for a fight, get their kicks from a fight. I feel like politic corruption and social decadence and whatever else you please are all heads of the Hydra, which is human nature in all its fallibility. It's the slave in human nature that makes a way for the tyrant. In so many ways we are still like our relatives the chimpanzees. The time may comes when I see my current view as escapist. But at the moment it seems like a wise retreat from an impossible battle. I'm just a wit on the margins, with not much more wealth than a Diogenes. The more wealth one has, the more power one has to fight, and the less motivation. Excepting violent revolution, which is not to be trusted, and legitimate political fervor, which must compete with an Obama or a Bush with all their millions. Even a third party seems Quixotic at the moment.
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 04:28 am
Truth and Power. What is the relationship? Does Truth sometimes serve as a black lie? Is Psychiatry sometimes no better than the Inquisition? Is the legal status of insanity serve as an excuse to appropriate? Does objectivity serve as a wrecking ball to those subjective truths that give an individual the wisdom and courage to exist as the citizen of a democracy? Is a godless man a dry leaf on a windy day? Is an atheistic Romantic Satanism enough of a "god"? Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 06:45 am
Recon; The world will change, and we with it... Philosophy gives us the understanding to resist those changes which might destroy us, and to make those changes necessary for our survival...The problem with our forms in that they lock in our responses so we do not have to think about what we are doing, and are effectively unable to think about what we are doing...Our form of government is old, and really ancient...It suffers as all forms suffer from the willingness of a few to turn the thing to their advantage...If we were a nation, there would be some true moral impediment placed before our desire to feed on the body politic; but we are not a nation in any true sense of the word...Our forms do not protect us, but expedite our exploitation... What is the truth?? The truth as a social form, and objective and provable reality is that humanity has often suffered this situation before; so that even the most united of peoples can be divided by wealth, and left weak before their enemies, and eventually destroyed in their immoraltiy... I mean; are we both blind and ignorant so that we cannot see what we are becoming, how we are blowing the commonweath for a new high??? History has too often written our epitath on feet of clay...

What was said about the Bourbon Kings is true for us: That they forgot nothing, and learned nothing... We need to learn, and be free to learn if we will avoid the pitfalls of the past...This society will fall...I prefer that it fall to revolution rather than invasion; but the invasion is under way, and our cultural differences act as one more impediment to coordinated action... We have many impediments to communication, so many in fact that only individual action will change anything, and the only true individuals are justly considered as lunitics... For this reason the right will act first...They have cornered the market on nut heads...
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 06:16 pm
Fido: do you have a plan in mind for yourself? I can't determine to what degree you are contemplating the situation and to what degree you are suggesting action in response to the situation. I value your analysis, just don't know how it all sews together.
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 06:25 pm
Reconstructo;112499 wrote:
Fido: do you have a plan in mind for yourself? I can't determine to what degree you are contemplating the situation and to what degree you are suggesting action in response to the situation. I value your analysis, just don't know how it all sews together.

Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 06:40 pm
kennethamy;112501 wrote:

What I said: resist, and make changes

...Just because my government does not have a brain, cannot consider options wisely, and provide for the future does not mean we all have to go along actintupid...

You know, that form is dead... Press privilage, religous privilage, property privilage will all have to give some ground if we are going to have an economy and government that works...I think we need revolution, and with revolution we will have civil war, perhaps even world war...It is not small change, but I think if we do not suffer dictatorship then we will enjoy democracy...No one can resist Alexander... No one is going to make a man with a gun agree to anything he can't live with...I think everyone ought to have a gun, and only then will we have democracy, when people can resist...
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 06:42 pm
Fido;112508 wrote:
What I said: resist, and make changes

...Just because my government does not have a brain, cannot consider options wisely, and provide for the future does not mean we all have to go along actintupid...

Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 08:20 pm
kennethamy;112509 wrote:

This doesn't seem like a reasoned response, ken. I don't know what has gotten into you.
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 08:23 pm
Zetherin;112538 wrote:
This doesn't seem like a reasoned response, ken. I don't know what has gotten into you.

One of those things.
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 08:29 pm
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 09:09 pm
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 09:14 pm
Subjectivity9;112556 wrote:

If truth is dynamic is true, is that a lie? Just asking.
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 09:33 pm
kennethamy;112557 wrote:
If truth is dynamic is true, is that a lie? Just asking.
Reply Fri 18 Dec, 2009 10:13 pm
Zetherin;112558 wrote:

If it were possible to divide the truth in half, and still have truth, then the whole truth would not be the truth...
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 02:12 am
kennethamy;112557 wrote:
If truth is dynamic is true, is that a lie? Just asking.

Let me answer that. Boo Yeah. Absolutely. Yes the truth that the truth is a lie is also a lie. And the lie that the truth is a lie is also the truth. Laughing
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 03:08 am
Zetherin;112558 wrote:

Half a lie? Which half? And, of course, what is the other half?
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 03:19 am
It's an ironic pragmatism, an anti-dogmatic paradox, a counter-didactic didacticism. It's not a rejection of epistemological naturalism, common sense, or decency.

What I love about certain DADA manifestos is their sense of humor. For me, philosophy is not a shovel but something more like a flare. Those who take their myth neat are likely to love Sophia and not just shovels.
Reply Sat 19 Dec, 2009 03:49 am
Reconstructo;112602 wrote:
It's an ironic pragmatism, an anti-dogmatic paradox, a counter-didactic didacticism. It's not a rejection of epistemological naturalism, common sense, or decency.

What I love about certain DADA manifestos is their sense of humor. For me, philosophy is not a shovel but something more like a flare. Those who take their myth neat are likely to love Sophia and not just shovels.

Well, still, there is a lot of crap to shovel away. Locke calld philosophers, "underlaborers" which was a polite term for "garbage men". They clean up the intellectual rubbish, Locke said. I suppose they have what you would call, a "negative capability".

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