Debunking the literal truth of Noah and the great flood

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Reply Thu 6 Aug, 2009 01:58 pm
xris;81627 wrote:
Funny that, I would think most of the population would not hesitate in saying no, i will not kill for anyone, as an act of obedience.It is relevant when you consider your god tested his prophet beyond understanding and asked him to kill his child.Your reluctance to answer gives a clue to your mind set,the mind set we fail to understand.

Actually, my post demonstrated that the question posed by Mr. McDougall was unanswerable, seeing that God would never ask me to do such a thing. The reasons being (as already stated):

1. The revelation of God to men is closed.
2. God does not desire the death of the wicked, but rather that he turn from his wicked ways and live (therefore dismissing the phrasing of the question as though God merely, out of a sadistic delight and pleasure, randomly asks His followers to kill the heathen. Rather, God desires the salvation of all men, and He is longsuffering toward sinners; He even died for them! Therefore, the consequent will of God--that will which demands judgment for gross and hardened sin--is always second to the first--antecedent--will that is both gracious and merciful).
3. It is either a deliberately deceitful or doltish question, both deserving of no response at all.

Therefore, if we are to rephrase the question: "If a voice that claimed to be God told you to murder a Moslem child across the street would you do it?"

Then I would respond: NO.

However, until the question is rephrased as such it will continue to be and remain unanswerable; one constructed by a either a wicked or a weak mind (or perhaps some unique combination of them both).

Now, seeing that you have rather turned the debate to ethics, if I was asked the question:

"Should Moses have obeyed God when he was asked to destroy the Midianites?"

I would respond: YES.

Why?: Because God commanded it.

And so, if we are to look further for a justifying cause of this action performed in obedience by Moses, we are left searching in the darkness that is our own perception of justice. You would again be left with the quest of an infinite regress of justifications "acquitting"--what you would call--an unjust command, when the only "justification" possible is God Himself; for God is the sole Lawgiver, and thus is the sole Sovereign and Judge of the Law.

Let me ask you this, xris: were the Midianites deserving of Divine Judgment?

Alan McDougall
Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 12:37 am

You stated Secondly, you ask the question as though God delights in the death of the wicked, and as though His first will is not the repentance and faith of all men in the God-Man Jesus Christ

So the little children and old woman that Moses and his army slaughtered like cattle where wicked and deserved to be murdered. This is exactly the kind of thing the Nazi SS did so often in Poland during the war so the Cannon was not closed for those poor innocent people.

The bible says god is the same yesterday today and forever, so according to scripture we are dealing with the very same God are we not. God is unchanging or does he change?

Why cant you just answer such an easy question again I ask you

Yes you will kill in Gods name......................?

No you will not kill in Gods name....................?
Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 03:19 am
@Alan McDougall,
I think the logic that the god of the old and the new is not the same is begining to become clear to even our most fervent believer.
Jerome,IF, Alan is asking and its a reasonable question when you consider your god has asked the very same question before.You cant claim its something your god would not request.As for my view on god, administering Justice,i dont believe in your god so the question is invalid.
Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 07:58 am
@Alan McDougall,
Mr. McDougall,

I have already answered your foolish questions and laid them to waste:


You wrote:
Jerome you did not address my post about Numbers Chapter 31.Rationalise that Chapter in the light of a God of mercy and love?

Your post is-to be brutally frank-not worthy of response; and much less does it require "rationalization" of any form, shape, or kind; as it is nothing more than a veiled effort to accuse Scripture of contradiction through the use of semantic antitheses.

By this I mean, that you have purposely found one Scripture that states, "You shall not kill", and another that states, "Make war and kill", and claimed contradiction without even one reference, mention, or signification of the proper context of the verses; nor have you taken the time to cite even one comparing verse and/or chapter of the proposed discrepancies you (or another) recount.

Therefore, while I will respond this once to your foolish accusations, it is not by virtue of their deservingness, but solely by virtue of how easily and effortlessly your army of straw men can be set to flames and left to ruin.

Let us begin, then, shall we?

You write:
Numbers Chapture 31? I have great difficulty in rationalizing this chapter with a concept of a good loving God as depictured by the lord Jesus Christ.
Someone help me please! The bible states that God is the same, yesterday, tomorrow and forever.

Before a proper response can be made, it is necessary that I first address your frequent, and seemingly innumerable, false presuppositions regarding the matters of God and Scripture.

Firstly, as concerns the proper hermeneutic of Scripture, "rationalization" is not allowed. Rather, we are to take each verse as it is written, in its own definite sense, and believe it to be true. Or, as you have chosen, reject it as offensive and nonsensical folly and madness.

Secondly, why do you claim a divergence from the person of God the Son to the person of God the Father? What makes Christ "a good loving God" and the Father a tyrant, as you so fallaciously assert? Do they not both offer salvation to those who believe in Christ [the Gospel]:

"Say to them, As I live, declares the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn back, turn back from your evil ways, for why will you die, O house of Israel?"
[Ezekiel 33:11]

And again:

"And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life." [John 3:14-15]

Do they not both threaten sinners who continually resist God and bring upon themselves judgment and eventual damnation [the Law]:

"Though I say to the righteous that he shall surely live, yet if he trusts in his righteousness and does injustice,
none of his righteous deeds shall be remembered, but in his injustice that he has done he shall die." [Ezekiel 33:13]

And again:

"Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already,
because he has not believe in the name of the only Son of God." [John 3:18]

It is a thing most predictable throughout history: the old heresy of the Church becomes the new orthodoxy of the philosophers.

And thirdly, while the Lord is most certainly immutable in nature, yet this does not translate into meaning that God is confined to man's naked-and fallen-reason. He is a God of a majesty and brilliance so lofty and unsearchable that even the angels cannot begin to fathom His being, will, or judgments. [I Peter 1:12]

You also write:
This does not seem to be the case if one analyses and compares the awful chapter 31 of the book on Numbers, in relation to the loving, forgiving, Father God, that the Lord Jesus presented in the four gospels. Answer this and I will be able to press on.
Note I do not have much time left. I am so tired and weary now!

Why do you call Christ the "Lord Jesus"? Do you believe in His name? Or is this merely a "gracious" and "exalting" title that you would give also to any "great moral teacher" of history? Considering your own denouncements and callous remarks concerning the Gospel and the historic Christian faith, I can only presume that the former is not, in fact, the case. Therefore, if indeed the latter is true, please spare me the "admirable titles" you attach to Christ, as they do nothing to convince that you believe or trust in Him any more than you do Buddha, Hindu, or that peculiar god you have manufactured to suit your own dreams.

You demand:
Numbers Chapter 31 Please explain!!!
Verse: 2 the Lord said to Moses take vengeance on the Indianite's. In direct contrast, Jesus said, forgive those who hate you and despitefully use you. It is easy to love those that love you, but I say love those that hate you.
Vengeance is mine said the lord I will recompense. However, here God appears to go against his own word and commands Moses to
take vengeance.

Let us begin to dismantle this army of straw by first distinguishing between the antecedent (first) and consequent (second) will of God. The antecedent will of God is one of love, desiring that all come to Him by means of repentance and faith. [I Timothy 2:4] The consequent will of God desires the punishment, judgment, and condemnation of those who refuse, reject, and despise His Word and promise of salvation in Christ [John 3:18].

Now, in regards to Matthew 5:43-48, Christ clearly speaks of God's antecedent will, being one of mercy and grace, giving to all creatures sun and rain, moon and sun, to both the just and the unjust; even though both were born deserving of nothing but damnation and destruction. That is to say, we are born enemies of God [Romans 5:12], being utterly hostile and resistant to His Word, works, and will. [Romans 8:7-8; I Corinthians 2:14] Yet still, in His infinite mercy, God has made all creatures, giving them their body and soul, eyes, ears, and all their limbs, their reason, and all their senses, and still preserves them [Small Catechism, II, Article I].

And thus there exists no "discrepancy", not due to my having "rationalized it away", but due solely to the plain and certain Word of God.

You fall into error again:
2) Verses: 3- 6 Make war and kill said the lord. This is a direct contradiction to Gods own commandment.
Thou shalt not kill. Jesus said if a man strikes you on the one cheek turn and offer him the other and not to violence. Love your enemies etc etc

Do you actually believe what it is you argue? Are you not opposed to the use of any means that justify the ends of "victory"? It seems that, here especially, your zealous infatuation with inconsistencies in Scripture have left you holding on to no more than that very thing, namely, inconsistent-and risible-rants and ravings fit only for those who seek "victory" by deceit (or doltishness).

For how is it, Mr. McDougall, that God is now made to be confined by His own Law? How is it that God, who by very description is beyond all accountability to the Law-being a Law unto Himself-is now made under the Law which He Himself created and made for man? Furthermore, what ability has man to assess whether or not the judgments and rulings of the Almighty are truly "proper" and "just"? As St. Paul writes:

"Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and
how inscrutable are His ways!" [Romans 11:33]

And Elihu in the book of Job:

"Therefore, hear me, you men of understanding: far be it from God that he should do wickedness, and from
the Almighty that he should do wrong." [Job 34:10]

Hence, your efforts are, once again, in vain. The Lord is a law unto Himself, and is never to be made accountable to the sense of justice that belongs to fallen men-both you and I.

Further still, the commandment is properly rendered: You shall not murder. That is to say, you shall not take life unlawfully. And what defines the Law but God? What determines what is a lawful taking of life or an unlawful taking than the Judge of heaven and earth? Therefore, if God, in His hidden majesty and judgment, determines that a people (such as the sinful and rebellious Midianites) are to be punished by death and killing, then, by virtue of His command and decree, it is right. For, as the theologians of old spoke: "God is outside of the Law."

You make the argument later:
"You know if one takes out the title God and Moses and replaces them with Hitler and Rudolf Hess, no one would question that it was the work of the evil Hitler regime. Would they?"

This is a gross and pernicious claim, as, once again, you seek God upon the basis of His relation to man and the things of man, rather than upon His own Word, which is the only means by which He promises to reveal Himself to us. Thus you are left probing into the majesty of the hidden God, and you have become lost in His glory. For evil is entirely foreign to and absent from God, as He is wholly good, the Judge and Ruler of all creation.

And once again, so that you do not accuse me of "rationalization", this my answer is drawn from no other source than the clear and plain words of Scripture itself.

You insist:
3) Verses: 6-13 here the armies of Israel go out and destroy, spoil, burn and steal and plunder on Gods command.
In addition, they slaughter all the adult males however; this is not sufficient blood-letting- slaughter to please Moses or God
as we read from verse 14.
In contrast, Jesus said he that lives by the sword would die by the sword. The soldiers apparently somewhat kinder and merciful than Moses spared the woman and children much to Mosses disappointment and anger

Are you so perversely opposed to defeat that you will even ignore all contexts, and in the same breath play as though you sought an honest intellectual debate? Spare me your rhetoric, and give me the context:

Matthew 26:47-56:
"While he was still speaking, Judas came, one of the twelve, and with him a great crowd with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and
the elders of the people. Now the betrayer had given them a sign, saying, 'The one I will kiss is the man; seize him.' And he came up to Jesus at once and said, 'Greetings, Rabbi!' And he kissed him. Jesus said to him, 'Friend, do what you came to do.' Then they came up and laid hands on Jesus and seized him. And behold, one of those who were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword and struck the servant of the high priest and cut of his ear. Then Jesus said to him, 'Put you sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword. Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then should the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so?' At that hour Jesus said to the crowds, 'Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs to capture me? Day after day I sat in the temple teaching, and you did not seize me. But all this has taken place
that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled." Then all the disciples left him and fled."

What, then, does Christ speak against, and for what reason? He speaks against the use of the sword by Peter, not because the use of sword is condemned in all cases, as you dream, but because Peter continually resisted the purposed work and person of Christ, namely, His brutal crucifixion, death, and resurrection. That is to say, Christ detested Peter's unwillingness that "Scripture be fulfilled."

This same principle occurs earlier in the Gospel:

"From that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised. And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying, 'Far be it from you, Lord! This shall never happen to you.' But He turned and said to Peter, 'Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.'"
[Matthew 16:21-23]

What then will you bring against this passage, Mr. McDougall? Will you say that Christ's words here contradict His "loving nature", as He condemns St. Peter, who exhibits only concern for Him, as speaking the words of the devil himself? May your absurdities end here (though I suspect they will remain ceaseless).

Christ here forbids Peter, not of the concern for Christ's body and life, but of the refusal of Christ's will, work, and purpose, namely, that He die at the hands of sinners and be raised in glory on the third day to the right hand of God, to live and reign to eternity, and give everlasting life to all those who believe in His name. That is to say, Christ forbid Peter from desiring anything, no matter how apparently noble and good it was to his natural reason and judgment, other than that which fulfilled and completed the Word and will of God.

Now do you see how quickly straw men falter under the fire and hammer of God?

You write again:
4) Verse: 14 Moses was wroth (angry) with the officers. Why? Because they had not slaughtered THE WHOLE LOT, WOMAN, CHILDREN,
like they had done to the adult males. So what is sweet kind merciful Moses proposal? Verse: 15, He says now murder all the "little boys".
In ABSOLUTE contrast Jesus said blessed are the little children for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Contrast exists when two things are, in some manner or degree, associated, Mr. McDougall. In no way is your assertion that verses 14 and 15 of Numbers 31 (by the way, it is verse 17 where Moses commands that every male be killed among the little ones) are in "absolute contrast" with Luke 18:15-17 credible, as the context of both passages prove, decisively, their incommensurable nature.

St. Luke writes:
"Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to him, saying, 'Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it." [15-17]

That is to say, Christ speaks of faith here as it pertains to the Word and promise of God, namely, a childlike trust, assurance, and certainty. It does not state, in any way, that all children will go to heaven, regardless of their faith; rather, as already stated, it states that all who receive, by faith, the kingdom of heaven with the faith of a child are adopted as the sons and daughters of God; He being their true Father, and we His true children. Therefore, the passage does not speak of children as its subject, but of the nature and character of saving faith.

You cry:
For goodness sake is this the same merciful loving God depicted by Jesus. No this horrific story does not end yet. Moses goes on saying."
Kill all the woman" except those that have not had "sex with a man". How on earth in those remote primitive days were the soldiers to know
which woman was a virgin and which were not?.
There was definitely no gynaecologist way back in 300O B.C. WERE THERE? So to me they must on Moses command raped all the woman
first and then murdered those who were not virgins. Why was it necessary to rape them all? Because a woman's age does not necessarily
indicate whether a woman is a virgin or not.

"So to me...?" What have your speculations and accusations contributed to the text, or debate at hand thus far, Mr. McDougall, but falsehood and duplicity?

Virginity could be assessed without the need of doctors, Mr. McDougall. For instance, clothing and jewelry was worn, in that time and place, that specifically pertained to a woman's virginal, or marital status. Therefore we have no need to indulge in diverse fantasies-as you have, and no doubt enjoyed-as to how these women were assessed to be virgins outside of a purely visual, and non-intrusive method.

As to the matter of whether these women were raped, the burden of proof does not weigh on my position, but your own, seeing that you have introduced foreign words to the text. It is probable that these women were taken as wives, in direct contradiction to the command of God [Deuteronomy 7:3-4]. However, even if your claim were so, it too would directly conflict with this command and will of God.

You conclude:
5) Now please learned rational bible scholar tell me that this is the same father God that is the same yesterday tomorrow and forever,
I am all eyes and ears waiting for a logical explanation.

I find it peculiar, Mr. McDougall, that you have attributed to me a sort of Biblical "rationalism", claiming that the answers I have given you, and by them refuted your madness, are no more than logically contrived constructs built from my own mind and reason. And you declare this, even in the face of my direct citations of clear Scripture: book, chapter, and verse!

And in your usual shamelessly contradictory fashion you then demand: "Make this logical to me, and then I will believe." What is this I hear? First you denounce my responses as "rationalism", asserting that they are only attempts to make the illogical logical, and, immediately thereafter, you charge me with the work of producing a logical construction fit for your own delusions!

But what else should one expect but wildly desperate, and discrepant ventures at victory from a wounded and reeling opponent?

Have we not already established, on numerous occasions over the course of this thread, that Christ Himself testified to the authenticity of the Old Testament Scripture? As is written in the Gospel of St. John:

"For if you believed Moses, you would believe me; for he wrote of me" [John 5:46].

Therefore, the five books of Moses, including in them the book of Numbers, was explicitly identified by Christ, the Son of the Father, as authentically inspired, inerrant, and infallible Scripture.

And again:
"Scripture cannot be broken" [John 10:35].

That is to say, the Old Testament Scripture, as it speaks of the eternal Godhead, is the same today, now, and forever [Hebrews 13:8].

And again:
"I and my Father are one" [John 10:30].

This meaning: I and my Father, the Creator of the world, the Father eternal, of whom Moses wrote and spoke; with Him I am of one essence. It is this verse, therefore, that leaves all your efforts of treachery and/or ignorance broken and strewn on the jagged rocks of heresy. For how will you contend with such plain and simple language with what is decidedly contrary to it, namely, your own position?

And again:
"They [the Jews] said to him therefore, 'Where is your Father?' Jesus answered, 'You know neither me nor my Father.
If you knew me, you would know my Father also.'" [John 8:19]

And again:
"So Jesus said to them, 'When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he, and that I do nothing on my own authority, but speak just as the Father taught me. And he who sent me is with me.
He has not left me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to him.' As he was saying these things, many believed in him." [John 8:28-30]

Now, surely, I hope, you see how lost you are in your false contentions. For Christ here speaks of the Father, of whom Christ has already identified as the same Father of which Moses wrote, as being known necessarily by the knowing of Christ [John 8:19].

Further still, Christ states: I do nothing upon my own authority; all that I do is pleasing, and has been taught to me by the Father. It is this same Father of the Old Testament of whom Christ says He was sent by and who has not left Him, but abides with Him.

Therefore, rather than fight and battle against the clear Word of God with deficient weapons and intellect, I suggest you take note of verse 30, and consider its significance: "As he was saying these things, many believed in him."

In conclusion, then, your arguments and attempts at semantic antitheses have fallen far short of your imagined "victory." Recognize, I implore you, that this Word at which you so hastily and emphatically war and protest destroys the wisdom of the wise, and thwarts the discernment of the discerning [I Corinthians 1:19].

For as it is written:
"Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age?
Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?" [I Corinthians 1:20]


Therefore, unless you are to introduce a new argument, I am afraid our conversation is over, as I have not the same fondness for redundancy as you.

I would much prefer a response from your friend Didymos Thomas on the matter of his contradictory evaluations of religious texts.

Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 09:56 am
@JEROME phil,
Well Alan i have searched his rantings over and over again and i cant see an answer.I think we must assume he is unwilling or unable.Abusive language usually gives you a clue that we have a fundamentalist with little love of humanity or his neighbour.
Alan McDougall
Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 12:54 pm
xris;81768 wrote:
Well Alan i have searched his rantings over and over again and i cant see an answer.I think we must assume he is unwilling or unable.Abusive language usually gives you a clue that we have a fundamentalist with little love of humanity or his neighbour.

xris as much as we try JEROME continues to avoid a direct answer and persists in muddling the whole debate with reams out of context scripture.

I do not believe all scripture is literal true. If it were then the universe would have had to be created in six days.

Obviously he thinks I am ignorant on Biblical scripture when I can quote reams of the stuff from memory.

Must we accept ever word in the Bible as literal truth; of course not it is not a historical book.

Do I have to discard the whole bible because I don't accept it to be literal, again of course not, God gave me a mind so I can discern and distinguish beautiful truths be they biblical or not, and reject nonsense like Numbers 31 as the work of a war lord in the person of Moses?

JEROME after listening to all of your arguments of Literal truth of the bible, I reassure my initial belief is that the bible stories are based on an almost total fiction.

I have not found a reliable explication of the absent of ice ages in the bible, they are not present even in the background scenario. The bible and is literal believers of it can not justify the observable evidence of the fossil record, species divergence and the geological evidence that range from mountain formation to climatologic analysis in gases trapped in ice layers in some regions of the planet; the believers of the bible, cannot also explain the astronomical phenomena that surrounds us (like elements formation in the stars and planetary formation).

When they drill down into ice sheets in Greenland or Antarctica, they extract core samples that record history in ice core rings that go back hundreds of thousands of years, how can anyone support the six day creation story in the light of this indisputable evidence that our planet is unimaginably old?

A convincing prove in here of the Noah ark theory in the bible had not been found in this debate, JEROME you have not yet come with a realistic explication of the quantity of water necessary to flood the entire planet as the genesis claimed

. Joshua supposedly got God the not only stop the earth revolving but reversing a number of degrees. Imagine the celestial dynamics needed to do that.
"On the day that the Lord gave the men of Israel, victory over the Amorites, Joshua spoke to the Lord. In the presence of the Israelites he said 'Sun stand still over Gibeon; Moon stop over AijalonValley'. The Sun stood still and the Moon did not move until the nation had conquered its enemies. This is written in the book of Jashar. The sun stood still in the middle of the sky and did not go down for a whole day."
Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 01:19 pm
xris;81768 wrote:
Well Alan i have searched his rantings over and over again and i cant see an answer.I think we must assume he is unwilling or unable.Abusive language usually gives you a clue that we have a fundamentalist with little love of humanity or his neighbour.

Must I hold your hand and walk you through it, xris?

You claim:

1. "The God of the Old Testament is non-identical to the God of the New Testament"

I respond (with a direct source):

1. "For if you believed Moses, you would believe me; for he wrote of me" [John 5:46]. Therefore, Christ affirmed that the writings of Moses--including the book of Numbers--spoke of Him; thereby identifying Himself with the "God of the Old Testament" absolutely.

Now, if it is your contention that this Scripture is not, in fact, authoritative or binding on the Christian, or that the absolute identification of Christ with the God of Moses is, according to your understanding, "contradictory", then your argument naturally concludes with the matter that Didymos Thomas and I are currently engaged in (though it seems that he has deserted it), namely, the authority, perspicuity, efficacy, and sufficiency of the Holy Scripture as recognized and authorized by Christ and His Church. Thus, I am left standing upon and supported by the objective authority of God's Word, whereas you are left doddering and blundering in your own pronounced "subjective wisdom."

You claim:

2. "...its a reasonable question when you consider your god has asked the very same question before.You cant claim its something your god would not request". The question being asked, by Mr. McDougall and yourself, is this: "Would I kill a Moslem child across the street if God told me to?"

I respond (for a third time):

2. The question is manifestly invalid and deceptive, seeking only to pounce upon either answer given.

For you see, xris, if I were to respond with a "yes" answer, you would only scoff and jeer that I was a murderous zealot, who would, by necessity, need to abandon those texts of Holy Scripture that established a closed canon, and thereby a completion of the revelation between God and men.

Similarly, if I were to respond with a "no" answer, you would only deride and disparage me as a coward and a fool who was unwilling to affirm the wrathful judgments of God against His enemies as recorded in the text of Holy Scripture.

Therefore, if I were select either the former or latter responses, I would be left, in both instances, without any alternative but to deny, renounce, and abandon that very Word of God I so fervently--and dogmatically--claim as verbally inspired, wholly inerrant, and undoubtedly infallible.

Hence, the question is, indeed, invalid, seeing that no answer can be given apart from that which you wickedly seek for your own benefit. The question is essentially no different than if you had asked me: "Have you stopped murdering Moslem children?" If I say "yes" that means I used to, and if I say "no" that means I still am. Therefore--I am speaking here to both xris and Mr. McDougall--leave your spinning of webs and your assembling of snares to those less perspicacious, namely, those more likened to yourselves.


---------- Post added 08-07-2009 at 02:56 PM ----------

Alan McDougall writes:

So the little children and old woman that Moses and his army slaughtered like cattle where wicked and deserved to be murdered. This is exactly the kind of thing the Nazi SS did so often in Poland during the war so the Cannon was not closed for those poor innocent people.

You misunderstand: we have ALL, the entire race of humanity, fallen in the sin of Adam, and are thereby wicked, poor, blind, miserable sinners deserving of a judgment no better than those wicked, poor, blind, miserable sinners of the Midianites. This is why those who are saved, such as Moses (and all who have ever trusted in the promise and/or fulfillment of Christ), are truly saved by grace alone (through faith alone), seeing that he (and all who trust in Christ) deserved nothing but the contrary, namely, God's wrath, fury, and judgment.

Thus, your error is two-fold: firstly, by not limiting yourself to the "what", and secondly, by engrossing yourself, in all manner of philosophical depravity, in the "why". For the will and judgments of God are an inscrutable and unsearchable mystery to the minds of mere men, especially to those who claim to possess a more acute sense of justice than the Creator, Sustainer, Judge, and Ruler of all things.

I have no interest in reducing the doctrine of Christ to something that is palatable for your own theological and/or philosophical ego, rather my sole interest is to clearly and faithfully expound the Word of God, and thereby destroying all arguments that raise their ugly heads against it.

Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 02:25 pm
@JEROME phil,
Jerome you fail to answer pertinent questions by making the claim god can do as he wishes and we are not even allowed to question those actions.You then refuse to enter into any serious debate about the validity of the bible in any form other than to quote some scripture, i dont recognise.You cant see the actions of christ and his teachings bare no resemblance to the the evil self centred god of the old testament.You cling to small sections that assist your views but ignore those that oppose you blinkered beliefs.I will ask you a question, why has god not appeared in any visible form for over 2000 years but found it necessary when his tribe had any trouble with the neighbours.The constant historic regard for the Israelites has not exactly been noticeable lately, has it?
Its a book of myths and legends and not one bit of it can be validated by any reasonable historic facts.There is more historic fact in the adventures of Robin Hood than there is the bible.You have been brain washed friend.
Reply Fri 7 Aug, 2009 03:21 pm
xris;81792 wrote:
Jerome you fail to answer pertinent questions by making the claim god can do as he wishes and we are not even allowed to question those actions.You then refuse to enter into any serious debate about the validity of the bible in any form other than to quote some scripture, i dont recognise.You cant see the actions of christ and his teachings bare no resemblance to the the evil self centred god of the old testament.You cling to small sections that assist your views but ignore those that oppose you blinkered beliefs.I will ask you a question, why has god not appeared in any visible form for over 2000 years but found it necessary when his tribe had any trouble with the neighbours.The constant historic regard for the Israelites has not exactly been noticeable lately, has it?
Its a book of myths and legends and not one bit of it can be validated by any reasonable historic facts.There is more historic fact in the adventures of Robin Hood than there is the bible.You have been brain washed friend.

JEROME has explained why the question is absurd, and no less than three times.

Furthermore, you are not allowed to question God's actions in such a way, as there is no standard of good and evil above Him. What is good and evil is dependent upon who God is. Man can not impose a standard of good and evil and expect God to subject Himself to such nonsense.

And again, you claim constantly that the God of the NT has no bearing with the one of the OT, when Jesus Christ Himself affirms that they are one and the same.

And again, you attempt to make God's physical absence towards Israel over the past 2000 years, as opposed to His constant appearance before then. This just further displays your ignorance of the Scriptures. God rarely ever appeared in person to Israel even in the Old Testament. He would almost always appear to prophets to preach to Israel, which would often end in them being rejected or persecuted. As to why He no longer manifests Himself as He once did: The canon of Scripture has been completed, therefore His revelation to mankind has also been completed. God has no need to appear to anyone in that way, as everything He wishes to tell His people is already in the Bible. Even so, God does reveal Himself to His people through the internal witness of the Holy Spirit, which testifies to the truth of Scripture. Now let me ask you this: How can anything be more axiomatic than something declared by God to be true?

And again, much of it can be validated by historic facts. Though you might not believe those that attest to the supernatural, (The Hebrew Talmud calling Jesus Christ a sorcerer), no one denies that, for example, Israel was under Babylonian rule at some point in history.

Your attempts to attack the truth of God's word constantly fall short, and I must tell you, if I am to be loving, that you must repent from your sins, and turn to Christ, not only to spare yourself from the eternal torment you deserve, but because God Himself is worthy of it and commands it of you.
Reply Sat 8 Aug, 2009 03:35 am
Tell me where christ teaches an eye for an eye and recommends you kill your enemy?If i have to acknowledge a god it will be for better reasons than an ancient book written by who knows.The god jehova had no other concern other than his tribe, now if he is constant, how come he changed his idea on who he should consider as worthy.How come christ changed his teachings in so many respects? This god jehova did assist his tribe by direct means on numerous occassions, why should he not now?Why if the bible is so precise in its teachings, do so many of it followers spend most of their life arguing about it content?dont you think he should reappear to clarify a few things.
There is no historical facts in the bible that can be confirmed contemporary or collaboratively..NONE...Now does that not that make you just bit suspicious?
Alan McDougall
Reply Sat 8 Aug, 2009 04:09 am
xris;81874 wrote:
Tell me where christ teaches an eye for an eye and recommends you kill your enemy?If i have to acknowledge a god it will be for better reasons than an ancient book written by who knows.The god jehova had no other concern other than his tribe, now if he is constant, how come he changed his idea on who he should consider as worthy.How come christ changed his teachings in so many respects? This god jehova did assist his tribe by direct means on numerous occassions, why should he not now?Why if the bible is so precise in its teachings, do so many of it followers spend most of their life arguing about it content?dont you think he should reappear to clarify a few things.
There is no historical facts in the bible that can be confirmed contemporary or collaboratively..NONE...Now does that not that make you just bit suspicious?


1) Who according to you are going to end up in everlasting torment in hell ?........................................?

2) Who is going to join you two in the glory of heaven?........................?

3) So according to you, you miserable sinners are going to heaven on a free ticket?.............................?

4) And xris and I who have no free ticket are going to hell ever though we are no worse sinners than you are?..........................?

5) Is the above then loving justice??

6) And I can and do ask God questions all the time, heck if I could question my earthly father why cant I question my heavenly father?.................?

7) Do you love God with all your mind all your soul and all your strength?................?

Please please address each question point by point without fudging the whole debate with unconnected scripture.

Biblical Fables

The stories in the Old Testament are totally unbelievable, I am amazed that I was taught for so many years by people who should have known better that these were actual historical events. It is so obvious now that these are myths and fables, with no more historical accuracy than the stories about Atlantis & Lemuria. I can't believe grown up people still believe in these myths, and worse still teach them to impressionable young minds. Let's take a look at a few of the more ludicrous stories.

Creation and the Fall

Ok, so nobody apart from a few fanatics seriously believes the world was created in 6 days as described in Genesis. But even if you maintain that the 6 days represent 6 ages, there are still ridiculous paradoxes that stand out. For example:

  • Genesis Plants are made on the third day, without the sun to drive the process of photosynthesis.
  • All creatures are apparently created as herbivores (Genesis ch1 v30). So what happened to the dinosaurs?

There are countless others - the Genesis account doesn't even remotely match what science tells us about the origins of the earth, however much you try to twist it to fit the facts.

Noah's Ark

This is basically a reworking of the much older "Epic of Gilgamesh". The idea that there was a worldwide flood is completely unsupported by any kind of evidence. After building the ark, God gave Noah 7 days warning of the flood. There are somewhere between 8 million and 10 million species inhabiting the earth (not including the 30 million different types of insect).

Since there was a male and a female of each species on the ark, Noah had just one week to collect polar bears from the North Pole, lions from Africa, spiders from South America and tigers from India and the Far East. Even assuming he could travel around the world at the speed of light, there would have to be an average of 30 animals per second going through the ark's single door. How did the cone beetle survive the year at sea, bearing in mind it can only survive on a particular type of tree only found in California? Marsupials from Australia, ad infinitum!!

Another ridiculous idea is that God created the rainbow as a sign that he would never again wipe out humanity in a global catastrophe. Are we expected to believe that light behaved differently a few thousand years ago when passing through raindrops? Only the incredibly naive can surely believe this!?

The "worldwide flood" somehow seems to have missed out the Chinese and other civilisations that were around at the same time, since they have no record of it.

Finally, the whole idea was to rid the wicked people from the world. Did it work?

Tower of Babel

The Tower of Babel myth is ludicrous - the idea that the entire world spoke a single language until God became angry at their attempt to build a skyscraper and cursed them all with different languages. Where is the evidence for a worldwide language? All ancient cultures evolved their own languages separately, there was most likely some kind of cross-pollenation as people moved around, but there is more evidence for the existence of Bigfoot than a single common language.

Joshua and the Sun

Joshua 10:12-14: It was on the day when the Lord gave up the Amorites into the hands of the children of Israel that Joshua said to the Lord, before the eyes of Israel, Sun, be at rest over Gibeon; and you, O moon, in the valley of Aijalon. And the sun was at rest and the moon kept its place till the nation had given punishment to their attackers. (Is it not recorded in the book of Jashar?) So the sun kept its place in the middle of the heavens, and was waiting, and did not go down, for the space of a day. And there was no day like that, before it or after it, when the Lord gave ear to the voice of a man; for the Lord was fighting for Israel.

Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous? Not only does this imply that the Sun orbits the Earth, but even if it happened as described and the earth stopped moving to give the appearance of the Sun standing still, the gravitational effects would be devastating. Funny that there is no record of such an incredible celestial event in the records of all the other civilisations that were present at the same time. And what on earth is the "Book of Jashar"? Finally, I was once taught in Sunday School that a NASA supercomputer had found Joshua's "missing day" whilst compiling a history of time - this is an urban myth and has been thoroughly debunked, nobody has ever owned up to running such a program.

Yahweh defeated by "chariots of iron"

Judges 1:19 Yahweh was with Judah; and drove out the inhabitants of the hill country; for he could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.

So Almighty God, who creates universes at the blink of an eye, was defeated by a tribe because they had chariots of iron? Isn't it insulting to ascribe this claptrap to the Source of everything?

Thomas Paine writing in "The Age of Reason" makes the perfectly good point that the Bible is full of utterly irrelevant stories that add absolutely nothing of value: When Samson ran off with the gate-posts of Gaza, if he ever did so, (and whether he did or not is nothing to us,) or when he visited his Delilah, or caught his foxes, or did anything else, what has revelation to do with these things? If they were facts, he could tell them himself; or his secretary, if he kept one, could write them, if they were worth either telling or writing; and if they were fictions, revelation could not make them true; and whether true or not, we are neither the better nor the wiser for knowing them.

When we contemplate the immensity of that Being, who directs and governs the incomprehensible WHOLE, of which the utmost ken of human sight can discover but a part, we ought to feel shame at calling such paltry stories the word of God. :perplexed: :perplexed:
Reply Sat 8 Aug, 2009 12:47 pm
@Alan McDougall,
xris;81874 wrote:
Tell me where christ teaches an eye for an eye and recommends you kill your enemy?If i have to acknowledge a god it will be for better reasons than an ancient book written by who knows.The god jehova had no other concern other than his tribe, now if he is constant, how come he changed his idea on who he should consider as worthy.How come christ changed his teachings in so many respects? This god jehova did assist his tribe by direct means on numerous occassions, why should he not now?Why if the bible is so precise in its teachings, do so many of it followers spend most of their life arguing about it content?dont you think he should reappear to clarify a few things.
There is no historical facts in the bible that can be confirmed contemporary or collaboratively..NONE...Now does that not that make you just bit suspicious?

God works in a series of covenants. The old covenant was for the nation of Israel, and the new covenant was for even the gentiles. God Himself does not change, but the covenant does.

Alan McDougall;81879 wrote:

1) Who according to you are going to end up in everlasting torment in hell ?........................................?

Those who do not believe the Gospel.

2) Who is going to join you two in the glory of heaven?........................?

Those who do believe the Gospel.

3) So according to you, you miserable sinners are going to heaven on a free ticket?.............................?

Yes, by the merciful works of God in Jesus Christ, through our faith in them.

4) And xris and I who have no free ticket are going to hell ever though we are no worse sinners than you are?..........................?

Pretty much. Some sinners are worse than others, yes. You are, for example, not as bad as a serial killer or bank robber, but you are still a sinner, as am I.

5) Is the above then loving justice??

Of course it is, especially since you have the choice of believing the Gospel and repenting of your sins, which I urge you to do.

6) And I can and do ask God questions all the time, heck if I could question my earthly father why cant I question my heavenly father?.................?

Your earthly father is fallible and not perfectly good, so you can question his motives. God is infallible and perfectly good, so you can not question his motives, unless you're just trying to do it so you can know more about Him and His ways. If that's the case, then go for it. You can not, however, question His motives because you think He might be dishonest or evil.

7) Do you love God with all your mind all your soul and all your strength?................?

No. I wish I could say yes, but I can not. Still, by the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are not justified because of our ability to follow the commandments perfectly, but because He died for us.

Biblical Fables

The stories in the Old Testament are totally unbelievable, I am amazed that I was taught for so many years by people who should have known better that these were actual historical events. It is so obvious now that these are myths and fables, with no more historical accuracy than the stories about Atlantis & Lemuria. I can't believe grown up people still believe in these myths, and worse still teach them to impressionable young minds. Let's take a look at a few of the more ludicrous stories.


Creation and the Fall

Ok, so nobody apart from a few fanatics seriously believes the world was created in 6 days as described in Genesis. But even if you maintain that the 6 days represent 6 ages, there are still ridiculous paradoxes that stand out. For example:

  • Genesis Plants are made on the third day, without the sun to drive the process of photosynthesis.
  • All creatures are apparently created as herbivores (Genesis ch1 v30). So what happened to the dinosaurs?

There are countless others - the Genesis account doesn't even remotely match what science tells us about the origins of the earth, however much you try to twist it to fit the facts.

Well, I hold to a real 6 day creation. With that in mind, the plants could survive without sun for that sort of time, especially since there was already light from the first day. As for the second supposed paradox, the creatures were no longer strictly herbivores after the fall. Dinosaurs would then be mostly carnivores.

Noah's Ark

This is basically a reworking of the much older "Epic of Gilgamesh". The idea that there was a worldwide flood is completely unsupported by any kind of evidence. After building the ark, God gave Noah 7 days warning of the flood. There are somewhere between 8 million and 10 million species inhabiting the earth (not including the 30 million different types of insect).

Since there was a male and a female of each species on the ark, Noah had just one week to collect polar bears from the North Pole, lions from Africa, spiders from South America and tigers from India and the Far East. Even assuming he could travel around the world at the speed of light, there would have to be an average of 30 animals per second going through the ark's single door. How did the cone beetle survive the year at sea, bearing in mind it can only survive on a particular type of tree only found in California? Marsupials from Australia, ad infinitum!!

Another ridiculous idea is that God created the rainbow as a sign that he would never again wipe out humanity in a global catastrophe. Are we expected to believe that light behaved differently a few thousand years ago when passing through raindrops? Only the incredibly naive can surely believe this!?

The "worldwide flood" somehow seems to have missed out the Chinese and other civilisations that were around at the same time, since they have no record of it.

Well, I'm not a scientist, but here goes. Firstly, Noah didn't have to bring every single species of animal onto the ark. Just two of every kind. That means two canines, two felines, two of each archetype of bird, two bears, etc. This would definitely fit in the ark, especially if Noah brought only babies on board. Also, there are many tellings of a great flood. Some even from Asia, yes. Maybe not about Noah, but there are writings.

Finally, the whole idea was to rid the wicked people from the world. Did it work?

No it wasn't. God knew people were still wicked. Note what He says immediately after the flood.
Genesis 8:21 wrote:
"I will never again curse the ground because of man, for the intention of man's heart is evil from his youth. Neither will I ever again strike down every living creature as I have done. 22While the earth remains, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease."

God knew man would still be inherently evil even after the flood.

Tower of Babel

The Tower of Babel myth is ludicrous - the idea that the entire world spoke a single language until God became angry at their attempt to build a skyscraper and cursed them all with different languages. Where is the evidence for a worldwide language? All ancient cultures evolved their own languages separately, there was most likely some kind of cross-pollenation as people moved around, but there is more evidence for the existence of Bigfoot than a single common language.

Why would there be evidence for a worldwide language from before the age of writing?

Joshua and the Sun

Joshua 10:12-14: It was on the day when the Lord gave up the Amorites into the hands of the children of Israel that Joshua said to the Lord, before the eyes of Israel, Sun, be at rest over Gibeon; and you, O moon, in the valley of Aijalon. And the sun was at rest and the moon kept its place till the nation had given punishment to their attackers. (Is it not recorded in the book of Jashar?) So the sun kept its place in the middle of the heavens, and was waiting, and did not go down, for the space of a day. And there was no day like that, before it or after it, when the Lord gave ear to the voice of a man; for the Lord was fighting for Israel.

Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous? Not only does this imply that the Sun orbits the Earth, but even if it happened as described and the earth stopped moving to give the appearance of the Sun standing still, the gravitational effects would be devastating. Funny that there is no record of such an incredible celestial event in the records of all the other civilisations that were present at the same time. And what on earth is the "Book of Jashar"? Finally, I was once taught in Sunday School that a NASA supercomputer had found Joshua's "missing day" whilst compiling a history of time - this is an urban myth and has been thoroughly debunked, nobody has ever owned up to running such a program.

I don't see any sort of problem here besides the one you want there to be. This does not imply that the sun orbits the earth, but as you said, the earth stopped turning to give it the appearance of having stopped. And if the infallible word of God writes it, then I can do nothing, if I am to remain a rational human being, than believe it.

Yahweh defeated by "chariots of iron"

Judges 1:19 Yahweh was with Judah; and drove out the inhabitants of the hill country; for he could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.

So Almighty God, who creates universes at the blink of an eye, was defeated by a tribe because they had chariots of iron? Isn't it insulting to ascribe this claptrap to the Source of everything?

'He' more than likely referred to Judah, not God. Many old translations and few new ones use the word 'he', due to old language. Judah could not win because of the iron chariots, not God. Also, God being with them does not guarantee their victory. God being with them means that they'll win if He wants them to.

[quote]Thomas Paine writing in "The Age of Reason" makes the perfectly good point that the Bible is full of utterly irrelevant stories that add absolutely nothing of value: When Samson ran off with the gate-posts of Gaza, if he ever did so, (and whether he did or not is nothing to us,) or when he visited his Delilah, or caught his foxes, or did anything else, what has revelation to do with these things? If they were facts, he could tell them himself; or his secretary, if he kept one, could write them, if they were worth either telling or writing; and if they were fictions, revelation could not make them true; and whether true or not, we are neither the better nor the wiser for knowing them.

When we contemplate the immensity of that Being, who directs and governs the incomprehensible WHOLE, of which the utmost ken of human sight can discover but a part, we ought to feel shame at calling such paltry stories the word of God. :perplexed: :perplexed:[/QUOTE]

These 'paltry stories' are only so unfit to be the word of God because you make them to be so, probably because you don't want to believe the Bible. Also, there is much to learn from all of these stories, and it does, indeed, make is better, and wiser.
Alan McDougall
Reply Sat 8 Aug, 2009 01:36 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Literal Fundamentalst

I have had a near death event and a very profound one at that. I did not enter any hell but was welcomed into the afterlife by a being of unimaginable love and peace

The God of Numbers asked Moses to commit genocide on the Midianites. In fact Moses was very angry when his army (the army of god?) did not slaughter all the Midianites but spared the children and woman. So he commanded them to clean up there act go back and murder the little boys and old woman and keep the young virgins for themselves so that the soldiers could use them for their base lustful desires, most likely rape them

Moses was supposedly commanded by God to commit a heinous act of depravity and genocide very similar to what Hitler and his army of Nazi,s did during World War 2

The god you are talking about is a god made into a human image of him? You can dance around the obvious, but when you finally get to heaven you will be shocked out of your boots to see xris and I there with you. Unlike you I make no statement about your personal destiny but you have the gaul to inform me where I am going to go to when I die

There are at least 5.5 billion people on earth that don't believe in the gospel. by that logic they are going to burn in hell forever and ever? Thus making Gods earthly creation of mankind the most colossal failure in all of creation. But you stated god is perfect, how could a perfect infinite being be the author of such an unimaginable failure?

If General motors only made 10% of their cars viable then they would go out of business in a few days, you are making God to be just such a failure!

I love God from the very depths of my being, and you who only love him partially are going to heaven and I will end up in hell!!

According to your infinitely narrow understanding of God nearly every member of this great forum are going to burn in hell

Reply Sat 8 Aug, 2009 01:40 pm
BUt the covenant was with the Jews he never proclaimed a new one nor did his prophets prophesies one.It was only Paul who allowed gentiles.Your flogging a dead horse.Answer my other questions if you dare.
Your fundamentalist veil is drooping,your making concessions on the interpretation of the bible.
Reply Sat 8 Aug, 2009 02:16 pm
xris;81936 wrote:
BUt the covenant was with the Jews he never proclaimed a new one nor did his prophets prophesies one.It was only Paul who allowed gentiles.Your flogging a dead horse.Answer my other questions if you dare.
Your fundamentalist veil is drooping,your making concessions on the interpretation of the bible.

I've already gone over this. Jesus Christ Himself told them to proclaim the Gospel to all men, including Gentiles.

Alan McDougall;81935 wrote:
Literal Fundamentalst

I have had a near death event and a very profound one at that. I did not enter any hell but was welcomed into the afterlife by a being of unimaginable love and peace
I don't really see how what you think you felt after having your near death experience is relevant?

The God of Numbers asked Moses to commit genocide on the Midianites. In fact Moses was very angry when his army (the army of god?) did not slaughter all the Midianites but spared the children and woman. So he commanded them to clean up there act go back and murder the little boys and old woman and keep the young virgins for themselves so that the soldiers could use them for their base lustful desires, most likely rape them

Moses was supposedly commanded by God to commit a heinous act of depravity and genocide very similar to what Hitler and his army of Nazi,s did during World War 2
Except that it's not. The Midianites were a wicked race, and God poured His just wrath upon them. The Israelites were His weapon. The Nazis were murderers.

The god you are talking about is a god made into a human image of him? You can dance around the obvious, but when you finally get to heaven you will be shocked out of your boots to see xris and I there with you. Unlike you I make no statement about your personal destiny but you have the gaul to inform me where I am going to go to when I die
I'd be very glad to see you and xris up in heaven with me. However, unless you believe the Gospel, and the evidence of your belief in the Gospel is your continual repentance of sin, the Bible testifies against you.

There are at least 5.5 billion people on earth that don't believe in the gospel. by that logic they are going to burn in hell forever and ever? Thus making Gods earthly creation of mankind the most colossal failure in all of creation. But you stated god is perfect, how could a perfect infinite being be the author of such an unimaginable failure?
It's not failure. The goal is not the salvation of every human being, but the glorification of God Himself. I am personally a Calvinist, so I believe that God predestined some to believe and be saved, and some to be reprobates and not believe. This way, He is glorified as a Holy Judge as well as a merciful forgiving Father. Noncalvinist Christians have alternative answers to your question.

If General motors only made 10% of their cars viable then they would go out of business in a few days, you are making God to be just such a failure!
Because their goal is to make as much money as they can.

I love God from the very depths of my being, and you who only love him partially are going to heaven and I will end up in hell!!
I don't know how much you love God, or if at all, but I won't make that kind of judgment. I will just say what the bible affirms: All men are born as haters of God, and without being born again, they can not love Him. And even those that are born again can not love Him with all their heart and soul, because if they did, they would not sin.

According to your infinitely narrow understanding of God nearly every member of this great forum are going to burn in hell

I hope not, but as Christ has warned:

Matthew 7:13-14 wrote:
Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
Reply Sat 8 Aug, 2009 02:26 pm
Christ never mentioned gentiles,initially christianity was the preserve of Jews ,thats why Peter and Paul argued over circumcision.
Are you also saying the god of jehova was not for all humanity?What god served the rest of mankind?
Come on answer my other questions..
Reply Sat 8 Aug, 2009 08:35 pm
xris;81941 wrote:
Christ never mentioned gentiles,initially christianity was the preserve of Jews ,thats why Peter and Paul argued over circumcision.
Are you also saying the god of jehova was not for all humanity?What god served the rest of mankind?
Come on answer my other questions..

I'm really sorry, but I don't remember your other questions. Heh. Please direct me to them?

As for your other claims, Peter and Paul arguing over circumcision has nothing to do with preaching to Gentiles or not. And, let's look at the verse again, because you seem to not remember:

Matthew 28:16-20 wrote:
Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

And yes, in God's previous covenant, He was exclusively for the Israelites. Still, there are other figures in the Old Testament who can be argued to also be saved, because they feared God. For example, King Nebuchadnezzar was king of Babylon, and He feared Yahweh. Also, you ask which God served the rest of mankind. Firstly, God is not a servant to man (except, in a sense, in the person of Jesus Christ), but God was indeed the God of all men. He is the Master of the entire universe.
Alan McDougall
Reply Sat 8 Aug, 2009 11:21 pm
Except that it's not. The Midianites were a wicked race, and God poured His just wrath upon them. The Israelites were His weapon. The Nazis were murderers
So the little Midianites children were wicked even though Jesus "said blessed are the little children for of such are the kingdom of heaven"
It's not failure. The goal is not the salvation of every human being, but the glorification of God Himself. I am personally a Calvinist, so I believe that God predestined some to believe and be saved, and some to be reprobates and not believe. This way, He is glorified as a Holy Judge as well as a merciful forgiving Father. Noncalvinist Christians have alternative answers to your question
Why would an Infinitely powerful being like Almighty God need puny little infinitesimal humans to glorify him Does his ego need stroking??

Because their goal is to make as much money as they can.

And so it is with the churches their goal is to make as much money as possible

I don't know how much you love God, or if at all, but I won't make that kind of judgment. I will just say what the bible affirms: All men are born as haters of God, and without being born again, they can not love Him. And even those that are born again can not love Him with all their heart and soul, because if they did, they would not sin.

Please answer the other question you avoided in my previous post indicating nonsensical scripture???
Reply Sun 9 Aug, 2009 06:42 am
@Alan McDougall,
I realise that religious topics can cause heated and emotional responses because of the subject matter, but I am asking everyone to tone down their heated rhetorical remarks, especially those that seem discourteous or aimed at belittling another's belief or position.
Forum Administrator
Reply Sun 9 Aug, 2009 11:47 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;82020 wrote:

So the little Midianites children were wicked even though Jesus "said blessed are the little children for of such are the kingdom of heaven"
Why would an Infinitely powerful being like Almighty God need puny little infinitesimal humans to glorify him Does his ego need stroking??

First, please understand that I'm just telling you what the bible says. I don't hate babies.

Now, the thing you have to understand is that the bible says all men are born evil. It never attributes any kind of redeeming quality to the natural human being. What Jesus said about the children does not contradict this doctrine.

Also, if God's not working for His own glory, then what motive could He possibly have? Also, God does not need humans, but He enjoys it when humans enjoy Him. Man's purpose is to enjoy Him for all eternity.
Alan McDougall;82020 wrote:
And so it is with the churches their goal is to make as much money as possible
Yeah. Except that it's not their goal at all. Maybe the Roman Catholic Church has such a goal, but not I or any Christian I know.

Alan McDougall;82020 wrote:
I have hated God. We commit an act of utter hatred against God every time we sin. This means that for most of my life, I was a God hating man. Still, by His mercy, I now love Him. However, I am susceptible to sin, as there is still some corruption in my flesh. This by no means justifies my sin.

And I told you that I would not judge whether you love God or not, but I didtell you what Scripture says about a God-loving man.

Alan McDougall;82020 wrote:
Please answer the other question you avoided in my previous post indicating nonsensical scripture???

I'm pretty sure I answered all your questions. Sorry if I missed one. Still, I have found no nonsensical scripture in all my readings of the Bible.

Let it be known that I've not broken any forum rules, and as I have said in another thread, I will apologize for being mean or rude or unloving in speech, but as for the content of my messages, I say this: I will not apologize for enlightening people on historical Christian truths.

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