I liked how you started this post, and disliked how it ended. I agree that wisdom is different to knowledge. The whole top paragraph is pretty accurate in that regard. But the idea of manipulating the brain so as to produce wisdom is like a grotesque parody of wisdom. It is the kind of thing materialists believe, which is why they are so lacking in the very quality which they seek to analyse.
Why would this be? There are so many ways. First, another name for wisdom is 'sapience'. This is actually part of our species description - 'wise man'. Wisdom is the product of the whole human being - body, mind and soul, so to speak. So the idea of manipulating the brain to simulate this rare and elusive quality is like breaking into the projection room and trying to change the movie you are watching by manipulating the camera and the film.
Here's one last thought. I read about a genetic experiment recently whereby the eye gene was removed from fruit fly DNA, and the eye gene of a mouse was spliced into place (1). The fruit fly grew eyes OK, making do with this genetic material. The funny thing is, insect eyes and mammal eyes are a completely different design - mammals are like ours, insects are compound eye. Neverthless the eye turned out in the right insect format.
There are many examples like this turning up from genetic research. It is not as if there is 'a gene' for this and 'a gene' for that. Not even eyes. Let alone elusive qualities like wisdom.
So sit back and watch the film. That is how you get wise.
(1) Nancy M. Bonini, Quang T. Bui, Gladys L. Gray-Board and John M. Warrick, "The Drosophila eyes absent gene directs ectopic eye formation in a pathway conserved between flies and vertebrates," Development (1997) 124, 4819-4826. Quoted in
A Fabulous Evolutionary Defense of Dualism :: Clay Farris Naff :: Global Spiral