kennethamy;163029 wrote:Yes, indeed, That is an excellent question since he blithely insinuates that you are being cryptic or unclear, without a scintilla of evidence that he is right. But, it has to be admitted, he does so in a deceptively pleasant way.
Hello Ken,
From a literal perspective, I am correct. We use words in their exactitude - To alter the degree of the subject matter, we apply adjectives. We don't use words like "Fast" has recently enlightened me, "Certain" - to express that we are fallible - We use the word "fallible to do This. "Certain" means "Indisputable" or "Definite" from my perspective. But I now understand that the terminology and related jargon, in use on this forum is not as regimented as, in literature.
Blithely insinuates? Which variation of "Blithely" - Carelessly, joyously, gayly? Insinuates = introduce by subtle manipulation, I take it? from your subsequent use of "deceptively"?
My evidence is this Ken.= I misinterpretated what seemed logical to me by my inability to understand the respective terminology.
Deceptively pleasant way??? This speaks for itself.
I am now going to psychologically profile this most recent post of yours.
You Ken, are extremely bitter with my earlier abruptness - the level of said bitterness is equal (as in causation) to the level of its redirection.
Your attachment to Zetherin is typical of a vulnerable beast's to its relative flock. Safety in numbers. I see it all day, every day.
Your use of words, I liken to a snake in the grass. kinda like the early christian zealots who twisted "Surrender" into "betray" and left us with the ghastly image of Judas, most perceive today.
I can see the snake sir, and so will anyone who tends your (above) quote,
it is visibly direct.
I don't need to deceive anyone, anywhere. I desire nothing in life and I have nothing to sell. I enjoy conversing, and am prone to err.
I forgive you Ken and mock you not, sir
But know this: Vengeance destroys the soul it inhabits, and those who dig pits - generally fall into them, themselves.
Anyway, thankyou for trying to paint me as the anti-christ, but, do get over it, because - I Don't Care.
See you later Ken, and fare well (that's referring to your well being) in case you think otherwise.