The all thing amounts to the difference between knowing and happening...
Propositions, are about knowing on something, and not on what that something is, besides the possibility of my knowing...I might not be able to know, that something, before that something happens, aldo I might know, that something will become, thus expressing a true value on a proposition stated before on it...the true value is atemporal, and in the case only implies the knowing that, either this or that, but not knowing the actual case...meaning, such assumption, implies in the effective causation the notion of free will, and yet still entails, that a certain path on the future it is now true that it will become true...but none of this prejudices determinism, as whatever is true will happen, will in fact happen, and that my choosing it is caused to be chosen by me even before I chose it !
...which is the same to say I am its effective agent, the one that actually causes, aldo I am not its only cause...amounts that it says more, namely, that I am not aware of all the ensemble of events that lead to my choice consciously, and even unconsciously, as I am not aware on all the events before me that directly or indirectly can relate locally to the chain of a future true event were I am required to chose that
X instead of
Y...my choice is an epiphenomena well beyond my judgement...now the only reason is so well protected its because of its devastating implications on almost every area of human action and knowledge. And this, must be spoken clearly !