@Night Ripper,
Night Ripper;144886 wrote:How can you tell if a relationship is one of causation or perfect correlation?
Let's imagine two logically possible worlds:
1. I'm given a button which, upon pressing, causes the head of a randomly selected person within a mile radius to explode. Whenever I push the button, boom. If I don't push the button, nothing. Eventually, the police take the button away from me and the killings stop.
2. I'm given a button which, upon pressing, does nothing at all. Coincidentally, the head of a randomly selected person within a mile radius
explodes. Whenever I push the button, boom. If I don't push the button, nothing. Eventually, the police take the button away from me and the killings stop.
What experiment could determine which world the experimenter was in?
This scenario only SEEMS to pose a problem in reality it doesn't. This situation only exists in concept form and because of this has been defined by YOU to pose a problem. If you do not say why or how the heads explode than the scenario holds no bearing on the discussion because, it no longer holds any station in reality. the answer to your question is that it seems to have no cause because you have given it none in your mind. Find me a real life example of anything similar to this happening. This post is an appeal to ignorance btw just because you don't why that doesnt mean there is no why.
(I realize the post was made quickly and has poor grammer so im going to simplify all i said)
Your situation appears random and without cause because you DECIDED that it did. This is the flaw if your reasoning. If you simply state again that the heads exploding is random you have presented a situation that isn't consistent with reality. If you were to say you don't know why they explode than it is a incomplete scenario. If you give a reason you have validated determinism
---------- Post added 03-28-2010 at 12:23 AM ----------
Jebediah;144977 wrote:Onthewindowstand, I agree that determinism doesn't mold the universe, it just describes it. But this seems to me like an argument for free will. I don't see why you think it's the other way around.
I realize that my posts are quickly done so I will clarify briefly with less details. (You had to have gleaned a reason from my post though?)
The existance for a fluid state of happening or being is evidence for a predictable universe (if you were omniscient this would be the case.)
Even without being omniscient many things are still predictable btw!!
A more abstract supporting argument for determinism is that because it existed/happned is was ment to be. I can say this because it DOES happen and it DOES exists and the other possibilities melted away into nonexistance and non possibilities. The very existance of a universe that isnt shifting in and out of existance and that regardless of what is in the system (the universe) will have a future existance.
(Below is a tangent on why a omniscient god that allows free will is impossible.
(Omsnience is impossible if free will exists, this is because a choice born of free will is the ability to arbitarily choose something without reference or reason. If we are operating under the defintion that omscience is all knowledge of present events and existance than in a free will system it is impossible.) (Free will would be a process of the future happenings of the universe coming to fruition.) (This is a good argument against a omscient god who allows free will btw this is why i went on a tangent
