@Doubt doubt,
You have copied and pasted the same post in several places, so i will not feel too ashamed about copying and pasting my original response in different places:
Doubt doubt wrote:
i have a time machine and you are with me. we see bill and mike. bill asks mike to pick a number and mike picks five.
i know that if we went back in time and watched bill ask mike to pick a number mike would always pick five. no matter how many times we go back mike always picks five unless we change something.
for me a will could only be free if mike picked a different number sometimes. I can not see that as possible without something in mikes brain being different from one redo to the next. this leads me to believe that we have the appearance of free will but that in fact we only compute what we experience and react based on what we think and what the ability of our brain gives us.
mike thinks he is using free will when he picks five over and over but he is not. he is drawing the five from his experience in some way. he may have to work at five or his address is five but he said five for a reason. this would be easy to understand if you had a knowledge of critical thinking, economics and psychology. there are very reliable ways to phrase questions or arrange a situation to get the outcome you want.
"But according to your thought experiment, Mike isn't making the same choice over and over. He only makes the choice once; you are the one traveling back and forth in time. When you watch a movie you've already seen before, do you expect it to end differently each time?"
Besides, in what way does his having a reason for the number he chooses compromise the freedom of his will?
Doubt doubt wrote:
i also do not believe that anything is random and that there is no such thing as chaos. things only appear random and chaotic when you do not understand what is occurring. If you need examples of things people used to viewed as random that are now understood and predictable you dont have to look far and there are boatloads with more and more being added all the time.
some people think rolling dice is random but i know that the results follow the laws of physics and the way you throw the dice determines how they will land. i know that if they were throws in the same exact way under the same conditions they would always land they same. there is no magic effect that makes dice random and so they are not random but only appear as random to those that do not understand whats happening.
"But for the very reason that things appear to be random only when they are not properly understood, so one cannot disprove the possibility of randomness, only specific claims of randomness. Regardless, randomness has nothing to do with free will. Randomness does not exclude causality, and an absolutely random world would be indistinguishable from a completely determined one.
The question of rolling dice and probability isn't that dice might magically produce entirely random results, so much as the results cannot be predicted given a single throw. It is only upon repeated throws that patterns emerge, and the disclosure of the relevant conditions that determine how a roll will end within a given sequence in a given set of circumstance. All things being equal, a single roll of the dice is unpredictable."