@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil. Albuquerque;134402 wrote:As I said earlier I agree with most of it, but please explain why you think that a model of Reality as to be done with a constant Flux into it ? I think its counter intuitive when it comes to thinking of BEING as something defined and Eternal...of course there is entropy, but then could it be wrong ?
Here we may part company.
The notion of "being" as primary reality goes back to early Greek philosophy. Plato fluctuated somewhat between "being" and "becoming". Hereclitus and the famous "you cannot step into the same river twice" is usually brought forth in support of "becoming".
Being has sort of dominated Western thought and theology.
God is eternal, perfect, immutable changeless.
Platonic forms are eternal, changeless, perfection.
The planets were perfect changeless spheres in perfect circular orbits.
All the assumptions that made "being" dominant were wrong by the way.
Process philosophy as presented by A.N. Whitehead asserts that "becoming" process, (moments or droplets of experience) constitute primary reality. The "illusion of being" is produced by the incorporation of elements of the past (prehension) into each new moment of experience.
Quantum mechanics can easily be regarded as events not particles.
It requires a major reoorientation of the usual notions of "reality" but is a philosophical position well worth being familiar with even if you can not intuitively adopt it.
The "real world', the "objective world", the "material world" is much better represented by a model of process not by a model of "being". Cosmology and evolution (which are so primary to the modern world view) are both about process and change over time not about "being". "Being" is an illusion a mental construct, process change is the reality.
Now, in deference, to the notion that eternal perfection or forms or ideals plays some role in "reality". If the universe is founded on reason (mind) then the material objective scientific world which we measure and observe in fact may be an effort to bring such "forms or possiblities" into "actualities". In the process theology or Whiteheads conception of god. The world and god are dipolar. God has a primordial nature which includes ideals, forms, changless, perfection, possiblities) and a consequent nature (which includes the objective or material world) the acutual. Process is the means by which the possible (the ideal) becomes the actual (the consequent). We live in the actual consequent process world but have access to the primordial ideal world through our reason and our mind.
That is the best I can do at this late hour but you should at least explore the presentation of process philosophy at the SEP (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) and at Wikipedia. If theology or theism is an interest you should also see the Process theology sections there.