TT Man,
When people first hear about the Oneness of the Ultimate Self, and pay it enough attention to even ask a question, one of the first questions they ask is, “Which one are we, you or me?” Or they ask another question that is pretty much the same question, “Am I in your dream or are you in mine?” But both of these questions are still tainted with the two-ness of duality, or haven’t been able to look at this from outside of the whole idea of two-ness which is merely confusing the whole issue.
Neither one of our physical/mental manifestations, not TT Man and not S9, is the originator of this dream. (The thing is, this whole idea takes some getting used to.) The very same Ultimate One Self is you and, equally at the very same time, it is me. There is only One Self, and all manifestation fall out of this Self, if you will, much like pollen from a very fertile flower caught in the winds of time.
This Self/flower is fertile with ‘All’ possibility. Or as others have put it, Self is like the hub of a wheel, and you and I are like merely spokes of that same hub. Self is omnipresent as the ‘Living Center’ of every single person, and every single thing. The way that you find this is to seek for your own center.
This is what the Hindus call Atman. But the also say that Atman is Brahman. (In other words, what appears to be my center is actually the center of everything, but not everything as a unity or a cosmos, but everything as an individual self, which is looking at its own self just as you are, one at a time. Does this make any sense to you?
If there is any submitting to do, then I guess you might say that it is submitting to getting really naked of what you think you think know, in order to make room for new possibilities.
The great thing about true mysticism, if it is done correctly, is that it demands to see everything that could possibly be true directly for our own eyes for once in our lives. We are not going to accept anything as being true, if we, (ourselves), don’t experience it or see it directly.
For some people this whole idea if so frightening that they will say, “Forget it, I’m out of here,” and quickly wrap themselves in everything they have ever known. This is like dying to everything we ever knew, in a way.
Of course there are those of us that have taken this bold step before you, and who will cheer you on, and even try to give you hints about what they have found to be true. But this is a personal journey, of you into your very self, a solitary journey, an adventure. This is an intimate journey of one small insight after another, until you find the Holy Grail, Your very own Self.
The Buddha said, “Don’t believe anything that I have told you, just because I have said it. Look for and find it, yourself.”