Welcome back, TT Man,
I missed you.
I believe that there is a big difference between a final truth and Ultimate Truth, for starters. A final truth is one that you gather through accumulation of knowledge. Ultimate Truth, at least in the way that I am using it, is a Truth unto itself. It is not accumulated, but rather a whole as it is and always was. Sorry if this seems like I am quibbling. But it is important to understand this, if you ever hope to understand what is meant by Transcendence (AKA Enlightenment or Liberation.)
That being said:
What I believed I was seeking at first, when I set out in search of truth definitely isn’t what I found, when I found Ultimate Truth. But you are right in this. There are no answers regarding Ultimate Truth beyond Knowing Ultimate Truth itself.
There are however many lesser truths still out there to discover daily “Like is it true that you can see Paris, and die?” Or would I enjoy skin diving off Hawaii? Are we entering a financial depression here is the USA, and will it be worldwide? Or intellectual questions like does the human animal have free will, what is free will, and if I do have free will, how much, and how does it manifest?
(1) I am no longer seeking Ultimate Truth. I am a finder of Ultimate Truth. But originally I was seeking Ultimate Truth because I felt a real lack of meaning in our everyday life. Perhaps this was a deficit in me, I didn’t know at the time. But nevertheless this need to know had me hooked.
(2)Now nothing. After finding Ultimate Truth, I pretty much live my life like anyone else waiting for the last bell. I try to enjoy each of these moments left to me as best I can, and find some "actualization" (Maslow) along the way.
Perhaps this is the biggest change to take place in my life, I am taking life exceedingly lightly. I know who I am and in know this, I also know who I am not. I know that I am not this dream/this finitude. I am Awake in this dream, and merely playing. (A little like virtual reality.)
This is a little like when you get old enough to know that there is actually no boogie man in your bedroom closet, when the light go out at night.
Now I know, having worked in Crisis Intervention myself, that some might say that I have simply been cured of some mental malady. But you will just have to take my word on this, how I feel, it certainly doesn’t appear that way to me. And believe me, I have looked at this closely to see if I was wrong. I don’t just feel better altogether. I feel like I have been let out of a cage. The cage was my limited finite self or what some call an ego structure.
There was a time when I would find a truth that seemed satisfying, at least temporarily. But soon, maybe a day, maybe a month would pass, and I would be questioning again, dissatisfied.
It has been a number of years now, and I no longer question this. However, (A paradox) I have remained receptive in this way. Ultimate Truth continues to fill you up, not with word answers, but a deepening sense of satisfaction. This may be limitless.