Fri 16 May, 2008 06:10 pm - Re: wondering
[quote="I have to be selah"]I know it's because of the teachings of Berg that gave this so-called "brother" the "faith" to "share" with... (view)
Tue 29 Jan, 2008 07:52 pm - to cookie
[quote="Cookie"]i'd also love to find the tapes that have "appreciation" and "daddy please dont go" -- songs that tried to promote not separating... (view)
Thu 17 Jan, 2008 08:44 pm - Re: .reply to "Eye4eye"
[quote="Eye4eye"]i also did this home schooling when i was in there accept for me it was called ACE i have no idea what it stands for all of us children... (view)
Mon 7 Jan, 2008 08:36 pm - reply to guest
[quote="Anonymous"]We were there and were shocked by the way the teens there were out of control as well as the so called adults. But no we probably didn;t know you, at... (view)
Fri 14 Dec, 2007 12:23 am - to Gabriel
I remember Daniel when he was a baby in Florida. Although I never new him as he got older, his memory always brings smile to me.
It was early... (view)
Sun 9 Dec, 2007 04:11 pm - reply
[quote="Cookie"]has the family ever turned someone into the police for child abuse?[/quote]
hell no! That would be like Judas turning Jesus over to the romans. (view)
Fri 7 Dec, 2007 12:11 am - Sponsored?
TFI has sponsored links on many of the search engines.
Any ideas on how they justify the expense? Advertising with donations. Can this be considered a mis-appropriation of funds? Is... (view)
Tue 4 Dec, 2007 07:51 pm - Re: How did the Family handle STD's?
[quote="STD"]When it came to STD's. Did the family use conventional drugs. Since there is no cure for herpes and it has bene reported that... (view)
Sat 1 Dec, 2007 10:59 am - Re: KFMB: Father Wins Custody Of 5-Year-Old In Sex Cult Case
[quote="Peter Frouman"][url=]KFMB: KFMB: Father Wins... (view)