Wed 11 Nov, 2009 09:02 pm - "Had I not honoured her above myself, as my future wife, had I not been prouder of her honour than of mine, then I should have remained silent and have fulfilled her desire and mine, and have... (view)
Tue 3 Nov, 2009 05:13 pm - I have yet to find one. Besides how can one be considered wise until his whole life is scrutinized; doesn't make sense. Dead people aren't contemporary.
-fill in the blank-
In truth... (view)
Tue 3 Nov, 2009 04:21 pm - Saw this on wikipedia:
In the [I]Point of View[/I], Kierkegaard wrote: "In the pseudonymous works, there is not a single word which is mine. I have no opinion about these works except as a... (view)
Tue 3 Nov, 2009 01:46 pm - Your question seemed to evolve. The first one sounds like a trap. The second ... go ask Socrates.
-should really re-read these things; double reflection will do that to a person. (view)
Sun 1 Nov, 2009 09:09 pm - The greatest regret of any man is that he didn't give up his wish, didn't learn anything higher, didn't become silent. Obviously. (view)