William;78413 wrote:Hello Phredderikk,
Hmmm? Is it your summation that current philosophers will justify the battle to enhance the game or understand why we are thrilled by the battle so we can put an end to the conflict? Just curious.:perplexed:
Well... neither... I don't think philosophy can be justified, or not justified, it just is, and to speak about justifying it would just add another branch to philosophy itself... and I certainly wish no end to the conflict... the end of philosophy would be quite devastating to human nature... I prefer to view it as a hockey game with infinite overtime periods
anyway, my inquiry about current philosophers is to get some better idea about 'where we are now' as far as thought... it is easy to look back in time and pick out the major players, but sometimes not so easy in our own day... plus I'm fairly new to the game, and am in need of much training:)