@sometime sun,
Why do I not commit suicide? That's easy; what would you do without me? ha! I will always have something to offer. When I'm done, I'm dead.
There are so many who would love to speak their mind but, starting at an early age, they are instructed to "Do as you are told"! "Children should be seen, not heard". Surely some have heard that before. I was lucky, I rebelled from early on. I was not an obedient child. Not by a long shot. Ha, got my little butt torn up for that too. Don't get me wrong I dearly loved my parents and I knew they loved me, but somehow I knew it wasn't there fault; they were just passing the buck and doing what they were taught too.
Somehow I knew then I couldn't change me. That's what being told does. When someone tells someone to do something they do not understand they begin to lose that innate self. If it were show and then tell, it would be entirely different. That definitely is not happening. As a matter of a fact, it is getting exponentially worse.
So many are told so much yet they see so much that contradicts it, they totally lose a trust in anything anyone has to say. It's difficult what all the disciplinary measures some who call themselves parents do to force there children to do as they are told and I am sure some of those scars never heal; the physical ones, maybe, but the mental ones? Who know how deep those are?
I very rarely use the word "adult" because there should be no differentiation between the two, ideally. They're little humans. We should never do what we tell the child not to do. Remember, I said ideally! That's just not the way it is, is it; we do a whole hell of a lot of crap we tell them not to do they witness. We really don't have the time to sit down and explain anything to them. Most parents are rarely there. When they are their too mentally exhausted to explain anything and sit in front of the boob tube. We even tell them to be quiet if they interrupt the damn thing. Exceptions noted and understood. Broad brush here; a very broad one.
One doesn't have to go to the extreme where suicide is concerned. There's lose of life in either case. Breathing or not breathing. There's a hell of a lot of zombies out there. Yeah, sad!
My two cents,