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There is a difference between conceiving and communicating. With the proper conscious contemplation we can conceive of everything but we are always limited on what things we can communicate to others.
From what you are posting however, it seems as though you want the answers without having to do the work. If you can understand that all knowledge is remembered and accept that the knowledge of your ancestors is available to you through conscious contemplation,.......
......then you will begin to see the lines of human parthenogenesis as they truly exist.
It is merely beyond your individual understanding. From you post you come across as just sticking your head in the sand. I am sure this is not really the case, but that is what was communicated to me through your post.
What I have done here is combine a few of your thoughts together. They are not out of context for what I did leave out was the redundancy of what you keep saying over and over that doesn't need mentioning again.
When you say "conscious contemplation"................and then you say I want answers without doing the "work", you create a very bad thing; IT'S CALL HATE. Please let me tell you how.
The words animosity, envy and jealousy and wrath did not come out of nowhere........we created them, It was tying of imagined loose ends that should not have been tied up. When one assumes one must work/think to earn, then they think if they work/think harder they can earn more. If another does not work/think that hard, they are less and they are treated as less and called names like ignorant, stupid and undeserving. That's hate my friend. That is why you called me ignorant diplomatically by saying I have MY head buried in the sand? I don't think that it is I who is doing that.
Parthenogenesis is a trait of cold blooded creatures Tri and most of those are instinct.
Yes, the thoughts of our ancestors that are right will come to us, but it will be a natural process, One has to dig to find the wrong stuff. After such digging one who does that conscious shoveling, attempts to tie up loose ends that should not be tied up and we get anthropomorphic thought illustrated by the minotaur and satan himself.
As I have been doing since I have been here on this forum to bring the two quarreling minds together; those of atheism and theism. They are both right and they are both wrong. I hope this brings them closer. What you say will cause them to part farther.
I accept that this is what you believe, but how it comes across to me is as a very long excuse for not wanting to do the work.
The fact of the matter remains that every individual must put in the time and energy if they wish to develop their own knowledge of understanding.
It is no different than any other skill. Whether it is learning a new language or how to play an instrument or building an nuclear reactor.
If you think that is hateful, then I would welcome a thread on your thoughts of hate.
I consider -that much understanding may be in the nature of the understanding individual... Lincoln showed more understanding at an early age than some show at any age...Knowledge may improve understanding, but knowledge alone is not understanding... Understanding is the difference between an idiot savant, and a genius... Each may know as much, and only one can think much with what he knows.
Exactly and I absolutely agree. But how much energy and how much time are critical in determining that work. As long as it did not lead to exhaustion or came easy and naturally, I have no problem with that what so ever. If it came naturally and easily it would not be work, it would be a joy and not work at all. In many cases we have to bribe others to do the thinking and working for us because we can't and don't want to do those ourselves.
William;153952 wrote:Sorry, Tri work is not a skill nor is it a talent. It is doing what one is force to do and why they have to be bribed to do it. Sure it understood why you think the way you do because it has always been that way that we can recall.
Of course it is a skill, and in some it may be a talent, we are all unique in our individuality. But I am not sure why you would consider a lifetime of love and happiness to be a bribe?
William;153952 wrote:There is not such thing as learning a new language; We just need to simplify the ones we have in to one that all can understand and it seems English is the one most want to learn. At least that is what is evident to me.
While it is true that lots of folks like to learn English as a second language it is by no means the dominate language on the planet.
Simplification is essential to effective communication, but even more important is a pre-established agreement on the terms.
William;153952 wrote:One cannot work to learn to play a musical instrument and be proficient at it. It requires a natural talent for that to happen. No amount of work will change that.
That is not true at all. Perhaps not everyone can be rock stars but anybody that puts in the time and energy can learn to be proficient at a musical instrument. However, let me just add that it does take some more chronological time than others.
William;153952 wrote:As far a nuclear reactor all I can say is you have got to be kidding or just extremely naive. You need to do a little browsing of your own if you think a nuclear reactor is a good thing. Damn! That was an example of "conscious contemplation" gone terribly wrong, just like the atom bomb was. Just examine the waste those so call brilliant achievements have caused and could cause still yet? Actually, I can't believe you actually offered that as an example.
Not really sure what your issue with nuclear reactors are. They are a great source of both electricity and hydrogen. It's not like we use cold-war era storage facilities anymore.
William;153952 wrote:That's not necessary. I've explained that already. Perhaps it you will be more precise and elaborate a little more of what I did say I might be able to spell it out a little clearer so that you will understand too. It seems as though you want me to do all the work for you. I don't mind actually because it's not work for me to do that. If it is work for you and I can help, I would be more than willing to oblige and help you. Please keep in mind I don't like going over and over the same thing again for those who just will not hear. That is burdensome and that is needless work for me.
If we want to understand, then we have to do the work. Until then the best we can do is speculate and hope for a lucky guess.
I am gonna tell you this, but because you have already stated that you are not interested in doing the work it might not make sense to you.
Every one of us that puts in the work, comes to the exact same conclusions.
Once you, yourself, put in the appropriate amount of work to come to an understanding of how much time and energy is critical, then you will now exactly how much time and energy is critical (as cyclical as that may be) but it is not an amount of time or understanding I can convince you of, it just has to be done to be understood.
Of course it is a skill, and in some it may be a talent, we are all unique in our individuality. But I am not sure why you would consider a lifetime of love and happiness to be a bribe?
While it is true that lots of folks like to learn English as a second language it is by no means the dominate language on the planet.
Simplification is essential to effective communication, but even more important is a pre-established agreement on the terms.
That is not true at all.
Perhaps not everyone can be rock stars..
but anybody that puts in the time and energy can learn to be proficient at a musical instrument. However, let me just add that it does take some more chronological time than others.
Not really sure what your issue with nuclear reactors are. They are a great source of both electricity and hydrogen. It's not like we use cold-war era storage facilities anymore.
If we want to understand, then we have to do the work. Until then the best we can do is speculate and hope for a lucky guess.
Every one of us that puts in the work, comes to the exact same conclusions.
Every one of us that puts in the work, comes to the exact same conclusions.
When I was young and foolish, I thought the worlds problems could be solved by gathering the brightest minds together.
I am not so young anymore although I may still be foolish. It is clear however that it is not true that all informed rational and thoughtful people "come to the same conclusions" and that is one of the reasons why solutions to many problems remain so elusive.
Let me offer this to you now!!! I don't like to be "TOLD", by you are anyone else what to think or do. You may offer all you would like and say what you wish, that's fine; you have no right to tell anyone anything unless you know all there is to know. Even in that case others will think it rude. Share all you like, don't force what it is you think on anyone. Thanks, if you would do that, I and others would appreciate it.
I agree, the wrong ones if it requires effort to do so.
That's work! Nothing is finally concluded. To think that is what concludes us. If we are a part of the "infinite supreme" as you suggest how can we come to any conclusion about anything?
Everything is on going right or it would not be infinite. It's a contradiction in thought.
Tri, I have done all that and why I know different. I assure you different is better. When we think of time as not having enough of it, we expend entirely too much energy and much of it goes to waste. I have paid my dues, so to speak, and put in that time and that energy and it almost killed me.
Just as it does anyone who does not know what natural is. Work is not natural for anyone. We are dynamic, not thermal dynamic. Work causes heat, if it is natural no heat should be involved. We are applying so much "heat" on each other we are burning each other up. Once we stop doing that then we might truly understand what "cool" is all about.
Yes, by all means we are all unique. I couldn't agree with you more and thank you. If we would only let all those unique individuals develop their natural skills and talents and abilities to come forth naturally, god what could we all learn from that.
When we pay anyone to do "work", it is because what we ask them to do is not natural thereby creating heat especially if that compensation is unjust. A gifted man is he that is doing what comes naturally, easy and seemingly innate and gets compensated for what he would naturally do for free. Unfortunately that is not the reality we live in and precisely what is wrong with it. This Earth and everyone on is not for sale.
Actually, I'm a little biased here, English is the only one I know and can understand to a degree. English is certainly no piece of cake, ha! Really all are speaking the same language just using different representations. Actually what language that is, is not important, just so it is universal and all have no problem understanding what anyone is saying.
We have to establish the language first. When we do that the terms will become apparent. Ambiguity has got to go. What one word means should mean the same no matter how it is used. I can't imagine that language especially in English. We have a lot of cleaning up to do if it is. Perhaps what is said in other representations will help us do that. In the case simple is by far the best.
Really! Perhaps our taste in what you call music and what I call music could be in question here? Many hear noise and call it music.
Let's hope not. Those who play what I call music would never consider it. Of course when one is stone it's difficult to know the difference. Vibration and loud is all that is needed. I don't call that music. I have posted some of my favorites. Have you?
William;154590 wrote:Sorry, but time and energy is not required for those naturally inclined to learn. It comes easy for them. Ask any great musician, they will tell you the same. If they play vibrating noise you are talking to the wrong musician and it probably does take time and energy. Frankly it would have been better had that taken up another profession.
I am sorry but this sentiment just does not reflect reality. Even the most gifted of individuals must invest time and energy to make music, even if they require no practice.
William;154590 wrote:Obviously you haven't done much research so no comment. Perhaps you might begin by browsing "problems with nuclear waste"! While you are at it browse what is known as "planned obsolescence" and observe a video call "Stuff".
You are clearly biased by scientific propaganda. Let us just agree to disagree on this subject as it has no bearing on the substance of the thread whatsoever.
William;154590 wrote:Yes that is how it seems and has been thought for thousands of years. Actually the answers will come easily and clearly once all are allow to participate in this "thinking process" naturally and not forced to work considering things they cannot grasp. That does require work and so many work themselves to an untimely death because of it. Personally I prefer easy as it relates to my contribution. I never could be told what to do and why working for another was impossible for me.
Perhaps not thousands of years.
You come across as having a very negative outlook on life. I hope this is not true.
William;154590 wrote:So I had to find a way to compensate myself for my contributions so I went into sales. The only way I was going to be able to compensate myself would be up to me and my ability to communicate with others. Of course I found out rather soon most if not all sales organizations are scams involved in selling people stuff they really didn't need, but the process allowed me to learn much about "other people".
The one thing I learned about sales is the vast majority use fear (those selling religion is no exception) as a catalyst to solve a problem that should not exist ideally or tempt people to spend money they don't have to buy something they don't need. The very core that supports capitalism. The problem had to be created and then solved. I was tired of being an accomplice. That's when I got ill and all for good reason as it turns out. What I learned was priceless and due to my disability I have been able to gather my thoughts and share them with others. In that respect alone it has all been worth it. That's what brought me here.
When religion preaches hate, blessed are the non-believers
---------- Post added 04-23-2010 at 08:55 PM ----------
Rwa001;154732 wrote:I'm going to go ahead and admit that I'm interrupting an otherwise lengthy discussion on...something, it's become rather incoherent at this point. In any case, you must understand how that quote is lacking of evidence and reasoning. It's a highly typical argument that basically says "you can't understand what I'm saying because you aren't me." Come on, boss, you must see an issue with this.
In any case, your original post lacks any real arguments. It's more of a blog listing your conclusions. What did you expect from this discussion?
Well, thank you for your opinion. However, your view would be more valid if I was the only one to have a knowledge of Understanding. Since it exists in every culture throughout history the reason you cannot understand what I am saying is not because you are not me, rather, it is because you are not yet familiar enough with the history of philosophical notions. As is evident by the level of your reply. But, again. Thank you for your opinion.
---------- Post added 04-23-2010 at 09:01 PM ----------
prothero;154748 wrote:When I was young and foolish, I thought the worlds problems could be solved by gathering the brightest minds together.
I am not so young anymore although I may still be foolish. It is clear however that it is not true that all informed rational and thoughtful people "come to the same conclusions" and that is one of the reasons why solutions to many problems remain so elusive.
Being informed and rational really have nothing to do with a person's knowledge of Understanding. Even rational and informed individuals will not understand their actions if they do not actively consciously contemplate their place in the universe.
We rationalize rational lies. Ha! I heard that somewhere before.
I always get the feeling I am here to clean up after other one's. Always I have to hear the prayers for this, for that... No one has the nerves to adress God directly so they pray to me and my son. If it goes on like this; i'll leave and take my child with me !
A. Sophia
B. Isis
C. Astarte
D. Maria
E. Tanit
F. Europa
Free translation after Erasmus van Rotterdam:lol:PS pax
I liked Erasmus...I'll leave my church when I find a better one...
He was a good friend of Thomas Moore. Both champions for the Roman Catholic Church.
Is it true Henry Moore employed jester ?
Who is Henry Moore???