trismegisto;145453 wrote: It is by the will of the infinitie supreme that nothing shall ever be separated from everything: the birth of love ...
...It is through the spirit that the mind is swayed by love to create.
The fourth aspect of the light within darkness is matter. The movement of matter by spirit allows mind to create from love.
I have throughly read, and re-read your original post and have quoted two related points that trouble me somewhat.
But firstly, a brief description, of circumstances that lead to my difficulty in assimilating certain concepts ... I was very disturbed by the insights into these memories, as you so aptly name them, when I arrived at, what in (mystical) Catholic tradition is referred to as, a state of Grace.
It was not the texts that lead me to an understanding, but rather the understanding which lead me to these texts as a confirmation of my belief. I may just as easily have dismissed these ideas as an overwrought imagination, or insanity it seemed at the time, but having sought out, and being lead to these various texts, reading solidified my faith in the concepts to which I had been lead.
Still, I continue to research a relationship between this understanding and the sciences, physics in particular. This is not in an effort to test the validity of the principles you state so throughly; it is, rather, to test the validity of scientific understanding against the simple and elegant model of the nature of the Universe.
My most recent mental battle centers around the ideas I have quoted from your original post.
We are in agreement as concerns your statement on the origin of love, but I struggle to reconcile the concept of 'love' within the concept of 'will'.
We agree that the movement of matter by spirit (what I think of as emergence) allows mind to create ... However, mind, in darkness, also creates, even if that which it may create can be considered illusionary (fear). As this is the case, the mind in darkness may seek out Love, and Love as a unifying force will be attained. Such a process will carry the mind through destruction in order to fulfill the purpose of love. This seems natural enough as this will has emerged from darkness and must be in harmony with its source of emergence. This process, although a reflection of the very nature of existence, places mind into an apparent contradiction with itself. Simply stated, how may one justify actions towards love that the will may require, when the means to that end have a destructive quality? Here, we arrive at the creation of suffering, whose reconciliation is faith which in turn may lead one towards enlightenment. So my quandary is this:
Why should I choose to love, when loving leads me through suffering.